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Dr. Konior


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Midiman:



Glad your experience with Shapiro went well. Do you have any before or after pics? Also, how many grafts per cm2 were you shooting for?


Hi Midiman,


My experience in detail and my photos immediately post op is here:


I do not have any recent photos (Im currently at 2 months post op) because there has not been much growth. I will post some more pics starting at 3 months. I got dense packing between 50-55cm2 on my hairline and increased density on the thinning area behind my front tuff.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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  • 8 years later...
  • Senior Member
So Tired,

Dr. Ron Shapiro once explained this to me by asking me to imagine a room full of people standing (i.e. representing existing hair follicles under the skin). Then he suggested picturing a wide bladed cutting through the wall and across this room perpendicular to all the people standing. Because this blade's cutting surface is sweeping wide across the room it could sever (transect) many of the people. This scenario represented a "Lateral" (perpendicular) incision or slit.


Dr. Shapiro then asked me to imagine these same people standing in the room only now the blade cuts into the room through the ceiling with the flat side of the blade parallel to the people (i.e. representing a sagital incision). With the blade orientated parallel to the people it would have a better chance of slicing through and in between these standing people (i.e. hair follicles) and thus not severing (transecting) them.


I wanted to bump this thread to highlight what an amazing explanation of lateral/sagittal incisions Pat gave us with this analogy.

Edited by bismarck
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