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Scabs refusing to go in recipient area after 3 weeks

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Although a few a still falling each day, still there are a lot of scabs in the recipient area. I have tried to be as gentle as I can and even at times use a little more force and really can't use too much force.


My concern is that I have read that scabs can be decrimental to hair growth over time so not sure what else to do. I've used coal tar shampoo, baby oil but looks like these scabs are very stubbron. Some of them are quite thick scabs.


Part of the problem I think some of the HT I done is where the old front hairline was. Its difficult to see in there so I guess the scabs are tightly stuck in the hair!

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Yea this part of the process is the toughest in my own opinion. I was a nervous wreck, because didn't want to dislodge any of the grafts when attempting to rub away the scabs. What worked for is soaking my entire head about 10-15 minutes before washing my hair. This helps loosen the scabs. I also used vitamin e oil throughout the day, which seemed to help a lot. Hope these tips help a little...


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I had the same issue.


After 3 weeks I felt confident that the grafts weren't going anywhere so every day I soaked my head in the bath/shower and scrubbed my scalp with a softish nail brush. Within a week all of the scabs were gone and I didn't lose a graft.

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