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change in hair texture

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I am 8 months post op 2nd procedure (1200 march 07 and 1300 Jan 08). My grafts were all placed in the frontal area. The first procedure created a hairline and the 2nd procedure filled in behind the hairline. I have always had very fine, silky light hair but have noticed that the transplanted hairs are very course and wiry (also much darker). They also tend to grow straight up or out and refuse to lay down. this is even still the case with the grafts from the 1st procedure (now 18 months out). The new hair does not blend well with the original hairs and doesn't look natural (in my opinion).


Has anyone else experienced the same or similar? How long if ever does it take to return to normal?

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  • Regular Member

I am 8 months post op 2nd procedure (1200 march 07 and 1300 Jan 08). My grafts were all placed in the frontal area. The first procedure created a hairline and the 2nd procedure filled in behind the hairline. I have always had very fine, silky light hair but have noticed that the transplanted hairs are very course and wiry (also much darker). They also tend to grow straight up or out and refuse to lay down. this is even still the case with the grafts from the 1st procedure (now 18 months out). The new hair does not blend well with the original hairs and doesn't look natural (in my opinion).


Has anyone else experienced the same or similar? How long if ever does it take to return to normal?

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  • Senior Member

At 8 months, its not unheard of for the hair texture to be coarse and wiry. I've seen alot of people complain about that, but it changes as the grafts mature. I wouldn't expect that grafts to be that way at 18 months though. Hopefully you picked a reputed surgeon who was skilled at placing grafts at the correct angles. Give it some time.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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try using some product in your hair. there are tons of gels/pomades you can try. i use a straightening balm made by abba and then a anti-friss gel.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Unfortunately, I have had the same issue...the new hair on the hairline always wants to stand straight up, or it actually curls back on itself which is a bit annoying. I am at 10 months, and although I am mostly pleased with the result, I do plan to ask my HT surgeon about this when I visit in a few months. I also chose a top surgeon, and so this is a bit surprising for me.


I use AG Hardgel, which works well, and I like my hair spiky, so it's a bit easier than your situation.


ANyone else with thoughts on this? WHy does the hair come out curly and wiry?

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As the hair matures during the hair transplant maturation process of one year, texture can often feel wispy and hair characteristics not 100% like your natural hair. Some hair restoration surgeons believe it could take up to 18 months for hair to fully mature and soften. In my experience, I found this to be pretty accurate.


Hair standing up out of place may have to do with its immature characteristics in the earlier months or the angulation of the hair from the base of the scalp. It's also possible that these few particular donor hairs have a tendency to curl, and due to "donor dominance", the transplanted hair will keep the characteristics of the donor hair.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

I think this is one of the less mentioned risks of HT. If you read the forums there is an underlying theme that the hair is differnt sometimes. Most people it is close enough that it does not bother them. In my case, I am 90 months out and have fairly straight hair. The transplanted hair is a bit differnt, but it was layered forward with the lateral slit so I dont have the problem of it standing up. However, after a certain lengt of about 2 inches the hair begins to curl. This may go away in time.


If a person has a wave to their hair naturally and the follicles are rotated randomly, this is bound to create some texture or directional problems. I think it is unavoidable.

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