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is fue a proven method?


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  • Senior Member

I think it is fair to say that "YES" the possibility of transection IS increased with FUE. This makes it important to choose an experienced surgeon with FUE. It is very possible to transect follicles with FUE, but an experienced surgeon should be able to give you good results with minimal transection.

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I think someone posted a VERY good FUE transection pict. The guy paid for 500 FUEs, but 527 "blood spots" were on the back of his head. I don't think that is too bad. You'll get some transections with strip method, too.


Arfy is right on the nose with his advice. The more FUE sessions the doc has done, the better he will be at avoiding transection, IMO, and the less hair will be wasted. Also, more experience probably means better ability to accommodate larger FUE sessions if you want/require them.



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  • Senior Member

An important question is : what happens with a transected graft during FUE ?

They almost all regrow !

The doctor I visited does also do body hair transplants. The transection rate for body hair goes up to 50% in some cases. However, when patients return afterwards for a check up the transected hairs on their chest have regrown ! If body hair regrows, why should transected head hair not regrow ?

But Arfy is very right, you need a very good FUE doc and there are very few of them at the moment.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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We should remember that the FUE approach hasn't been time tested yet and we probably all just should take a breather and let the technology improve before jumping into it or slamming the strip method like is so prevalent today here on this boards and others.


The wild west of hair transplantation just got wilder with the fue!

Remember back when everyone got the pluggy look that was cutting edge technology!

Who knows what will happen to the donor area in a few years with fue surgery?


Just my thoughts, not stirring up trouble.

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  • Senior Member

Hey guy's just my 2 cents.But I went to 25 consults for ht until I finally decided what would be the best technique for my situation.After having strip I decided for me that to add my desired density and because of my hair charecteristics I would go with Fue.I contacted people who have had the procedure some 8 years ago and liked what I saw donor area intact no harm and was convinced.Yes I paid alot for it but my results I am happy with so far after 7 months and more to come.So there for from my expereince I thank and highly recomend Dr.Ray Woods and Angelia Cambell.There results have stood the test of time in my opinion.

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