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My Hair Transplant Experience Wtih Dr. Cooley


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At the end of September, I had a hair transplant with Dr. Jerry Cooley in Charlotte, North Carolina. Many other people have posted here about their great experiences with Dr. Cooley so I don't want to spend a lot of time repeating what has been said before countless times. However, Dr. Cooley is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the world. He is also a genuine nice guy. He is passionate about his work. He cares about the final result as much as his patients do.


My Background: I am in my early 50s. I started losing my hair when I was a sophomore in college. Some people are able to maintain their self-esteem, self-confidence, and joy of life in the face of hair loss or baldness. I was not one of those people. I had the type of face that I looked great with hair but ugly without hair. Thus, when I started losing my hair, my friends teased me. The girls who I was able to attract with hair didn't want to have anything to do with me. Consequently, I lost my self-confidence, self-esteem and joy of living. When other people were building self-confidence, I was developing self-doubt and insecurity. My hair loss caused low self-esteem and depression that affected every aspect of my life. I did not go bald all of a sudden. My hair loss was the very slow but steady hair loss. In some ways, it is harder to die a slow death than a quick one.


In the face of depression and self-doubt, I did struggle on and I found some type of life. I married and got divorced. (My insecurities and depression the reason for the divorce) I married again and I had children. I found a career as a low level banker. But my hair loss/baldness was always the backdrop of my life. It cast a pall over my life. The best analogy that I can give is instead of living life in living color, I was living life in black and white.


Over the years, I tried to find the solution to hair loss. I spent thousands of dollars on gadgets, lotions and potions. I spent money on the "Helsinki Formula." Any of you old guys remember that one? I bought a scalp massager. I bought an electro magnetic acupuncture gadget that sent out a small shock. I faithfully shocked my follicles every night for 10 minutes. I shelled out $600 on the Laser Comb. I spent a good sum of money on the Luftek method. I bought and tried various lotions and vitamins too numerous to remember. I even paid $20.00 about 20 years ago for a booklet that would reveal the secret to grow back hair (i.e. buffing your fingernails). However, nothing worked. I would buy or try a new pill, lotion or gadget. I would have hope. I would convince myself that this is the thing that is going to grow back my hair. After trying it for months or even years, I would come to the realization that it wasn't working and I would become more depressed, despondent and bitter at life.


The Turn-Around: When Propecia first came out I was intrigued by it. However, I read horror stories on the Web about how it will lower your sex drive, shrink your dick, screw with your hormones and make you feel weird. Consequently, I did not take it. However, I saw a Dateline NBC program in November 2004 about 5 guys from Miami who were trying different approaches to fighting hair loss. Two guys were taking Propecia and after 6 months their results were impressive. None of them had any side affects. I started reading comments from several doctors who strongly believed that side effects from Propecia were a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, if you started taking Propecia worried about side effects and thinking that you would get them, than you would probably get those side effects.


I started taking Propecia in December 2004. In about three months, my barber stated that he saw little hairs coming in all over the large bald spot in my crown. Six months later, my crown was filled with hair. Now almost two years later, I do not have a bald spot any longer. I have re-grown the hair in my crown and I have maintained a bridge of hair that I had separating my front from my crown. The hair in my crown is not thick, teenager hair, but it is hair nonetheless. The hair in my crown covers my crown and it continues to get thicker each month according to my barber. IF YOU ARE LOSING YOUR HAIR AND YOU ARE NOT TAKING PROPECIA, GET ON PROPECIA. I should have started taking it years ago. I can't believe I was such an idiot to believe all of the horror stories about side effects. I have had no side effects from Propecia. None whatsoever. My doctor who prescribed it stated that if I did manifest any side effects, he would work with me to try to eliminate those effects. For example, if I was taking it in the morning, I could switch to taking it at night. Or, I could reduce the dosage to .5 mg. instead of the standard 1 mg. per day. Or, I could take it every other day instead of every day. Thus, I went into taking Propecia confident that I would not have any side effects and knowing that if I did, my doctor would tweak things so that I could still take Propecia and eliminate the side effects. Plus, I have met several men who have been on Propecia for years and they have maintained their hair. The assertion that Propecia loses its effectiveness after five years only applies to people who have taken Propecia but were not good responders. People who take Propecia and are good responders continue to maintain and grow hair after 5 years. The one negative thing about Propecia. It did not grow one hair in my bald front.


The Hair Transplant: With my spirits lifted from the great results I was having with Propecia, I started looking into hair transplants to restore my front. I can't thank Pat enough for this site. I am so glad I found this site. I read every post on this site for a year and a half. I made extensive notes about Docs, density, recovery, etc. I was then ready to take the plunge. I visited 3 Coalition doctors including Doctor Cooley. I was so impressed with Dr. Cooley that I decided to go with him. I got over 2700 grafts in my frontal area. Before the procedure, Dr. Cooley and I discussed my hairline and density. I wanted a mature hairline with a slight recession at the temples. However, I wanted dense-packing in my recipient areas. I got 2700 grafts, which should give me a density of 50 follicular units per cm in that egg-shaped area on top and in front. In the temple areas, the density is slightly less. Dr. Cooley also gave me a slight transition zone in front so it looks natural and I don't have a wall of hair where my hairline begins.


Some Insights and Comments: The transplant took 11 hours. Dr. Cooley is meticulous and conscientious. He has one tech helping him place the grafts. However, he places most of the grafts himself. He places all of the grafts in the critical hairline area. I did not feel any pain whatsoever. The hardest part of the whole procedure is just lying on your back for 11 hours while the grafts are being inserted. I checked in with Dr. Cooley the next day before I returned home. He gave me a treatment where he puts a rubber cap over my scalp attached to a hose attached to oxygen. He sprayed a copper peptide solution on my grafts, put saran wrap on my head, put a cap over it and I was on my way home. I cannot say enough positive things about Dr. Cooley and his staff. I would recommend him without reservation. I know that that are other good docs out there but in my opinion, Doctor Cooley is one of the best. It is almost like arguing over who is the best wide receiver in the NFL. Is it Marvin Harrison, Tory Holt, Terrell Owens, Hines Ward, Steve Smith? People can make an argument for each one as being the best receiver just as people can make an argument for a certain doc as being the best transplant doc. However, if you are balding or losing your hair and you live in the Carolinas or even on the east coast, you should at least visit Dr. Cooley and see what he has to recommend. He has no ego whatsoever. He is one of the best transplant docs in the world and he is a genuine nice guy.


For the next seven days I followed Dr. Cooley's post-op instructions. On the night of Day 7, Dr. Cooley told me to gently shampoo my graft area to get rid of the copper peptide residue and to get rid of some of the tiny scabs that were attached to the hairs in the transplanted grafts. The scabs were so tiny that I did not even think they were scabs. I thought they were fat hairs. I gently shampooed the graft area. Dr. Cooley told me to stop if I saw any blood. I gently shampooed and every minute I asked my wife to look if there was any blood. No blood whatsoever. Thus, according to Dr. Cooley, if there was no bleeding, the grafts were firmly secure. I got rid of some of the tiny scabs. Once again, these scabs were so tiny that I did not even think they were scabs. I went to work the next day and no one noticed a thing. I got the sutures out after 14 days. The donor area is slightly pink but hair is growing through the scar because Dr. Cooley used the tri closure method.


It is now slightly more than three weeks after my transplant and I look exactly as I did before the transplant. As I stated above, I have a good amount of thick hair in the bridge between my crown and front. I just combed that slightly forward when I went back to work and it covered up my small transplanted hair. However, all of the small transplanted hair has fallen out and I look no different than I did prior to the surgery.


What's Next: These next 3,6, 9 and 12 months are going to be the longest of my life as I wait for the hair to grow and the final result to become evident. As I stated above, over the years I have become the epitome of self-doubt and insecurity. So, of course that is also going to affect my thinking with regard to my hair transplant over the next 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Will I have enough density? What will the final result look like? Will all of the grafts survive? Was I gentle enough in shampooing the scabs off in the recipient area on Day 7? Did I do anything unknowingly over the first couple days post-op to compromise the grafts? Dr. Cooley said that I had fine hair but I had good density and he was surprised with the number of 3 hair follicular units that I had. He said that I would be really pleased with my result. Then again, what is Dr, Cooley going to say? That I will look bad. (See that self-doubt and insecurity is still there)


Pictures: I am essentially computer illiterate but I will try to post some pics within a few days.


A Word of Thanks: As I stated, my research into hair transplantation consisted of reading each and every post on this forum for the year and a half before my surgery. Thus, I want to thank everyone who has posted on this forum. I also owe a special thank you to Robert, Ifloss, ThinkingAboutIt, and Mark H. Thanks for responding to my private messages and for your words of support and encouragement. Last, but not least, there are no words to express the depth of my gratitude to Pat, the founder of this forum. If it were not for Pat, I would have never known about ultra refined follicular unit transplantation and the Coalition Docs. I would have probably gone for my transplant to some butcher close to home and be on the verge of suicide now.


Questions? If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. It may take me a while to get back to you as I am swamped at work right now.

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Hello JW. Great account of both your personal feelings about your hairloss and the experience itself. I too have tried a number of various "lotions and potions" in the past and none worked. I have pretty strong opinions about these gimics out there today...to the point that these clowns marketing these products should be put in jail for life for giving false hope to people. Perhaps they can get away with it by stamping a "30-90 day free trial" or "money back guarnateed" slogan on it. Either way, it's a shame, because we try all these products that not only don't work, but while time is passing we are losing more hair and time is off the essence.


If you need help posting pictures I'll be happy to try to help you. You can email them to me if you need help. Private Messsage - PM me if you want my help.


Well, you and I are in the same boat my friend though you are 3 weeks ahead of me. I just got out of my 3rd HT on 10/19, so I'm a whopping Day 2 post op! Perhaps we can encourage each other. It will be a rough and bumpy 3 months, but once the babies start to grow, exciting things will start to happen!



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  • Senior Member

Hey JW, no disagreement on Dr. Cooley. He's da' bomb.


I have passed the 5 week mark, and I am so glad to be confident that I have one of the top docs in the business.


yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of baldness, I will fear no shedding, for he is with me.


Best of Luck!


mark h

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Great post and we all have felt your pain. I, like you have a head that would not look right without hair and looks good with hair. I think their are very few guys who actually look good bald. I am glad you had such good success with propecia. That is a big key to any HT success -controlling the crown. Your HT will look great in the front and if the crown keeps improving, your in hair heaven!! icon_biggrin.gif Good luck!





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I found your account of your hairloss and how you have dealt with it very moving. I have experienced the entire roller coaster of emotions you cited: the undermined self image and confidence, hinderence with enjoyable acitivties (i.e. swimming), difficulty in social and professional settings (though most of them couldn't care less now, women in our genration during the 80's were generally not receptive to balding men), and the grasping at straws for any possible remedy or cure.


When you described how it "cast a pall" over your life I couldn't have said it more eloquently. Even though you and I seem to have been blessed in other ways for which we are thankful, my early hairloss is something I will always have bitterness and anger about.


Congratulations on taking positive steps to address it. You certainly chose a skilled and highly regarded surgeon for your proceedure. It's also encouraging to hear the results you've had with Propecia as I just started on it this summer.


Best of luck to you over the coming months as you await your "transformation". I'll be following your progress with great interest. Although it's easier to give this advice than to accept it, don't let your hair (or lack of it) define who you are.



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PCC and JW (and everyone else who reads this),


You've both defined very well why we are all here. I'd venture to say that every man here is here because of how we view ourselves in regards to losing our hair. Unfortunately we do attach a certain level of value to who we are in how we look...and it's simply hard not to. Society dictates that looks are very important, and we know as men that we already have a natural longing to be attractive to the opposite sex. But PCC, you are right...we struggle but we shouldn't and can't let our hair or lack of hair define who we are. Interestingly enough, studies have shown that most women are much less concerned about how men look than about who they are...which is a far cry to how we view women sometimes...which is a shame. Women want an attractive man....but a real feminine woman looks for a man of strength and character, one who is confident in who they are (regardless of whether or not we are or aren't the most attractive man alive), one who will romance them, and live an adventure with them by their side.


We must remember...that even if we get our hair back, it may give us confidence for awhile...but one day, we will all be old and the older we get, the less attractive we will be to the world....in the ways of looks. So we must get our confidence from somewhere else....which should be nothing to do with our looks. Women want to be wooed by a secure confident man in who they are...sexiness comes from the inside out. It is even true with men looking at women...come now...listen. What is sexier...a good looking woman too afraid to be herself around people, sitting in the background afraid to speak for fear she might be judged? Or a slightly less attractive woman who is having a great time enjoying life, being herself, not afraid to express her thoughts, her dreams, her desires...not afraid to try new things, to dance and move her body, etc? Sexiness is much more about who people are than how they look. Unfortunately it seems so backwards, mostly because we begin to be less confident when we feel we don't look as good as we want. But imagine if we were still confident no matter how we looked? I bet we would still find that one woman who will love us for who we are, we'd still enjoy life with good friends and family, and we'd enjoy the fruits of life without the worry that people are evaluating us which currently may or may not prevent us from doing the things we want.


I am not simply giving advice here...just sharing the facts. Somehow we associate our looks with who we are, and we get discouraged...and we begin to act as we feel. We associate baldness with ugliness, and ugliness with lonliness....so by association, we begin to live like lonely people....preventing others from entering our lives richly. It becomes almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. "I am bald, therefore people (mostly women we think here) will not love me". But what really draws people away from us has nothing to do with how we look....it's how we live. If we live confidently and richly, we will draw people to ourselves....but if we live withdrawing from others and timidly, surely others will feel rejected by us and won't want to be around us...which oddly enough only support our false believe that we hold true "I am bald, therefore people will not love me." If peole do not love us, it has nothing to do with us being bald men...it either has to do with something wrong with that individual, or there is something else in us that is preventing them from loving us...maybe we pushed them away? Maybe we were too shy to spend the time that we should have to get to know them for who they are? We have to remember...people want to be accepted for who they are...this is inclusive of ALL people....ALL women, and ALL men. Nobody is without flaws...this should give us comfort. We can bond here as balding men because we share the same ailment. But what about people who are overweight? What about women who feel their breasts are too small? What about the people who have experienced scarring from acne? There are so many imperfections and insecurities and we all have them. People are people and women are no different. Even the most beautiful woman in the world (to us) if they trust us will tell us of how lonely and desparate they feel sometimes...and how they are insecure about something about themselves. Even if it's not about their looks, surely there will be something about their personality they question. So we are not alone...we all have flaws, and we all as people overanalyze them. Surely there will be the occasional woman who doesn't want to date us because they are looking for a man with more hair...but this is much more rare than we believe it. Sexiness comes from the inside out....it's who we are that matters.


None of this is to say that I disagree with making ourselves feel more confident by getting a hair transplant....look at me? I've had THREE! And oddly enough I've only told THREE people in real life including my wife! My discussion if you will is much more profound...it's to hopefully help people see that we are all people, we all have flaws, and we all want to be loved for who we are. Let's not be decieved and think that getting more hair will change who we are...it's all about what we put confidence in.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member



You can find Dr. Cooley's profile on the Hair Transplant Network here and here is his contact information in Charlotte:








The Hair Center

10502 Park Rd. Ste 100


North Carolina 28210



You can also check out my hair loss weblog for more photos of Dr. Cooley and his staff in action.


Best of luck!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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