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News on NEOSH101

Guest HLBD

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Guest HLBD

Hey guys, just found out something about the science behind the Neosil compound in FDA Phase 2b trials. The compound is called NEOSH101 and it is a proteasome inhibitor. It was licensed from a bone manipulation biotech company in San Antonio, TX that noticed that the inhibitor regrew hair. It has been tested against 5% minox and found to be faster acting - re-growth begins in as little as 14 days - and grows thicker hair.


Proteasome inhibitors block the action of proteasomes: cellular complexes that break down proteins.


"It was stumbled upon accidentally while researchers were studying the drug for bone growth while working on a treatment/cure for osteoporosis."


It will be a topical applied once daily. This is far from "the cure" but, if it works as planned, it would be a far more effective and faster acting tool against MPB - it might replace minox. The company is announcing a possible release for the drug by 2008 - they, like many others, want to try to beat any competitors to market.

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Guest HLBD

Hey guys, just found out something about the science behind the Neosil compound in FDA Phase 2b trials. The compound is called NEOSH101 and it is a proteasome inhibitor. It was licensed from a bone manipulation biotech company in San Antonio, TX that noticed that the inhibitor regrew hair. It has been tested against 5% minox and found to be faster acting - re-growth begins in as little as 14 days - and grows thicker hair.


Proteasome inhibitors block the action of proteasomes: cellular complexes that break down proteins.


"It was stumbled upon accidentally while researchers were studying the drug for bone growth while working on a treatment/cure for osteoporosis."


It will be a topical applied once daily. This is far from "the cure" but, if it works as planned, it would be a far more effective and faster acting tool against MPB - it might replace minox. The company is announcing a possible release for the drug by 2008 - they, like many others, want to try to beat any competitors to market.

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Since there are reports that hairs never fully die, but only significantly miniaturize, do we know if this new medication will reactivate even the most miniaturized hairs?


I'd be curious to see more of the science behind it, and of course, see if it actually works, and if so, how well?





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  • Senior Member

Very interesting.....


Any link or information you can share? I'd love to read up on it and learn more.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Guest HLBD

Bill and Hairbank,


Sorry guys for taking so long to respond. I just took my first vacation in three years! So, yeah, I made the decision (along with the fiance) not to take my cell phone or my laptop and not to use the ships computers to access the Internet the whole time. It was scarry at first, but I relaxed a lot easier after the first day or two.


To answer your questions, Bill, I don't think anyone is too sure of how damaged a follicle NEOSH101 can bring back to life. Despite the fact that we have several studies to prove that the follicle never dies, neither propecia or minox can bring every follicle back. I don't think that it would be able to bring one of the invisable follicles like the ones on our forehead back - my thinking is a bit elementary on that, but considering consumers would be applying this themselves and all companies must cater to the lowest common denominator, I think that they would be VERY iffy on letting consumers apply something to their own scalp that might end up growing a toupee on your arm or a wig on your forehead. From the reports, it would appear that NEOSH101 - if it works as claimed and makes it to the market - would easily replace minox as a faster (starts working in as little as 14 days), easier to apply (you only need to apply it once and then you can stop applying it for another 2 weeks and it'll keep working), and more effective (it grows thicker, stronger hair AND it appears to work on both the vertex of the head and the top of the scalp - which, of course, minox doesn't seem to be able to do).


I think I am quite a bit more encouraged that Dr. Vera Price is involved in the testing. If you don't know who she is, she is a brilliant hair loss researcher that has been involved in every major breakthrough in hair loss prevention drug therapy - including Rogaine and Propecia.


Hairbank, there isn't a lot of information out there to be had - I used to work for a biotech company and I can tell you that it's like working for the CIA. The #1 consideration when working for them is that almost all their discoveries are natural ones - or they start out in the natural world - which means ANY other company could find out about your discovery and come up with a much better manipulation strategy in less time.


Luckily, I was a biotech research assistant for many years with two companies here in Austin and I had friends that worked on the Osteoscan (the discoverers of the inhibitor) that I talked to...


For more general information, you can try their website at www.neosil.com or you can do a websearch (you might want to include hair loss as a key word in the search) for Osteoscan in San Antonio.

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I wonder if this stuff would have the "everything falls out almost immediately if you ever quit using it" problem that minox has.


That issue alone has kept me from getting on minox. Knowing that I have no choice but to gunk-up my head again every few hours for the rest of my life is not worth it. Anything that doesn't stop the androgen receptors or the DHT in the scalp . . . it'll absolutely hook you into using the product for life.




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"everything falls out almost immediately if you ever quit using it"


Well, see, I think that is where this regrowth agent would be superior. You can use it once a day for two weeks and then stop for two weeks with it still working - in fact, that is the suggested use for the test. It is possible that this topical will get more effective with time, as opposed to less, which is the problem with both minox and propecia.

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  • Regular Member

HDLB Did you say 2008 for a release date earlier on. How optimistic would you be personally about neosil having a product by next year.

I wonder how effective it would be when it comes out.

Who knows if used in conjunction with the androscience compound if it makes it out of the lab along this wnt dermebrasion treatment if it to acquires fda approval could all together work as a cure.

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I'm just extremely leery about any hair loss product that doesn't actually stop the DHT damage from occurring.

Not preventing the DHT damage to the follicles = risky.



Suppose John Q. Citizen is balding agressively. John-Q is using finasteride but he's sick of the sexual sides. Then NEOSH101 comes out and works beautifully. Suppose John-Q has gotten so much hair growing back better & stronger, and MPB seems to be a thing of the past . . . then he decides to stop being the only sexually frustrated & bald guy left on the block. He drops the finasteride and finally gets the HTs he's always wanted. He maxes-out his donor area to be a NW#2 with a good sex life again . . .



. . . but suppose a few years later, this (new, untested) NEOSH101 gets yanked off the market for safety reasons. Or suppose men's bodies just start to "accomodate for it" the way they seem to do with anything else after a while . . .


Now, John-Q is TOTALLY F*CKED!!!


He's got a whole head of DHT-damamged hair, he's got years of no finasteride anymore, and his new ace-in-the-hole inflammation blocker is suddenly gone. His scalp feels like it's on fire and his natural hair races up about four Norwood levels inside of six months. His donor area is strip-scarred & totally exhausted, he's got thousands of damn near original-density grafts stuffed into the first few inches of his hairline, and he's got a totally bald head behind it.



Totally f*cked. Hair Club member for life.

And every step of the way, everything he did seemed to be quite a safe & prudent course of action at the time he did it.




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Neosil is still quite hopeful about a 2008 release date. They are quite far in testing - done with Phases 1 and 2a and closing 2b... The inhibitor passed the toxicology phase with flying colors and has no side effects, so it appears to be pretty darn safe. I would expect that the company is correct and that it will be the next hair loss prevention drug on the market.




There is no hard evidence on why DHT damages some hair follicles. They don't really know why this compound or even why minox works, for that matter.


Reseachers with Neosil and Osteoscan however, have the theory that somehow the inhibtor inhibits the ability of DHT (or whatever it is that causes this type of hair loss) from breaking down the body's natural supply or proteins that stimulate the hair follicle's own stem cells to regrow the hair. The thing is, EVERYONE has DHT on their scalps. It's just that, for some people, the DHT actually causes damage.


I'd like to stress again that no one is stating that NEOSH101 is a cure. It may not work for some people and may work wonderfully for others, the studies are just now being done.


I disagree that, in your example, 'John-Q' has done everything in a "safe & prudent" manner. Why? Because hair loss has several causes and he is counted on treating just one. This is the same problem that doctors face when telling people not to count on Propecia or Rogaine or any future treatments when planning their HT.

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I realize that there's much more to the story than just raw DHT levels, but I'm very wary of all the zillions of drugs/herbs that purport to grow hair based on fighting the inflammation alone. IMHO, that's basically just fighting the outward appearance of hair loss (the visibly missing hairs) without ever treating or even slowing down the underlying problem (DHT damage).


But when making that last post above, I had been under the impression that NEOSH101 was basically just a supercharged minox. From what you say, it sounds like NEOSH101 might be able to do something more significant for the problem than just fighting inflammation. THAT would be real progress.


I still don't know what to think about the long-term issues with any of these drugs. That's why I'm so wary. Stopping the DHT with something like finasteride might not work forever, but at least you know that the ground it gained on your MPB was really gained. MPB might eventually retake those hairs if you quit fin, but at least MPB hasn't still been invisibly gaining on you during the whole time you were on the pills.


I will be really encouraged if NEOSH101 has this kind of lasting prevention effect like the current DHT inhibitors do.




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