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May 15th is the big day ! Tucson, AZ

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  • Regular Member

hey guys...after hours of research in the forums and outside I finally decided to go with Dr. Keene. Apart from her excellent credentials and patient testimonies, it was also her fantastic work on hairlines which solidified my decision to get my HT done with her.


I am scheduled for May 15th 2008 at her clinic in Tucson.


I must admit I am feeling a little nervous, never had any sort of surgery in my life so far ..this is the first !!!...I hope everything goes by smoothly.


If any of you had a HT done with Dr. Keene, I would really appreciate your inputs !!



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  • Regular Member

hey guys...after hours of research in the forums and outside I finally decided to go with Dr. Keene. Apart from her excellent credentials and patient testimonies, it was also her fantastic work on hairlines which solidified my decision to get my HT done with her.


I am scheduled for May 15th 2008 at her clinic in Tucson.


I must admit I am feeling a little nervous, never had any sort of surgery in my life so far ..this is the first !!!...I hope everything goes by smoothly.


If any of you had a HT done with Dr. Keene, I would really appreciate your inputs !!



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  • Senior Member

good luck to you sir, hope everything works out well. from the pictures i have seen dr. keene does some excellent work. im hoping to have my procedure done sometime in May as well. also never had surgery before but i will say im more excited than nervous, although, i'd be lying if i said there wasn't some nervousness. like you though, i have picked a great surgeon, and feel very comfortable in his hands.

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hey Avin I had my consultation wig dr Keene and planning on geting Ht done next month. Frankly I havnt done much research. At clinic they have photos of successful operations. On these forums all comments about her are positive. I havn met a real persn yet who has undergone a successful surgery with Keene in past. I wanted to make an informed de ision just likeothers based on whether her ht has ever failed in terms of grafts not growin 100% or uneven growth. If you have done your research any research you can share will give me confidence in making a ht decision

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I am glad to see that you selected an excellent surgeon even though you have not done a lot of research. Be sure however, to spend some time researching how hair transplantation works, the benefits, limitations, and risks associated with surgery.


Dr. Keene does excellent work in my opinion and is quite popular for being able to produce a very natural feathered hairline.


See the results of forum member "Gorpy" for a fine example of her work. You may also want to send Gorpy a private message and get his feedback personally. He's a good guy and I know he would help you out.


If there is anything I can do to help you, feel free to send me a private message.


Best wishes,



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