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Im new to this, and would like some help figuring how many graphs i might need.

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I'm going to go toa dcotor, but im wondering if any professionals on this site, could give me an idea about how many i might require. im in new orleans la. I have been starting to lose for maybe 5-7 years but its been gradual. this is the only area with any hair loss, everything else has been fine.


Im just wondering about how many i can except and should get based on these images. Im in college saving up to move and get a car, but the hair must come first.


i know it might be hard to say exact how many i should get but a rough estimate would be very helpful. Im just nervous about this and all, I want to do this, but would rather have a good idea of what i should except, and how much I should save up.



im 27 and have been slowly noticing it for maybe 5 or 7 years






























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I'm going to go toa dcotor, but im wondering if any professionals on this site, could give me an idea about how many i might require. im in new orleans la. I have been starting to lose for maybe 5-7 years but its been gradual. this is the only area with any hair loss, everything else has been fine.


Im just wondering about how many i can except and should get based on these images. Im in college saving up to move and get a car, but the hair must come first.


i know it might be hard to say exact how many i should get but a rough estimate would be very helpful. Im just nervous about this and all, I want to do this, but would rather have a good idea of what i should except, and how much I should save up.



im 27 and have been slowly noticing it for maybe 5 or 7 years






























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  • Senior Member

Hmmmm...I'd say ~1500, but it really depends on the type (read: how bold) of a hairline you and your doctor decide upon.


I'd do some consults (live or online) with a few super-reputable clinics; give them a variety of good photos and see what they have to say.


Your hairloss is relatively good, btw, as far as I can tell.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

Hmmmm...I'd say ~1500, but it really depends on the type (read: how bold) of a hairline you and your doctor decide upon.


I'd do some consults (live or online) with a few super-reputable clinics; give them a variety of good photos and see what they have to say.


Your hairloss is relatively good, btw, as far as I can tell.


by good you mean bad? or good as in not serious yet but its a good time to get it fixed?

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  • Senior Member

By good I mean it is very moderate and looks relatively good -- that is, it sucks ass you are balding, but it really could be much much worse. And, as I figured, you can already conceal it well.


As for that site....I have to be up very early so I gotta go to sleep soon....but please....please....please....do not go to some quack clinic like the one you linked. There is a monumental discrepency in the refinement, artistry, CONSISTENCY, expertise, and follow-up care -- at worst, the discprency can be profoundly life altering...and not always for the better.


Start doing some research on clinics; most if not all of the best ones will do a legit consult with you on the house and impart you with w/e wisdom and advice they have.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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im trying to find other info on that doctor from the clinic i linked to in my previous post. i found this so far, still looking. anyone know any where i could go thats both got a good reputation and b isnt too expensive (not asking for cheap cheap, just not super expensive. I am moving to ls angeles in fall 2009 ill need to research the area as well, but right now its impossible for me to really travel outside of This area, im still finishing my time at my university here. and going to film school next fall in los angeles.

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Welcome to our forum community.


As others have noted, your hair loss is minimal at this point. Based on your pictures above and in my opinion, you don't need a hair transplant at this point though if you want fill in areas of your receding hairline slightly, a smaller session of 1500-1800 grafts might do the trick. Be sure to research all surgeons you are considering and select one based on proven consistency in results.


If you are still experiencing hair loss, consider Propecia and even possibly Rogaine. Together these medications are pretty good at slowing down or stopping hair loss.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Yeah, like Bill said, your hairloss is minimal at best. I know it doesn't feel this way to you though but to be honest, it looks great dude.


In my opinion, any work you had done would only yield a minimal change in your appearance as well. The decision is yours of course, but at 27 and with your hair still looking great, I'd throw that money at a nice car, go to film school in L.A, have a blast and worry about it later when you've got a little more money to throw around. If you still bothers you. I doubt location will make a difference to you at that point.


I wouldn't recommend any clinics in the your area and feel good about it so I can't help you there.


Good luck whatever you decide bro. icon_smile.gif And have fun in L.A!



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  • Senior Member

You have a good head of hair to work with it looks like. Your slightly receding in temples and that looks like it.-- So I would suspect a good hairline doctor like Shapiro could give you great results with 2000 grafts or LESS. That is probably all you need.


Also, another recommendation that a hair sylist from years ago told me that was 100% true, CUT YOUR HAIR SHORTER it will give it a fuller look. The longer the hair the more weighted down it is and makes look thinner. Its true.



Dr. Shapiro

Propecia/Rogain xtra

MSM/Saw Pallmetto/Zinc

Nioxin Shampoo line

Zrii 3oz daily

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