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Hi everyone. I have been visiting the board for over a year now and never took the time to post. Without knowing it so many of you have given me a great deal of insight about my hairloss and for that I am forever grateful. I have been on Propecia for a little over a year and while I have noticed no new hair, I feel it has at least slowed the process. I wanted to share my photos with everyone and get your opinions on what my expectations should be from a hair transplant. As you can see I have diffused thinning and am concerned about the potential shock loss of the procedure. To be honest if I merely had recession in the temple areas with a strong forelock I probably wouldn't even consider a procedure. But, this "nontraditional" thinning look drives me batty. So, I'm leaving it up to you guys.....recommendations on doc's,amount of grafts, expectations,etc. Thanks so much for all the information you have given me and I look forward to reading your responses. You guys rock!


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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone. I have been visiting the board for over a year now and never took the time to post. Without knowing it so many of you have given me a great deal of insight about my hairloss and for that I am forever grateful. I have been on Propecia for a little over a year and while I have noticed no new hair, I feel it has at least slowed the process. I wanted to share my photos with everyone and get your opinions on what my expectations should be from a hair transplant. As you can see I have diffused thinning and am concerned about the potential shock loss of the procedure. To be honest if I merely had recession in the temple areas with a strong forelock I probably wouldn't even consider a procedure. But, this "nontraditional" thinning look drives me batty. So, I'm leaving it up to you guys.....recommendations on doc's,amount of grafts, expectations,etc. Thanks so much for all the information you have given me and I look forward to reading your responses. You guys rock!


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Guest wanthairs





add rogaine and nizoral shampoo to your regime. if anything a procedure on you now, is most likely going to be regrettable later, and more importantly you look absolutely great now. Get Toppik concealer if that tiny bit of thinning in the front bothers u....

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Guest wanthairs



there are some cases where a transplant can accelerate hair loss when done with difuse thinning.


Also, you will use up valuable donor tirssue and imagine if the rest of your hair eventually falls out you would have an odd pattern there. Its best to lose much more hair first before you get a transplant because hair loss is a progressive condition. A tiny bit of concelaer will make you look like Elvis for at least another 10 years probably, providing you gst on meds right away...

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I am no expert. Here is how I feel, looking at your pics.


I agree with WantHaris. I did the same mistake and went with HT too soon and used up my donar area.


I suggest you go on Rogine, propecia and nizroal regimen. If you decide to go with HT, I strongly suggest you talk to a surgen who cares for the person not the sheer $$.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks again wanthairs I really appreciate your feedback. Shockloss has always been my concern. I was counting on the school of thought that Propecia months in advance of surgery limits the amount hair lost due to shock. It's the wierd transitional phase that is most annoying. My hair is too thin to grow out and looks patchy when short. I was trying my best to avoid going the concealer route only because I didn't want to get dependent on the full look and feel like I had to use it everytime I was in public. I know.....I know, foolish when the other option is spending 10's of thousands of dollars on surgery. I just like the idea of getting out of bed....showering...and heading out without concern of what light I may or may not be under.....

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  • Senior Member

hmmmm.... diffuse thinners are always difficult to really treat.


I think you are ok for a small session 1500-2000 grafts, provided that you are willing and able to continue 2-3 sessions of 1500-2000 grafts over the next few years should your loss excelerate------ you MUST understand that once you sign up for a HT, a person in your situation 100% will do additional surgeries.


I cannot tell you to hold off--- I think that is a good plan for you, but only you know how much your hairloss bothers you.


I would suggest any docs you consult with, you do in person.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member



Im a diffuse thinner as well. Its certainly a dilemna: your unhappy with your current situation, yet on the same token you have a considerable amount of hair and dont want to undergo this entire process only to lose it permanently via shockloss. Its hard to say no to a ht when you see pictures of guys going from totally bald on top to having more hair than you currently have. I personally have gone back and forth on this issue myself.



I want to ask your opinion. My hairloss is somewhat similar to FCs' with respect to the amount of native hair on top. If I was to go forward with a 4000 graft transplant, having them spread out over the entirity of the top of my scalp and with a mature hairline, then what is the material risk? Keeping in mind that the grafts are spread out over the top of my scalp and not giving me some dense 18 yr old Armani hairline?

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Welcome to our community.


The bottom line is that you still have a good head of hair. Unlike wanthairs however, I believe that hair transplantation in the hands of one of our coalition physicians may be an option for you assuming you consider all the benefits, risks, and limitations.


You have been on Propecia for a little over a year and you say that it has slowed down the hair loss process. This is a good thing. I think it is vital for anyone with a diffuse thinning pattern to be on Propecia to help minimize the risk of shock loss.


To learn more about what can be done to minimize the risk of shock loss, click here.


I would suggest that as long as you choose the right hair restoration physician, that starting with a smaller to average size session in the frontal third of your scalp would help improve your overall appearance of your hair. I would think that 2000 grafts sounds about right strategically placed in the frontal third. Due to the amount of native hair you have left - shaving the recipient area will most likely be necessary to help avoid transection of the existing hair follicles.


B Spot is right however. In the event of future hair loss - subsequent procedures will be needed.


Be sure to consider all the factors when considering hair transplantation.


See: What should I consider when researching hair transplantation.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member


Thanks so much for welcoming me to the boards. I have been following your progress over the last year and it's nothing short of amazing. I look at your profile pic and I can't help but be envious. That same level of density is exactly what I'm looking for. It seems that everyone is on the same or similar page. It's nice to hear that there is hope and I may benefit from transplants over time. I am budget conscious but would never sell myself short by going through a noncoalition doc. Notgoing2gobald, hit the nail right on the head. I see guys that start with much more hairloss than myself a year post transplant with a great deal of hair and it is frustrating but I'm faced with the realization that any procedure I undergo has the potential to cause more harm that good. Bill, you bring up a good point about hair graft placement as some areas in the frontal portion of my scalp already have reasonable density and it could be tricky just doing what amounts to be a "fill in".


This brings up another question that I have had for some time. I truly don't mind a receded hairline or even substantial regression in the temple area. To be conservative do any docs concentrate on density of the middle scalp and forelock area? My thought that in my case it would allow for a more traditional balding look (as insane as that sounds) and give me the maximum density in traditional areas. Any thoughts on that anyone?

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  • Senior Member

At your point, I would do everything to stabilize your hair..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I'm glad that my own personal journey has given you encouragement.


This brings up another question that I have had for some time. I truly don't mind a receded hairline or even substantial regression in the temple area. To be conservative do any docs concentrate on density of the middle scalp and forelock area? My thought that in my case it would allow for a more traditional balding look (as insane as that sounds) and give me the maximum density in traditional areas. Any thoughts on that anyone?


This is a common and intelligent game plan. Most hair restoration physicians believe in starting with a conservative hairline in the event of a lot of future loss - maximizing the benefit of a finite donor supply.


It's really a tough call looking at your pictures whether or not you would benefit from a hair transplant at this point. Your hair is still quite thick in most areas even though it is obviously starting to thin. In my opinion, if you consider hair transplantation at all, don't even consider the crown at this point.


As I said - because Propecia seems to have stabilized your hair loss and you've been on it for a year - the next step would be consulting with a few coalition physicians to get their professional input on your situation.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I totally agree with all the WAIT comments. You seem to have a good head of hair and I would be concerned with the potential of shockloss. I think your net/net change would be minimal at best at this time. In other words, add 2000 grafts and at the same time lose some hair to shockloss and naturally occurring hair loss and your overall change/benefit would be minimal.


Has your hair loss stabilized? I know mine goes through cycles every couple of years. I stabilize for a while, then lose a little more, then stabilize again. Waiting definitely won't hurt you at this time.


Like B Spot stated once you begin with a HT you will need to have a plan because you will most likely need additional surgeries down the road...a lifetime commitment.


Enjoy what you have now. Sure the thinning sucks, but aesthetically I think your current hair looks good



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Regular Member

Thanks again to everyone for posting their comments. Eman, my hair does seem to go through cycles. I began noticing loss about 8 years ago. My hair couldn't be styled in the fashion I was use to, looked thin in the the front. There was a period of time several years ago when I had to unclog the drain everytime I showered. It has since slowed somewhat, I believe this is largely due to my use of Propecia over the last 12 months.

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  • Senior Member

Unless I am missing something in this thread - what is your current age?


I think your hair will look fine for some time if you stay on the meds and use a concealer when needed. Shockloss is serious stuff and I would not risk it at this point.


You really do not look bad at all. I know it sucks losing some hair but you are far from being bald. I agree with wanthairs advice.


The longer you can hold off HT, the better chance the technology will improve with both HT and meds.





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