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Hasson vs. Shapiro


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I'm brand new to the forum and I first want to say thank you for all I've learned in the couple of weeks I've been reviewing this forum...


That said I have a few questions, I've read Bill very informative posts on things to consider and others follow-ups which were very helpful.


A little info on me, I'm 43 years old with diffused thinning on top and in the crown, heading toward a NW5 I'd say. I've never had a transplant and started noticing the thinning in my early thirties. I was on a product containing minoxidal for about 8 months, just stopped using it and started propecia. I used propecia a few years ago for about a year and I seemed to not lose any more hair, but not gain any either.


Now to my question, I've done some research and I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to Dr. Hasson and Dr. Shapiro, with one question on Dr. Armani. I did a virtual consultation with Dr. Hasson and he said I was a very good candidate based on my photos and needed 4000 to 4500 grafts. I will next be doing a phone consultation with Dr. Shapiro's office. I need to rebuild a mature hairline and give some denisty to the rest and maybe a little in the crown.


I know both surgeons are excellent, but I'd love feedback on why people choose either of the two surgeons, especially if they compared them directly. I know everyone is different, but we learn what is right for ourselves by hearing other perspectives. Also, I know Dr. Hasson does many sessions that get 4,000 to 4,500 in one megasession, does Dr. Shapiro also do this? Last question, I live in LA and travel is not an issue, I'd rather get the right surgeon, but...Dr. Armani is in Beverly Hills now and I know his reputation for not being responsible and packing to much density in young looking hairlines, is it possible to get him to do a more responsible session like Dr.'s Hasson and Shapiro would do - or not even worth checking him out since there is no question on the excellence of Hasson and Shapiro.


Thank you in advance for any help and comments.

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I'm brand new to the forum and I first want to say thank you for all I've learned in the couple of weeks I've been reviewing this forum...


That said I have a few questions, I've read Bill very informative posts on things to consider and others follow-ups which were very helpful.


A little info on me, I'm 43 years old with diffused thinning on top and in the crown, heading toward a NW5 I'd say. I've never had a transplant and started noticing the thinning in my early thirties. I was on a product containing minoxidal for about 8 months, just stopped using it and started propecia. I used propecia a few years ago for about a year and I seemed to not lose any more hair, but not gain any either.


Now to my question, I've done some research and I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to Dr. Hasson and Dr. Shapiro, with one question on Dr. Armani. I did a virtual consultation with Dr. Hasson and he said I was a very good candidate based on my photos and needed 4000 to 4500 grafts. I will next be doing a phone consultation with Dr. Shapiro's office. I need to rebuild a mature hairline and give some denisty to the rest and maybe a little in the crown.


I know both surgeons are excellent, but I'd love feedback on why people choose either of the two surgeons, especially if they compared them directly. I know everyone is different, but we learn what is right for ourselves by hearing other perspectives. Also, I know Dr. Hasson does many sessions that get 4,000 to 4,500 in one megasession, does Dr. Shapiro also do this? Last question, I live in LA and travel is not an issue, I'd rather get the right surgeon, but...Dr. Armani is in Beverly Hills now and I know his reputation for not being responsible and packing to much density in young looking hairlines, is it possible to get him to do a more responsible session like Dr.'s Hasson and Shapiro would do - or not even worth checking him out since there is no question on the excellence of Hasson and Shapiro.


Thank you in advance for any help and comments.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with PGP,


If travel is not an issue - maybe a consult in person with Hasson and SHapiro is your best route. It does sound like you are a good candidate for HT. Armani is very expensive and you already know about his issues.





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Wow. Talk about Dejavu


A little more than one year ago, I posted a thread saying that I had narrowed down my choices to Hasson or Shapiro. It was my first post ever. You can see it here:




Now, as I type this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Bloomington. I just left Dr Shapiro's office... he was super encouraging even though I was bit out of it due to all the flying (I live in Tampa). I am going to be up there at 7 AM tomorrow for my surgery.


I have heard great things about both Dr Shapiro and Dr Hasson. I made the choice I made for a few reasons... the sub follicular FU debate nudged me towards Shapiro, as well as the fact that he and his entire staff have an amazing track record of great results and are super nice (Janna! lol).


I am one of those guys that has always been super responsible and plays it safe, so finally taking the plunge is a big step for me. I own my own company and put most of the money in savings... I've paid off my school loans and have owned 3 Geo Prism's in my life (great MPG, super reliable!). But recently I've decided that if you never take risks, life isn't very exciting.


I tell you that to encourage you. I've been making a lot of good changes recently... I traded in my last Prism for a Honda S2000 Convertible, and I am finally going through with this surgery. I'm scared out of my mind, but Dr Shapiro was kind enough to introduce me to 2 of his previous patients in person... the donor scar I saw tonight was 1mm or less.


If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM. I have researched both Dr Hasson and Dr Shapiro to death in the past year or so, and I'd be happy to share my perspective. Bottom line though, I think either would be a good choice. Like someone said when I posted for the first time... you have pretty much narrowed it down to the top 2 clinics in the world at this point.


Good luck.



I don't work for a doctor.

Got 2700 fu from Ron Shapiro, 11-30-7

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Guest wanthairs



Congratulations finally !!!!!!!!!Tommorrows the big day for you !!!!!!!


hey if you dont mind, I'd lobve to meet up with you one evening to discuss your experience and see it close up.....as we are neighbors....because i need to book my second surgery now.....

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Good luck tomorrow!! I guess going to the convertable car is part of the plan, let all that new hair blow thru the wind!! icon_cool.gif


Its not about luck, its about knowledge, you did your research and it will pay off for you.





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Welcome to our community.


Selecting between two first-rate hair transplant surgeons doing state of the art work is like choosing between to masterpiece paintings from two extremely talented artists.


Whether you choose Dr. Hasson or Dr. Shapiro, you will be well taken care of. Both of them have an excellent track record of providing state of the art ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation.


As EmuSteve pointed out, he was wrestling with the very same two hair restoration physicians and after a lot of research made his decision to go with Dr. Shapiro.


I on the other hand, after a lot of research and 2 previous hair transplant surgeries went with Dr. Hasson.


In my experience, ultimately I was impressed with both hair transplant doctors but have been "wowed" by a number of Dr. Hasson results over the 3 years of being on this and other forum communities. The fact that he is also known to be the hair transplant megasession king is what convinced me to select him being that I was already on my third hair translant and needed as large of a hair transplant session as I could get.


Since Steve brought up the hot debate of subdivision of follicular units to inflate graft counts, I will add that I do not believe that Hasson and Wong subdivide follicular units or inflate graft counts. The only exception to this is what all hair restoration physicians do on occasion to create additional single hairs for the hairline. This debate is well documented in our forum community.


Who you ultimately select however, should be based on due dilligent research and on viewing a number of patient posted hair transplant results.


Good luck in your decision.



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There are some good points on this thread. I also agree with Bill that H&W have been supplying this forum with a lot of "wowfactor" HT's. We need to see more from Dr. Shapiro (I hope to be one) and other clinics.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks for all the replies, and Steve that is an amazing coincidence...congratulations, it sounds like you thoughtfully selected your surgeon and are going to have a successful outcome. I'll be very interested to hear your thoughts on how it went and all that went into your decision.


That said, I think I'll let you finish your surgery and recover a bit before I bother you further...best of luck tomorrow!

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I am a pt of Dr. Shapiro. I for one am younger (26) and I like doctor Shapiro's longterm plan for me. With the long term plan being my first priority, my second reason for choosing Dr. Shapiro is his amazing design for natural hairlines that I liked, key the one I liked. The three docs that i was looking at was Dr. Shapiro, Hasson, and Feller. I personally believe that Dr. Hasson has amazing results. I seriously believe those are the two best docs, in my opinion.. in my opinion... You will have a great experience with either of those two docs. You can view my progress by clicking to view my blog, click under my name.

You only live once...

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It is like trying to decide between a BMW and a Mercedes. Both are great cars. It is more of a personal preference. As mentioned in other forums, there are a handful of docs who can produce excellent results. They are no doubt included in the list



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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