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new member 23 years old


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Hello everyone im a new member, im 23 years old will be 24 in about 4 months, i first started noticing hairloss at about 19 or so. ive always been one who likes to go do things and be somewhat social , but these last few years ive noticed myself hiding from freinds, family, wearing ball caps, infact no one but my fiance has seen me without a cap in a long time so they dont really know im balding. ive quit good paying jobs in offices for less paying jobs in warehouses just so i can wear a ball cap. Im ashamed of the way i look, and scared on how people will take me losing my hair. Ill avoid things where i have to dress up and go without a cap, and if i see certain people i will go out of my way not to be seen. LOL i know alot of you would think thats silly, but im really having problems dealing with this. Anyway i found this forum, and to tell you the truth i just need advice. The thing is i want more hair, and I just dont have the head shape to shave it bald cuz i have a high forehead. Im willing to do what it takes to stop wearing hats and to finally go places without a hat. Ive noticed on some sites it suggest for younger people to not get it done but to tell u the truth id rather have it done now in my younger years than later. I also said i can accept it when im a lil older, but darn it 23 is just to dang young for me, im trying not to sound vain, but i want my looks back, and i want my confidence back. Does anyone have any knowledge of good doctors in the tennessee area or the southern states? also what about hair club for men ive been interested in that ive seen the commercials and its always been something i wanted to check into. Ill post some pics of my hairline and see what u guys think. it looks worse when wet or pulled back like i have in the picture.


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Hello everyone im a new member, im 23 years old will be 24 in about 4 months, i first started noticing hairloss at about 19 or so. ive always been one who likes to go do things and be somewhat social , but these last few years ive noticed myself hiding from freinds, family, wearing ball caps, infact no one but my fiance has seen me without a cap in a long time so they dont really know im balding. ive quit good paying jobs in offices for less paying jobs in warehouses just so i can wear a ball cap. Im ashamed of the way i look, and scared on how people will take me losing my hair. Ill avoid things where i have to dress up and go without a cap, and if i see certain people i will go out of my way not to be seen. LOL i know alot of you would think thats silly, but im really having problems dealing with this. Anyway i found this forum, and to tell you the truth i just need advice. The thing is i want more hair, and I just dont have the head shape to shave it bald cuz i have a high forehead. Im willing to do what it takes to stop wearing hats and to finally go places without a hat. Ive noticed on some sites it suggest for younger people to not get it done but to tell u the truth id rather have it done now in my younger years than later. I also said i can accept it when im a lil older, but darn it 23 is just to dang young for me, im trying not to sound vain, but i want my looks back, and i want my confidence back. Does anyone have any knowledge of good doctors in the tennessee area or the southern states? also what about hair club for men ive been interested in that ive seen the commercials and its always been something i wanted to check into. Ill post some pics of my hairline and see what u guys think. it looks worse when wet or pulled back like i have in the picture.

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  • Senior Member


Yes your hair is thinning, but given the pics you showed and your age. I wouldnt recommend a HT for a few years. Take propecia daily and extra strength rogain over the next 24-36 months. Then look at HT by a top surgeon who can predict future hairloss in your 40's and 50's. Good luck, and dont sweat it-- take the meds and wait a little longer-- you will be happy in the end. I had my first HT when I was 24 and now almost 15 years later my donor area is limited on how many more HT I can have.

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  • Senior Member

I also started losing my hair at that age, first receding hairline on the sides through my 20's then the rest, not completely gone but very thin.


I would suggest consulting with an HT surgeon about the causes and starting a regimen of Propecia and Rogaine to stem the loss. If I had a HT then it would have been very difficult keeping it from looking crazy as I lost more hair.


I would not do surgery just yet, and maybe work on not being so self conscious, know it is tough but having lived through it was not so bad. Focus on keeping what you got and save surgery for later in life.


Just my thoughts.

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hey guys thanks for the suggestions, i see what you are saying about losing more hair later and it being a bigger problem, i guess its just my age really thats bothering me, Actually I think its bothering me more than my fiance or other people! Just out of curiousity has any of you used a hair system just on the front? to cover up bad receiding hair lines, you know until you gotten a little older? just wondering. I do need to be less self conscious Telephone man, lol but its so hard especially with the friends i have hahaha. Ill tell you what though, its a shame a fella cant throw on a cover up without being made fun of, i mean cause u hear of girls getting weaves or hair attachments fake boobs ect. just everything really but if a fella wants to throw on a piece just to go out he'd be ruined if found out about.


anyway ill hush up and keep taking advice lord knows i need some now. Thanks for you all that have posted. Take it easy

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  • Regular Member

Frizzy friz-


I used a piece for 3 years, and wouldn't recommend it. YOu have way too much hair to go that route - you would hate it. Get on the meds, and if anything, you can use DermMatch if your hair looks thin to you. DermMatch won't lower your temples, but it will make your hair look thicker.



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  • Regular Member

I feel for you very much. Losing hair at any age is devestating. Though you are lucky you have a fiance'.


Alot of bald or balding guys have trouble finding a good woman because of the baldness, and it is hard to deal with. You're not on an even playing field.


I'd be patient, check out all your alternatives.

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I started losing my hair at the same age and started on rogaine immediately. When propecia came out, I started on that too. My hairloss slowed down and didn't have a HT until 33 to fill up the corners only.


Looking at your pics, you're not bad. You have a good chance to accomplish results with medication. You're everdoing it with hiding your baldness because you're not bald. Quiting good paying jobs??? Are you serious?


Many balding guys get dates and couldn't care less.


I would've felt fine being bald or thinning. It just that if I could improve my appearence then why not...


I suggest if medication didn't produce any improvement in a couple of years and it's still bothering you, then consider a HT from a top notch doc and you may have to travel for that... BUT and it's a big BUT, it's highly advisable not to have a HT at a young age.


HT is a big decision. Take all the time you need doing tons of research.


Again, balding or thinning is not devastating...

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  • Senior Member

Friz, do not go the rug route. You will lose even more of your real hair. Do you have a health plan? If so, get a prescription for Proscar and a pill cutter. It's the same as Propecia just 5mg rather than 1mg. Use the pill cutter to quarter the proscar into 1.25 mg. Try this for a couple of years and see what happens.

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