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Finasteride Prescription?!?

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I have been on this site now for almost a year and have gone back and forth not only with the idea of a hair transplant, but also with taking finasteride. I have been using minoxidil for years, but have always concerned about using internals (i.e. propecia/proscar) for hair loss.


Well, I decided to bite the bullet and start taking finasteride. So, I went to my doctor the other day for a prescription for it. Knowing the costs of taking Propecia monthly ($60) versus Proscar ($60 for four months), asked if it would be ok for him to prescribe the Proscar rather than Propecia. He stated that as a doctor, he did not feel it was appropriate to prescribe a drug off label. I told him I understood his point, however, it is the same drug just at a stronger dosage and I would use a pill cutter, but again he said he could not control the dosage each day and was not willing to prescribe it. I walked away with a prescription for Propecia, but do not want the monthly cost when there is Proscar available!!


So, what should I do next? Go to a doctor I know will prescribe Proscar? How do I find a doctor that will? I do not want to resort to the internet.



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  • Senior Member

I have been on this site now for almost a year and have gone back and forth not only with the idea of a hair transplant, but also with taking finasteride. I have been using minoxidil for years, but have always concerned about using internals (i.e. propecia/proscar) for hair loss.


Well, I decided to bite the bullet and start taking finasteride. So, I went to my doctor the other day for a prescription for it. Knowing the costs of taking Propecia monthly ($60) versus Proscar ($60 for four months), asked if it would be ok for him to prescribe the Proscar rather than Propecia. He stated that as a doctor, he did not feel it was appropriate to prescribe a drug off label. I told him I understood his point, however, it is the same drug just at a stronger dosage and I would use a pill cutter, but again he said he could not control the dosage each day and was not willing to prescribe it. I walked away with a prescription for Propecia, but do not want the monthly cost when there is Proscar available!!


So, what should I do next? Go to a doctor I know will prescribe Proscar? How do I find a doctor that will? I do not want to resort to the internet.



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I had the same problem with my primary physician. My advice: talk to an HT doc since you may be considering an HT anyway. Most HT doctors will work out a long term plan for your hairloss situation (not just surgical) and include the necessary prescriptions they recommend.



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Maybe I am confused, which wouldn't be the first time. Proscar is not off label is it? It is a Merck product. It is prescribed for shrinking the prostate and is a higher dose but is still finasteride. Propecia is a prescription med that is specifically for hairloss only. I have a feeling your doctor was confused???



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I think he means that Proscar isn't prescribed for hairloss typically, therefore "off label". Some doctors in my experience seem to have a problem prescribing Proscar for hairloss since it's not designed for it (even though technically, we know it's the same as Propecia when you split the pill)



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I would go see another GP. Any GP who knows any thing about proscar should have no problems prescribing it. When I first started taking Propecia, I asked my GP to switch me to Proscar, and he said yeah but had some hesitation in his voice. I didn't care. I eventually went to see another GP (b/c of moving) and just had them re-up my script, no problems.


I've had other GPs "off label" other drugs before. It is common practice. I once had a yeast infection under my arm (I'm am a toad after all) and a GP gave me Diflucin (which is for vaginal yeast infections - and no, I"m not that kind of toad). He readily admitted it was off-label use, but commonly used for what I had b/c it was effective.


Just my two frog legs.



Originally a Norwood 3 -- Now?


1/4 proscar daily started 9/01/2005


1791 FUs - Dr. Lehr - Dec. 2006.


1300 FUs - Dr. Brad Limmer - Jan. 2009.


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Gotcha. Was thinking more in line of generic.


I can certainly understand it is a bit of a quandry for the physician to prescribe Proscar to a young individual. These days, those in healthcare are under the microscope by the insurance companies for everything they prescribe or tests ordered. How does a physician explain that he is prescribing a drug to a young man for enlargement of the prostate especially if there was no prostate test done.


If the person is paying cash and not trying to get it as an insurance benefit than there really should not be a problem if the doc is educated as to the similarities of the products.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I agree with your reasoning, NN. My insurance wanted to verify my Proscar script was for BPH before covering, it isn't, so it's not covered. Still very worth having Proscar as it is much more inexpensive.


Check with a GP, or possibly even better, a HT surgeon about the script. After all, you'll likely be on it for life and will need to get the script renewed.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks for the responses guys. And thank you for the clarification Bill. Yes, "Off Label" is using the drug for purposes not specifically on the label.


I did tell the doctor that I would be paying for the prescription myself, as I know Propecia is not covered by my insurance. The prices I stated above are out of pocket for me. I understand his stance, but being that it is the same drug at a quarter of the cost that I would be paying cash for...


Anyway, would a HT doctor prescribe Proscar even though I have not had or scheduled a transplant with them? Has anyone done this?


Thanks guys

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E--- I don't think a Doc would be allowed to give a prescription until you have either: Had a consult with them or booked a procedure, both of which makes you their patient.

They would be free to write anything they feel is necessary at that point.


Other than that, you must go see a Derm or GP to get a prescription.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 2 months later...
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A BORING update to my attempt to obtain a Finasteride Prescription (not-Propecia).


As you know I was trying to get a prescription for Proscar or the generic version. My GP would not do it. I found a dermatologist in the practice who would, which was very exciting (for me at least). I have an HMO, so as you know, you need a referral. The doctor came by the window as I was trying to explain to the receptionist that I would pay for the appointment out of pocket. He overheard the conversation and pulled out his script pad (knowing I was already a patient of the practice) and wrote me a prescription...YAY!!!!!


I had bought Propecia for April, May and June at a cost of after tax $76.99 per month. Yearly that would run me $923.88!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Generic Proscar: $60 for four months (30 tablets cut into four) or $180 for a year.


Net savings of $743.88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beer on me.....ok sorry for wasting your time with this update, but I was excited.



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Not boring at all. My GP is a wanker who won't write a Proscar scrip for me either. Several forum members suggested that I go the derm route. Your experience confirms this.





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Thanks Bayer.


Just to clarify, I called the office prior to going in to make sure he would prescribe Proscar. I didn't want to get there and the doctor know why I was there and yet get the same response as my GP. I spoke to the doctor directly and was candid to the fact that I had a script for Propecia but was looking for a script for Proscar. He agreed he would write the prescription for me when I came to the office. Pretty simple and no referral needed (don't think I would be able to get one for that anyway).


Bayer, make sure you speak to the derm by phone first, be as candid as possible and get an affirmitve response to your request. Wouldn't want you to waste your time.



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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