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Dr. Yates (Bosley Chicago) vs. Dr. Konior (Chicago)

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Can anyone tell me about any positive or negative experiences you have had with either Dr. Yates from Bosley Chicago or Dr. Konior from Oakbrook? I am trying to decide on which doctor to do my first hair transplantation and would like to hear from actual patients and what your experience was like. Thank you so much!



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I personally do not have any experience with either doc but I would hesitate to do any work with a Bosley doc unless you have seen several paitents in person. Do a search on this site and you will see what most think of Bosley.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Konior has a very good reputation w/ regard to patient satisfaction and the quality of his work; typically (perhaps...universally), Bosley employs surgeons who range from butchers to "decent".


Run some searches on Konior; as for the Bosley guy, might be tough to find a good, honest sample of his work/results, which in and of itself is a huge issue.


Being a betting man, I would lay the odds @ 10000000000.003 that you would get a better HT experience and result from Konior.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Guest josh - b


I'll be a little more blunt...STAY AWAY FROM BOSLEY !!

Dr Konior on the other hand is a coalition doc so u know he does excellent work. I'm not overly familiar with him as he doesn't have a high online presence but do a search and i'm sure you'll find some patient testimonies.


best of luck

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Remember one very important issue: If something goes wrong (God forbid, or your just not satisfied) you deal with Bosley the corporation, not your doctor. Google Bosley Medical Violations for starters.


That is why you need to look VERY closely at your choice.


Dr. Konier has an excellent record and does very good work, which will meet or exceed your expectations.


I have stated innumerous times, he is the ONLY choice in Chicago at this time, IMHO.


Also, If you haven't already, please feel free to send call SMG...we are only a 6.5 hour drive from Chicago.


Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need to.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Welcome to our discussion forum.


If you are looking for a quality physician in the Chicago area, Dr. Konior is certainly worth researching and considering. I encourage you to check out Dr. Keller as well who is also performing high quality work.


Use our hair restoration forum "find feature" to see what their patients have been saying. Remember, what isn't available online, seek offline but consulting with physicians and asking for a list of patient contacts you can talk to, view their pictures, and even meet.


Best wishes,



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Inside of a day you post asking for our opinions and then demonstrate that you have already booked with Konior. Why did you ask? I am sure that you will get good results, but I hope others are putting a hell of a lot more time and research into things. Damn. This is a big big big decision. icon_confused.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Yes, there is a wait time of several months. I would recommend you consult ASAP and then do through research before making your decision. I decdided to go with Dr. Konior after consulting with him, Bosley, and Dr. Keller. I also talked with dozens of patients from the above doctors as well as other places (Medical Hair Restoration, etc.).

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  • 1 year later...
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PGP, Im down to the same choices as well (Shapiro vs Konior). Could you give me your opinion as to why you decided on Shapiro? Both docs have excellent results and Im having a hard time deciding between the two. Im leaning toward Konior, but Im worried that Im missing something in my research.

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