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Dr. Paul Shapiro 2200 Grafts (now with Pre and Post-op)


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Hello forum members,

I would first like to start out by introducing myself. My name is Colin and I am a 24 year old with a Norwoor 2-3. My journey to HUT started about a year ago at MHR. I had even put a deposit down for a procedure with them last summer, and thank god that I found this site. I have been lurking here for quite some time and thanks to all of the information here I was pointed to the Shapiro Medical Group, which happens to be just 20 minutes from my house. So thank you all for the wealth of information on this site!!


Well my journey to reclaim my rightful hairline has just begun, and I am 2 days into the long and (probably difficult) recovery. Let me first say that the staff at Shapiro Medical Group is absolutely fantastic. They are warm, funny, attentive to your needs, and in very good spirits. I can't stress enough how calming it was to be in a positive environment with a staff that actually seemed to care about the patients!


My marathon day of about 11.5 hours ended up with about 2200 grafts in restoring my hairline and adding density in the middle portion of my head. It was difficult at times to be sitting in the chair for so long, but the staff did everything in their power to keep me comfortable. Late in the day, they ended up with more hairs than anticipated, so Dr. Paul even made an extra 100 incisions to give me the all the hair they could muster.


I have to give kudos to Dr. Paul for getting the exact hairline I was looking for; not too sharp around the temples, but a little more mature than my hairline from my teenage days. I think I will be very happy with the results, and I should have great growth just in time for my wedding (in June 2008). Although the next few months will be difficult, I have all the confidence in the world that my results will be as I expected. So without further adue, I present my 2 days post-op pics, with pre post-op and immediate post-op pics to follow. Enjoy.


**UPDATE (05/22/07)**

I now have my immediate pre and post-op photos up for a side by side comparison. As you can see, I was very thin in the frontal area, which was my main area of concern. I am healing very well, and most of the scabs are now gone or on their way out, at day 6!! I have also obtained my graft numbers, as follows.


Total grafts - 2201

1 hair - 638

2 hair - 1003

3 hair - 559

4 hair - 1

Total # hairs - 4325





9651077913_4A13DE94AE34FEF2716812B1F2B04FD3.jpg.thumb 8771071913_A9B620F2FFB497A64402AB010D189A78.JPG.thumb 7851077913_22133F4903843600E8A88FDC3C7FB097.jpg.thumb 7771071913_0575C7507B79F8099DE83F2E542AA8A7.JPG.thumb 7161077913_9FC8DB390E8BB1BAECB9C61A5A66FE06.jpg.thumb 5951077913_79DE83AFB81B7F0818760008F4FD5D8F.jpg.thumb 5261077913_8EA2C1B89FFE3F5586A2FDEA9B6ECC0C.jpg.thumb 4771071913_F7F9ACAD749CCC5756AFF4948F1B9117.JPG.thumb 3061077913_53F364D0B8DF2F87BE7AF583A06B0025.jpg.thumb 2871071913_E65B574B982C5B65092B1ED1D49ED920.JPG.thumb 1871071913_EF9E8F6FF8BDAA54FD4471482C9FA0BA.JPG.thumb



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Hello forum members,

I would first like to start out by introducing myself. My name is Colin and I am a 24 year old with a Norwoor 2-3. My journey to HUT started about a year ago at MHR. I had even put a deposit down for a procedure with them last summer, and thank god that I found this site. I have been lurking here for quite some time and thanks to all of the information here I was pointed to the Shapiro Medical Group, which happens to be just 20 minutes from my house. So thank you all for the wealth of information on this site!!


Well my journey to reclaim my rightful hairline has just begun, and I am 2 days into the long and (probably difficult) recovery. Let me first say that the staff at Shapiro Medical Group is absolutely fantastic. They are warm, funny, attentive to your needs, and in very good spirits. I can't stress enough how calming it was to be in a positive environment with a staff that actually seemed to care about the patients!


My marathon day of about 11.5 hours ended up with about 2200 grafts in restoring my hairline and adding density in the middle portion of my head. It was difficult at times to be sitting in the chair for so long, but the staff did everything in their power to keep me comfortable. Late in the day, they ended up with more hairs than anticipated, so Dr. Paul even made an extra 100 incisions to give me the all the hair they could muster.


I have to give kudos to Dr. Paul for getting the exact hairline I was looking for; not too sharp around the temples, but a little more mature than my hairline from my teenage days. I think I will be very happy with the results, and I should have great growth just in time for my wedding (in June 2008). Although the next few months will be difficult, I have all the confidence in the world that my results will be as I expected. So without further adue, I present my 2 days post-op pics, with pre post-op and immediate post-op pics to follow. Enjoy.


**UPDATE (05/22/07)**

I now have my immediate pre and post-op photos up for a side by side comparison. As you can see, I was very thin in the frontal area, which was my main area of concern. I am healing very well, and most of the scabs are now gone or on their way out, at day 6!! I have also obtained my graft numbers, as follows.


Total grafts - 2201

1 hair - 638

2 hair - 1003

3 hair - 559

4 hair - 1

Total # hairs - 4325





9651077913_4A13DE94AE34FEF2716812B1F2B04FD3.jpg.thumb 8771071913_A9B620F2FFB497A64402AB010D189A78.JPG.thumb 7851077913_22133F4903843600E8A88FDC3C7FB097.jpg.thumb 7771071913_0575C7507B79F8099DE83F2E542AA8A7.JPG.thumb 7161077913_9FC8DB390E8BB1BAECB9C61A5A66FE06.jpg.thumb 5951077913_79DE83AFB81B7F0818760008F4FD5D8F.jpg.thumb 5261077913_8EA2C1B89FFE3F5586A2FDEA9B6ECC0C.jpg.thumb 4771071913_F7F9ACAD749CCC5756AFF4948F1B9117.JPG.thumb 3061077913_53F364D0B8DF2F87BE7AF583A06B0025.jpg.thumb 2871071913_E65B574B982C5B65092B1ED1D49ED920.JPG.thumb 1871071913_EF9E8F6FF8BDAA54FD4471482C9FA0BA.JPG.thumb



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  • Senior Member

Congrats and Welcome to the club!!


I take it you had some existing native hair, which is probably why the sessions lasted a bit longer than normal.


Sometimes I think Docs slow it up a bit for fear of transection, so I think your going to be very happy in the coming months.


Everything looks very clean and nice, and I hope others take notice of what a ultra-refined transplant should look like post-op.


I do hope you will continue to share and document your results.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

I'm a big fan of Dr. Paul's work............thanks for sharing. The quality of work looks excellent.


I can see some of the native hair that you had in the back but would like to get a better idea of pre-op.................do you have any pre-op pics you can share?



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Regular Member

The hairline looks great and the post-op result is incredibly clean.


A few recent posters have been interested in having HT done several months before a wedding - not a good idea in my estimation. June 2008 - you have planned this well. At 13 months post-op you will have the full benefit of your procedure.



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Welcome to the real "hair club". Your results and work look outstanding just as we've come to expect from the SMG. Kudos to you and the staff.


Your presentation is great. But can you also provide us with hair counts (i.e. X amount of single hair grafts, X amount of two hair grafts etc) and perhaps the size of the donor strip removed? I know the SMG keeps such details in your file.


You put in a long day. But you will enjoy the results for a life time.


As for MHR - "Lost another one to Ditech" :-)

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Senior Member

Clean surgery


Loooks great! i'm sure you will be estatic in 12 months or so .. Take a look at my post under NEWBIES TAKE NOTICE under open hairloss questions


Do you have any before pics?



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member
I like the Shapiro hairlines. I wish they did FUE...they seem to pay a lot of attention to detail and it shows.


One of the biggests myths about why some strip docs do not offer fue is that they do not have the skills to perform this type of surgery.


I highly doubt anyone who has spent more than 10min around Ron Shapiro would even try to apply that argument to him.


I spoke to Dr. Shapiro about this, because I want to do 1 more smallish strip session (1000-2000) and then do about 1000-1500 fue to top off the whole enchilada, and while he says he could do it, he just feels that in his hands he can really preserve the finite donor of most patients doing strip as opposed to fue.


I get the impression that if someone came up with a way to guarantee that no bait and switch is happening and that transection rates of 5-10% are established in a large, variant patient base, he would look at performing this type of procedure.


I, of course, offered myself as a test subject should this day occur =)


I am hopeful this happens-- I really do not want to go anywhere else and let anyone else touch my head!!!


You are right about his hairline though--- got one of those babies myself!!!!!!


I am going to have to call him and tell him to watch out---- his brother Paul is starting to turn some heads here...........


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks for all of the comments guys. I have added 2 photos from about a year ago that show where I was, although not as clearly as the pre-op photos. I should have the pre-op and immediate post-op photos up on Monday as well as exact graft and number of hair counts. Take it easy!


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  • Regular Member

Surgery looks awesome Colin! You are one fortunate dude, to have got yourself out of the hair mill and into what may be the best clinic in the world. Just think you lived only minutes away from it and never knew it!



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