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The NEW Hair Transplant Network!


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All Forum Members,


The good ol' Hair Transplant Network is showing her age a bit so we have decided to spruce it up a bit with a new layout, new content, and new features.


Here is your chance to give us some feedback. What would you like to see on the new HairTransplantNetwork.com? Ever tried to look for something and it just wasn't there? Do you have an idea for a feature that we could implement that would help hair loss sufferers?


You can reply directly to this thread with your suggestions.


The Hair Transplant Network already boasts the largest collection of before and after hair transplant pictures on the Web. It already has a comprehensive directory to hair transplant physicians located all over the planet. However, that isn't good enough for us. We want to continue to bring the absolute best resource for hair loss sufferers around the globe and your opinions and suggestions matter.







Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

All Forum Members,


The good ol' Hair Transplant Network is showing her age a bit so we have decided to spruce it up a bit with a new layout, new content, and new features.


Here is your chance to give us some feedback. What would you like to see on the new HairTransplantNetwork.com? Ever tried to look for something and it just wasn't there? Do you have an idea for a feature that we could implement that would help hair loss sufferers?


You can reply directly to this thread with your suggestions.


The Hair Transplant Network already boasts the largest collection of before and after hair transplant pictures on the Web. It already has a comprehensive directory to hair transplant physicians located all over the planet. However, that isn't good enough for us. We want to continue to bring the absolute best resource for hair loss sufferers around the globe and your opinions and suggestions matter.







Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Yes, we intend to make the new Hair Transplant Network the most useful online resource available regarding hair transplantation. Your input will be very appreciated. Dream big and let us know what you think could be useful content and features.


We will be drawing content from the Hair Loss Learning Center and the Hair Restoration Network. Please let us know what features or content on these sites you think we should add to the new Hair Transplant Network.


I have attached a screen shot of a preliminary redesign of the new home page. Note that the top 3 Navigation boxes will have dynamic drop down menus that will appear below them when these three main navigation areas are moused over.


Thanks, Pat


Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

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  • Regular Member

I like the layout better. I'll throughouly look through it later today and give some feedback but I just wanted to stop in and say a big THANK YOU for everything you guys have done. It's more appreciated than you can imagine.

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  • Senior Member

I'll agree with taoofjord. I'm so thankful for this site. It saved me from making the wrong decision and helped me choose the right doctor. I love the new layout of the site.

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We really do appreciate your support. Your comments remind me why it is important to continue standing up to the hostility of dozens of physicians who have actively campaigned to put our forum and sites under.


After all what business do lay people have making public judgements about physicians and their techniques, right?


When physicians tell me I'm out of place for screening surgeons and operating this forum, I simply remind them that patients always make the final call, whether they like it our not. I also remind them that I'm a patient.


Onwards and Upwards, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks, guys for the support.


This topic is still open. I would like to hear what others have to say about this exciting topic and would still like to hear some more opinions.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

I have to say that it was this site that steered me away from B**ley (aaaargghhh!) and towards the top surgeon who did a cheaper and effective job in curing my baldness.


As for the new design, hmmm - don't see a great deal to shout about old boy. Not enough naked women, for one thing.. icon_eek.gif

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  • Regular Member

Not that I'm adding anything useful to teh dsicussion, but your website means a great difference to a good many people.


I am concerned that recommendations and - more importantly - warnings are now a thing of the past, as that it VERY important. Its nervewrecking enough as it is that this is NOT a trial-and-error situation.


But when lawsuits are mounted or gag-orders issued I really cant blame you. Too bad no-one from the industry can step in and make these unfriendly ghosts disappear.



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While inproving the navigation, features and content of the new Hair Transplant Network is important, I do agree that recommending quality prescreened surgeons is our most important function.


The feedback and review of these and other surgeons on this forum is also vital.


It has taken over five years of on going research, hundreds of patient emails and posts, attendance at over 12 international hair restoration meetings and dozens of visits to actual clinics to build our current international network of almost 50 recommended surgeons.


In my opinion these recommended surgeons range in quality from very good to superb. On the occasion when patients found a surgeon on our site did not live up to their reputation they were promptly removed.


We do not compile a list of subpare surgeons. Although believe me I could make a very long and extensive list. In my opinion, even now with todays advanced techniques, only a minority of surgeons who offer hair transplantation produce quality results.


We strive to identify those surgeons and clinics that provide state of the art hair restoration and present them to hair loss sufferers.


Input and suggestions from patients and hair loss sufferers is always very welcome. Private comments can be emailed to me at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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