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Hi, new with some questions..


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I know you guys have probably already heard these questions numerous times, but I am debating some things right now and could use some advice. I'm a 22 year old college student who has been experiencing slow hair loss since graduating from high school in 2003. Just in the past few weeks I started using rogaine foam twice a day as directed, so obviously I haven't seen any results yet. But the option of using a pill such as propecia has been running through my mind. I would like to maintain the hair that I do have and possibly regrow a little of it, since I certainly don't expect a full regrowth, plus as my hair line is i think it looks mature for my age. After reading up on the side effects of propecia I've been somewhat concerned about things such as watery semen, ED, and low libido. According to numerous websites, the side effects are only seen in very few men. And a few other forums with men who have been "permanently" effected has scared me away from the use of propecia. Should I be so nervous about using this product or would it be safe for me to use? I know you guys probably aren't doctors, but some positive re-enforcement would be nice right now since I would like to keep my hair. Any info or personal experience would be greatly appreciated!

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I know you guys have probably already heard these questions numerous times, but I am debating some things right now and could use some advice. I'm a 22 year old college student who has been experiencing slow hair loss since graduating from high school in 2003. Just in the past few weeks I started using rogaine foam twice a day as directed, so obviously I haven't seen any results yet. But the option of using a pill such as propecia has been running through my mind. I would like to maintain the hair that I do have and possibly regrow a little of it, since I certainly don't expect a full regrowth, plus as my hair line is i think it looks mature for my age. After reading up on the side effects of propecia I've been somewhat concerned about things such as watery semen, ED, and low libido. According to numerous websites, the side effects are only seen in very few men. And a few other forums with men who have been "permanently" effected has scared me away from the use of propecia. Should I be so nervous about using this product or would it be safe for me to use? I know you guys probably aren't doctors, but some positive re-enforcement would be nice right now since I would like to keep my hair. Any info or personal experience would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Regular Member



You're in luck; I too am 22 years old and began using propecia about two and a half months ago. I will say, the only side effect I have experienced is minor testicular aches, which seems to be subsiding as my body adjusts to the Propecia. As I understand it, this is a rare side effect that is only experienced by few. I have experienced ZERO effect in any other way. No low libido, ed, or anything like that. I think many others on this forum have been on the pill for quite a longer time with minimal or no side effects.


I personally think you should give it a try. As much mental stress as losing your hair causes, I think the very small risk of any sort of side effects is worth it. Most will tell you that even if you experience any sort of side effects, they will subside after some time as your body adjusts to the meds (which I believe is the case for me).


Research this forum like crazy because there is A LOT of very valuable information on it.


Oh, and I would suggest complimenting rogaine with Propecia, not substituting it.

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  • Regular Member

I am 29 and I have been taking Propecia for about a year and a half. I haven't noticed any secondary effects at all. No erectile problems, no lack of libido, etc.


However, I've noticed that in my case Propecia hasn't improved my hair loss in any noticeable way.



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  • Senior Member

Hi Guys


Welcome to the Forum.. I have been on Propeica since it came out about 8 years ago or so.. Here are some points


- I have had zero side effects . Keep in mind persons experiencing these is about 5% or so

- It take at least 6-8 months before you will see results. So be patient

- Propecia is best at stopping your hairloss. Although you may grow some hair it will not be dense thickness


The BIG three as well call it on here is




Nizoral shampoo ( has anti-DHT propeties)


If you want to do everything possible these are youe options.. BTW, Nizoral should be used 2-3 times a week and let it sit on your head for 3-5 minutes


Good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Well I started taking Propecia yesterday, so we shall see how it works out for me in time. I've also continued my use of Rogaine twice a day. Now I've never heard of Nizoral.. is this something you can buy off the shelf at any drug store or is it some kind of a prescription shampoo?

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  • Regular Member

You can purchase Nizoral over the counter at just about any drug store/supermarket (Walmart).


My situation almost mirrors yours. I started taking propecia about 2.5 months ago and have begun taking Minoxidil today.


Here's to hoping for the best!


PS- Unless you're using Rogaine foam, I'd suggest purchasing generic Minoxidil which you can find at drugstores/Walmart/Meijer. Its essentially the exact same thing and a heck of a lot cheaper!

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  • Senior Member

Good strategies guys


Just give it time and the Propecia should halt your hairloss.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member



I would suggest you to go for some natural treatments to prevent hair loss along with your other medication too. There are several natural treatments which cure the hair loss problem if taken regularly. These treatments do take some time to show results but they definitely do show results.

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Um, I think I'll stick to my FDA approved medication. That and the fact that there is no "cure" for male pattern baldness, but only long term treatment with varied results. If there were a cure for hairloss then there wouldn't be any bald men on the planet haha. And the propecia is going great, in fact it has oddly boosted my libido haha.. which means i need to spend more time with my girlfriend during the day. And I dunno if i'm just being optimistic but I've got some hairs growing in the templish (word?) area where it had previously been receeded and bald. My hair has always grown really fast, often getting really really shaggy in 3 weeks. I dunno if that means anything or not, but I was shocked to see a few 1/4" long hairs in these area's that had been recently bare, with some other shorter hairs being slightly visible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to update all the guys who helped me out on here. Still taking propecia and doing the rogaine thing. I'm still in the shedding phase so it's getting a bit thin up top. My hairline has a good number of small 1/2" hairs though there won't be a great deal of density from the way its looking.. but i'm glad to see some of the old hairs back haha. The shedding seems to be most prevalent when I'm putting the rogaine in, when i'm washing my hair i don't seem to lose many hairs. Thanks for getting me to start the propecia guys, no bad side effects so far!

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  • Senior Member



Glad to hear all is well so far. As you likely know, the shed is temporary...........a more than normal amount of your hair going into the telogen (resting) phase which lasts about 6 weeks. I'm now 40 and have been on Finasteride for 1 yr 3 months with no ill effects and mild regrowth in the hairline. Be patient, as it takes time to evaluate. You may want to take some monthly or bi-monthly pics to help you icon_smile.gif.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • 2 years later...

I just figured I should check in. It's been a while. I've been continuing use of my propecia and rogaine. According to my doctor I've recovered a lot of my lost hair. I certainly have more than I did, but it is still thin in the back where the natural part is. I can live with that though. I've been religiously using thinkening shampoo's along with leave in thickening products as well from Nexxus. They seem to help make the hair appear to be thicker than it actually is.


But I am happy that I started taking the pills and using the Rogaine. Though it is a bit pricey, I think it has been a worth while investment. There will be a day in the future when I will be fine with being bald. But while I'm young, I'm content to keep the hair I have.


Thanks again for all the help and re-assurance you guys offered me.

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i'm pretty sure you and i are in the EXACT same situation... same age (i'm a 2003 grad/ so i'm 24/25 in august) glad everything's workin out...


i unfortunately didn't get on my shit early enough (i've only been on prop/rogaine a 1 1/2, and a year respectively... i'm still losing it a lot



i'll be fine with being bald when i'm 35 and married... but until then... here's hoping for a turnaround


good to hear its workin

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  • Senior Member

im also 22....and have had side effects from propecia....was on it for 9 months... I could never get over the sides.. my advice would be to try it and if you dont have side effects you should be able to hold onto the hair u stil have.

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