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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

i've been using xandrox 15 for about three months now. Just bought another bottle! I love it! I really feel it's helped thicken up my crown as well as my hairline. It's not a miracle drug, but it's been pretty great. I'd recommend it to anyone who feels minox 5% isn't cutting it.

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  • Regular Member

Dr. Lee, who runs minoxidil.com seems to be pretty reputable based on postings from this site and others. I was using xandrox 5% for about a year. I used xandrox 5 in the morning and xandrox 5 with retin-a at night. I was pretty happy with it but when my temples started to go, I bumped it up to xandrox 15%. As far as I know, that's the highest concentration of minox available in one solution. Minoxidil is dose sensitive, meaning the more the better. Not many drugs are like that...I also use Dr. Lee's shampoo 1-2x a week, which seems to really clean the scalp well (and seems to lessen shedding). It combines the active ingredients from T-gel and Ketoconazole. Honestly, that shampoo has been great. It cleans out the sebum and the minox residue. Since starting xandrox 15, my thinning hairline has stopped regressing and I think I've thickened up a bit (like i said though, it's not a miracle drug, but I feel it's helped)...i've even gotten lazy and stopped using the xandrox 5% at night.


my background - 25 year old who has been thinning since 21. I started on Propecia about 1.5 years ago and minox about 1 year ago...xandrox 15 about 3 months ago. Maybe it's because i started young, but my crown doesn't look thin anymore and my hairline (syled properly!!) is passable. My friends don't even make fun of me anymore...hopefully, i can keep this up and my hair will hold for a while : )


hope this helps...

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  • Senior Member

I have been using Xandrox 15 for about 8 or 9 months now and I too feel it has thickened up my crown a bit. I have also recently added spironolactone (5%) to my regime which I also use in the crown along with the Xandrox 15. As someone else had mentioned, Dr. Lee appears to be very reputable.

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