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Propcia Generic ok??

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  • Regular Member

I wouldn't risk it. Get a prescription, buy the real thing, and know what you're getting. It's bad enough wondering if Propecia is working effectively w/o having to second-guess whether you're really taking Propecia at all.

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I don`t want to scare you ,but have you heard about the propecia side effect?

If you are young no problem ,but after 40s it could make a difference .


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  • Regular Member

That's not true, really. The incidence of sexual side effects for users of Propecia in the clinical trials was barely higher than that reported in the placebo group, and for most men sexual side effects resolve even while on the drug, suggesting that for many sexual side effects are a self-fulfilling prophecy. Propecia actually leads to INCREASED libido in about 1 out of 10 men. Don't listen to alarmists who have "heard" things. The data is out there and easily found on the web, so do your homework. This drug is indispensible if you're serious about keeping your hair.

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  • Regular Member

I am 43 and have been on Proscar for about 9 months. No negative effects for me. Also the half life of this stuff is pretty short so if you do have problems stop taking. Just my opinion.



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  • Senior Member

Go to your doctor to get a prescription for Proscar and then cut it into fours. I don't know how old you are, but once you hit a certain age I believe that most doctors will write the prescription as a preventative measure against an enlarged prostate. You won't even have to tell the doctor that you actually want to use it for hair loss. My opinion.

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Finasteride has a shelf life of about two years so getting more than two year's worth is a waste. Also, Finasteride is light sensitive so if you are going to cut Proscar you need to do only one pill as needed and keep them in a dark cupboard or drawer. The more light exposure the more it shortens the shelf life.


When using Proscar and dividing it into quarters you are paying only a few bucks on average per month. If you need to save more than this then you need to have somone look at your finances.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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