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Everything posted by iwanthair

  1. Very interesting to see doc's work. Chinese ppl outprice anybody in anything - now even in HT. $2000 for FUT?
  2. Bill, how long did it take for that spot to disappear?
  3. I went to consult with top Doc and he said Rogaine is a waste of money by itself if you dont take propecia. It help grow hair after HT though for some reason. U can try it on hairline and see if you get results. It worked for some. I wonder if Rogaine foam is a good medicine to maintain hair not as regrow hair tool for ppl who chose not to take Propecia?
  4. I have MPB close to yours with maybe a tid bitmore hair between crown and hairline. I consulted only with Feller so far and he advised 2000-2500 grafts in hairline only. Then 6-7 yearts later take care of the middle. Crown is the last thing to worry. take it slow. Consult 3 top docs.
  5. If finasterid works on you and 12 month later you like what it gave you - you will have to take it forever.
  6. Oh please! Tell me it is not H&W Advertising.
  7. my mother used to make me put tea tree oil on my head when i was like 18. She (and all people i knew) believes it helps. Also some root she was boiling in water - but that was able only to regrow fuzz.
  8. Oh yes, absolutely. If i went to any doc without reading every single topic on this website it would be a waste of his and mine time. I wanted to shave my head and do 3500-4000 grafts. After reading this forum i realized it might be a bad idea and i did not even know if it is possible to extract that amount from my head without giving me half inch wide scar. Dr. Feller told me that it is bad idea indeed. While i have great laxity and good supply - i have too much hair on top which will most likely get shocked. And if i touch my bald spot on the crown i might end up with great hairline and "bushy" crown but with nothing inbetween. He absolutely turned the way i should aproach my hairloss suggesting to just rebuild hairline for now with approx. 2000 grafts.
  9. I am 25. Guys you really should go and get consultations with doctors. I was reading this forum and it is a great place for info. But i went to see Feller recently and it much better to have consultation sitting in front of the doctor talking about your case, letting the doctor check your donor supply,, laxity of scalp, etc.
  10. Thanks Pat. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL!!!
  11. But i think with Capital One the doctor must be affiliated with them in their cosmetic medicine program. Many doctors are not in those listings.
  12. Guess how i found this website...I was googling Bosley. Only thoughts about it make cold chills run down my spine.
  13. Also i forgot to ask you guys this: 2-4 years ago i would run hand thru my hair and see hair in it. Now in last couple days i was running hand thru hair holding sheet of white paper and there is no hair in my hand or on paper. Is it possible for hairloss to stop by itself?
  14. Your hair looks awesome. 7800 grafts - damn, looks great. Good luck to you with school MILFs. 8)
  15. So first thing is getting nizoral 2% shipped from Canada. Then Nioxin for fine not chemically enhanced hair. Alternate daily.
  16. Fresh haircut. Sorry pics are not that sharp - camera sucks.
  17. Why everybody use Nizoral? It is anti-dandruf shampoo. How it helps us?
  18. I will use search function. Isaw nioxin on folica.com. Which one i need?
  19. Thank you for replies. I don't take any meds right now and dont use any specific shampoo. I will post pictures as soon as possible. I live in NY so i was going to go see surgeon in NYC area and ask him what HT can do for me and if i need medication.
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