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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. Oh boy!!!! So this gossip at work come to me and says "I noticed the new guy has black paint on his scalp". I tried to veer her off of that by saying "It probably just looks like that because he has such dark hair. She wasn't buying it.


    Damn!!!!! It has been so crazy busy at work, I have not had any time to interact with the new guy, we have been really short handed lately.


    Arrgh!!!!!! :(

  2. It looks like his pluggy hairline was built up, but he lost hair behind it. So he is basically bald up top and in the crown area. He plasters it down straight back to cover up that area, in other words he grows long and slicks it straight back. So he has two issues, the pluggy hairline, and balding behind it. Damn, I imagine he has to really worry about a strong wind blowing his hairaway from his bald spots. I feel for the dude. I have noticed he tries to keep people at a distance. :(

  3. You sound like a good guy, Atticus.


    I'd be very tempted to befriend the guy and direct him towards some good surgeons to get repaired, but I know it's something you could never bring up - it would have to be him.


    The problem is the rest of the guys in the office are probably not as considerate as you!



    Yeah, I hear you about the temptation. It kills me because I know it can be repaired, my instinct is to help people.



  4. He's probably oblivious to the fact that his hairline looks ridiculous, and so is his super-hot wife..... If he catches you looking, tell him that you are jealous of his hairline, and you had to have a transplant for yours...then maybe he'll share his "secret" and yall can become best buds. One thing leads to another and you meet his wife, then find out that they are swingers. and getting caught looking at his hairline was the best thing that ever happened to you.


    Or something like that.


    He he he!!!!!!!


    Atticus :D

  5. Hi RCWest,


    Nobody at my work knows about my HT. I work in an office with a few/enough caddy people that I never felt like mentioning it at work. I have a lot of friends at work, but I have learned not to share to much personal stuff at work over the years.


    I am lucky though. I have never had anyone cast lingering looks at my hairline, and my own family has not been able to detect anything.


    Yeah, sometimes it kills me because I would like to share my knowledge with people, but I am afraid they will get offended or angry, so like most, I keep silent. A while back another guy went out for exactly ten days. He had a strip surgery. He came back to work WAY to soon. He had scabbing on his grafts so it almost looked like they were popping out of his skin, and I could see his strip scar. Needless to say, that got all over the office, and people were looking up at his head although they did not say anything. I acted like I did not notice anything. Work can be like grade school sometimes.


    HAve a good one everyone!







    Kudos to you for watching out for his best interests!


    Does your workplace know about your transplant? If so, that could be the icebreaker one day. Then again, his pluggy hairline might not bother him. You need to get to know him good before anything hair related is mentioned. It can be a very sensitive subject!

  6. Who knows, maybe one day you'll get to know him well and direct him to the forums?? :D



    You never know. For now, I am just looking at him directly in the eyes like you guys said. Being a member here has made me very sensitive to such issues.


    See you guys!


    Atticus :cool:


    P.S. One of the girls at work noticed/said something about the gunk in his hair. I suspect the new guy went to heavy on some concelear, or something. I told the girl "Oh, it's probably just hair gel or something" and I changed the subject very quickly.

  7. Yeah, I had to deal with it when I was the guy with the same hairline ten years and more ago. Do him a favor, look at the spot between his eyes. If you can't do that then just avoid him because having people looking at your pluggy hairline instead of your eyes, day in and day out, is extremely difficult to deal with.



    Thanks for the insight. Because of this forum, I have developed an eagle eye for such things. I will try to focuse on his "third eye". :)


    I would feel really bad if he felt I noticed something, it is hard enough being the new guy.


    Atticus :cool:

  8. Thanks for the response. I hve attached a picture. Hopefully I will get more responses now.


    The reason why the transplant was so small is that I had two scars on my head which I wanted filled out.


    Comments appreciated.


    Yeah, it looks like you got some shock loss or something. It seems kind of odd for such a small job. It should recover and you be fine.


    I had 500 FUE grafts with no shock loss, but I am a fast healer and have great skin characteristics. My donor area healed up literally overnight!


    You should be fine. Don't worry.


    Atticus :)

  9. I agree with your quote sean:

    Well, my guess is that survival rate may be better than head hair. This is from my own observation.


    All I know is that as the years go by, my beard hair (though some classify beard hair as head hair) becomes tougher and thicker. I have to frequently shave my stomach and chest since I lift weights (this shows the muscle better). I see older guys in their 60s-80's with thick long chest hair BURSTING out of their shirts!


    Me personally? I had my hairline and temples modified away from the dracula (or mickey mouse) hairline into a more traditional hairline. The dracula hairline aged me by about ten years. Dr. Umar used nape hair on my hairline with great results. Five years later, I will say my hairline looks great as well! :) In my family, the men have hair bursting out of the back of their necks/nape area. Their wives must consistently shave or buzz it off back their so it doesn't look sloppy.


    Have a good one!









    Well, my guess is that survival rate may be better than head hair. This is from my own observation. When I was younger, I did not have any hairs on my shoulder or my upper back, but as I got older, they just sprouted out of no where. Same goes for older men, they seem to have an increase in body hair as they age. People who's backs were not covered are covered and you can witness this on sunny days at the beaches. From shoulders to back to front, it seems as you age, more body hair sprout up. So, the survival is pretty good I think. Hell, you can even see ear hair on older folks sprout up and even wild eyebrow hair. There is an issue with resting phases I have read about, but not all body hair rests at the same time from what I have read. I don't think body hair alone is such a mainstream focus as it does appear different in texture. Some studies do suggest it grows longer on the scalp in length but the texture is still different. But in combination with beard hair and as filler hair it can be used successfully. I think Umar performs it since he is a licensed dermatologist as well. He knows all about skin issues as well as hair and is able to extract body hairs successfully from areas where some people might be hesitant due to scarring or may not be experienced to do so. But being an expert in dermatology, he might be able to reduce scarring through is own extraction process from the body and beard area. This could be a reason I just don't know. It's a time consuming process but Umar can extract tons of grafts in one sitting, He basically can implant like 3500+ grafts a day or something. I don't know what he is doing or how he is doing it but it is working and you can see it on his patients. He hasn't really spoken about his process and what he researched to do what he is able to do today, but it is working. I think if more and more people found out his technique they will be able to do the same, until then, he is pretty much the only one that I have seen successfully do it, and openly do it. There are guys on here that have done over 5000 grafts with him that achieved a thicker fuller look with his combo methods.
  10. Email doctor Umar directly and explain your dilemma. He might be able to work something out. I don't think any ht doc out there has more video and still pic evidence of results than he does. I do know he is in HIGH demand for a reason.


    Good luck,







    So this will be my 2nd HT. 1st one was okay in terms of density, nothing to write home about, but the hairline was great. Now I'm hoping to increase my density with the 2nd one. I originally booked with Dr. Umar for March but had scheduling problems. He's a great doc and wish I could have scheduled it with him, but only have the next couple months to do this. So now I am left with looking for a new surgeon to fill the slot. I have done my research and know that I want FUE. I have read through these forums, and wanted to see if there was a consensus on who is the best, regardless of price?


    Feller? Rahal? Shapiro?


    It's hard finding pictures online from their FUE patients...they all seem to be strip patients. Any help would be appreciated.

  11. Hi Atticus,


    Sorry to hijack this thread pace31, but hopefully this will be useful: Atticus, can you comment on how Dr. Umar inserts the graphs? I have an appt with him in May but am getting a bit worried about doing it, even though this would be my 4th surgery. Does he use the lateral slit method?


    Hi mediaface,


    Yes, I believe he does use the lateral slit method, but you should ask him to make sure. In my case, the slits for the implanted grafts matched the existing hair angles perfectly. If you have any concerns, shoot him an email. He is very good at answering questions or concerns.


    Have a good one!



  12. Long time lurker here, but I think I could be in a financial position in the upcoming year to possibly look into getting a HT. Just wanted to get everyone's thoughts and maybe some suggestions of a good doctor? I'm out of Salt Lake City so I'm kind of assuming maybe a travel to LA or something would be the most efficient? I have been initially thinking a FUE mostly for the quicker heal time. I can't take off a ton of time at my job so I'd really need something to heal quicker. I've attached a few photos below showing the extent. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi Pace,


    Yes, I have had FUE with Dr. Umar. So as far as FUE healing, I can only speak in terms of this doctor. Since Dr. Umar uses special custom made small caliber extraction tools, the extraction holes in the donor area healed/closed up the night I had my surgery. I had very little scabbing, and everything in that area looked flawless within three days.


    As far as the recipient area. You will have some pinkness and scabbing in that area. The goal is to have the scabbing come off gradually within 10 days so the new grafts can breathe properly. You will be given instructions on how to wash and care for your hair during this period. The first three days, you just pour lukewarm water over your hair with a little baby shampoo. Later, as the grafts become affixed, you work up to the point where you want to wash your hair in the shower and gently rub off the scabbing without using your fingernails.


    since you have straight hair, I would grow it out longer to disguise the recipient area and you should be fine. As far as the donor area, the doc will only shave a section for extractions, then your could comb your longer hair over the area. I would say would be fine to return to work within two weeks, maybe sooner. Your type of hair should be good for covering up the HT work while it heals and grows.


    Let me know if you have any more questions.


    Atticus :)

  13. I see Dr. Parsa Mohebi posts here too. Anyone have strong recs for him or Dr. Rassman? Also, is there like the "celebrity" hair transplant doc? The one that actors and musicians and so on go to? I guess that might be near impossible to find out, but you'd think someone on this board might know something.



    I don't think any legitimate doc would cop to such a thing. Patient privacy rights must be respected.


    If you are an actor, I would be leery of docs your agent recommends to you. More often than not, they don't have the slightest idea of what constitutes a good HT doc. Do your own research. Speak to a doc face to face, then decide. I have a friend who is Martial Arts actor. His ageny sent him to guy that left him "doll head" plugs. I could clearly see them when working out with him.



  14. Hi guys, I got a minor transplant on March 2011. I transplanted my front hair line, temples, and eyebrows. My front hairline is quite thick, but my temples and eyebrows were very sparse.


    After 5 months, my temples and eyebrows started to grow in quite fast. All the grafts sprouted quite quickly. I saw the density rise quickly. By the 8th month, the eyebrows and temples were thickened up fully. I could tell by looking at the roots. The frontal hair line was still sleeping though. No growth there


    After another couple of months or something (estimate), the frontal hair line started to grow in. But the grow in was more sparse. It took more months for all the grafts to start growing. Now (at 10 months) most of the frontal grafts have grown in, but there is STILL some 1-2 millimeter baby hairs that have recently grown. The growth and thickening is there so i am happy.


    But I am curious why the frontal hair took longer to "start" growing, and took longer for "each" graft to "start" growing. For the temple and eyebrow hair, most grafts started growing in a short time frame.


    Is it normal for the frontal lock to start growing in later than temples and eyebrows?


    What could be the reason? Is it because there is more blood supply near temples and eyebrows? Or is it that the frontal lock hair is "sharing" blood with the native thick hair?


    Has anyone else experienced this?




    Akuma, can you post some pix of your eyebrows? I am thinking of having my eyebrows beefed up a little.





  15. Thanks Atticus, any pics to look at? Sounds like you had something similar done that I am looking to do.


    I used to have some posted here, but I not sure what happened to them. Do a google search of the derm hair clinic in redondo beach (I don't think we are allowed to post links here). When the home page comes up, click on patient photos. My hairline/tmeple points job is on page 4, 2nd picture from the bottom. I mentioned my dislike of my old dracula hairline.


    Five years out it looks even better.



  16. Hey all,


    What a cool and informative website. I happen to be in the entertainment industry and live in LA, but oddly I've only recently heard of FUE. If FUE is truly so simple, you'd think actors and musicians and such would be getting it non stop these days and it would be more well known. Maybe its happening and its really well hidden? It seems like an incredible solution for me, I am 40, a Norwood II, luckily not much receding, and by reading all your posts, it seems I wouldn't need that many grafts to get back to an almost perfect hairline. (I know its not as drastic as most of the cases on here, but hey, the entertainment industry can be fucking cruel!) So I'm hoping I'm an ideal candidate for a very minor FUE session. We'll see.


    But anyway, my most important question is, what surgeons do recommend in Los Angeles?


    I'd really appreciate your advice and thoughts, thank you.


    Dr. Umar in Redondo Beach. He is the top doc in this field, as far as I am concerned. I had a small hairline/temple points job to minize a "dracula" hairline that seemed to age me by ten year. The results were excellent. A good doc and a good artist.


    I had my HT at 40.



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