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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. Wise choice! You have chosen the best!


    Atticus :)



    Hello All,


    I would like to wish you all a very happy new year and propersous 2012 and with loads of hair :)


    I have finally consulated with Dr. Umar in person and he was quite shocked to see me in person that I have so much hair left. I always thought I was norwood 6 even most top notch doctors who I had sent my pictures said the same but he belives i am norwood 3 to 4 after seeing me in real life. I giuess the pictures were not clear enough since I am using hairpiece so you cannot see a reall growth there. WE have agreed to do the surgery sometimes in June


    1. I have been on proscar since October 11 and so far I have not seen any effect on my beard of body hair. I will however continue taking proscar and keep the remaining hair and hopefully grow some more since the hairpeice might have casue some to fall


    2. He has told me that I will only need one surgery (opposed to original plan which was communicated through emails) and I have allowed him to go up to 10000 grafts using hair and beard starting from front line all the way to crown. He said there is a chance that we might do 8000 as he does not want to put hair on top of exisiting hair but I told him you are free to put as many numbers as you wish.


    3. After this surgery, he reckon I will have zero recession so back to norwood zero. However since I am young I will have to see him probably in 4 or 5 years.


    I would appareciate your expert opnions as I would like to make sure I am making the right decision.


    Best regards,


  2. Dr. Umar in Redondo Beach did my hairline and temples using only 600 grafts. I wanted to have my severe Eddie Munster (Dracula) hairline normalized. The old hairline aged me by at least 10 years.


    You can do an online consulation with Dr. Umar. If he thinks you are a good candidate, he will do small jobs.


    Happy New Years!!!!!!







    I was quoted 300-500 grafts and the online calculator gave me abut the same amount. The local ht surgeon said he didnt do that minor a session and that i didn't need it. He did however

    acknowledge that i would be a perfect candidate because i have no family history and my hair seems extremely thick. I am not posting a photo because i don't want to offend anyone and be told I don't need one. I know I don't need one but I want one. It would make a huge impact on me so why not do it? i have seen umars fellers and shapiros work and THEY ARE BRILLIANT! but don't know if they do minor sessions. Thoughts? thank you!

  3. The nape issue via FUE probably varies from patient to patient. I have heard nape can thin over time but I don't know if this is necessarily the case in every patient. In my opinion, FUE from any area outside of the FUT safe zone is a better bet in an older patient whose hair loss pattern is fairly well-established.


    Definitely wold like to hear Dr. Umar's thoughts about his reasoning for using nape.


    I had nape hair used in my hairline and temple points. The men in my family on both sides have guerilla type nape hair in to their 80's and 90's. I often see old men who have thinning hair on top, but have all kinds of nape/neck hair almost bursting out of their shirt collars. I have observed nape hair to be quite hardy in some people. One of the forum members here recounted having had 5 or 6 professional hair removal sessions done on the nape hair, only to have it grow back. He then had that hair trasplanted into the hairline.


    In the end, I think the doc along with the patient need to assess each individual situation on nape hair usage and applicability. Also, it takes a VERY skilled doc to successfully remove nape hair intact. The use of custom tools in this instance is optimal.


    My own results will be shown via video early this year I am guessing. It will show my grown out results post op five years.


    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!


    Atticus :)


    P.S. I just thought about my neighbor. He is balding on top, but his wife has to shave his neck/nape area every other day to keep it from getting bushy.

  4. I love how Dr. Umar presents his results. Very professional (clear video with verbal comments and sufficient breakdown of details. Well done.


    Having had an HT done by Dr. Umar, I would describe him as an artisan who will take his time whether the job is small, or large. His eye for detail is uncanny, and he never rushes you as the patient. He takes his time and studies the cranium and facial features VERY carefully, to ensure that things such as hairlines or temple points replicate nature. His crown swirls are out of this world.



  5. I have undergone 2 strip surgeries with a well respected surgeon totalling about 6100 grafts, with good results. One thing that I'm lacking though is temple points, since I have none, and I don't think I've ever had temple points. During the last surgery I asked if the surgeon could restore the temple points, but he felt that my hair was too coarse for it to look completely natural. I have dark, coarse hair and fair skin. My question is: Is it possible to successfully restore temple points in a person with very coarse, dark hair and fair skin?


    I've thought a bit about doing a FUE of 400-500 grafts using nape hair, which is finer and would give a softer look to the temple points. I know hair from this region is not necessarily DHT-resistant, but on the other hand it wouldn't be a disaster if I'd lose my temple points in the future, I'd just be back to where I am now, and the money is not an issue. Also, with nape hair/hair in the lower part of the neck I wouldn't waste precious hair in the permanent donor zone. I probably have about 2000-3000 grafts left as it is, and most of the hair in the midscalp is native hair, which I could lose, although I'm on Propecia since about 12 years with good results. Noone in my family has extensive loss of nape hair, and noone has progressed beyond NW 5.


    What do you think about using nape hair to restore the temple points? Which surgeons would be willing to use nape hair? Do you have nay examples of good surgeons that do this?


    Any input would be appreciated!




    Dr. Umar from Redondo Beach CA did my hairline, and did some temple points work using my nape. It came out really natural. Men in my family grow nape hair like gorillas!!!!


    Atticus ;)

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Thanks N6, MewHairplease and Atticus for your repsonses. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. I have looked at some of the other repair cases and I might not be as bad as I suspect. MHR took me to a more normal looking appearance after getting the pits and scars from the dilators the first time. I am hoping that the next step will show a marked improvement also.


    I am starting to garner some hope and will look into meds and visiting some docs after the new year. Another pic illustrating the view from above.




    No problem. All in all, you have pretty good coverage in the front, and a top notch doc can help camo those scars. You came to the right place! 2012 will be a kick ass year for you!


    Have a good X-Mas man!


    Atticus :)

  7. Hey Lee,


    All in all you come out pretty lucky. At least your recipient area doesn't look bad. I would like to recommend my doctor, who I consider to be the top and foremost expert in FUE/BHT repairs and mainstream HT's, Dr. Umar in Redondo Beach, CA. Do a search and you will see for yourself. He has done magic on folks full of scar tissue, some looking like they were badly burned in a car accident. No joke. The proof is in the results, photos, videos, etc.


    Have a great Christmas,



  8. Damn! so sorry about that. Hopefully, being on meds for a while makes a difference. I wish you the best.






    Like the title says, I could really use some cheering up...I've been gearing up for my HT for several years now, did tons of research and consultations, saved up money, took time off work, and I flew to Vancouver this morning for my scheduled HT tomorrow, and had a pre-op consultation with Dr. Wong who informed me that I was not a good candidate for a HT, and suggested that I not proceed with a HT. Now, I completely appreciated Dr. Wong's (brutal) honesty, as he stands to lose a lot of money - it demonstrates H&W's integrity once again. But personally, I'm so bummed.


    Also, I was so shocked by this news that I didn't fully take in what he said. But basically he said my hair has miniaturization all over, including the donor area, and that it is so thin/fine that it wouldn't provide adequate density anyway. He had Dr. Hasson come in as well and he agreed with Dr. Wong. The real kicker came when he said that it's most likely that I will lose all my hair since the miniaturization is so advanced in the sides and back. In a couple minutes, I went from a vision of a full head of hair to completely bald. Damn that hurt!


    I'm only 38 and I've been building up to this procedure for a few years now. I had several in-house consultations previously with other surgeons who didn't mention this - and of course I can't fault any of the surgeons I had online/phone consultations with since Dr. Wong said it was really hard to tell in the pictures. So needless to say I was completely blindsided by this.


    I think I only have read 1 story like this in all my research online, and Dr. Wong said he has only turned away 7-8 folks in his whole career. Wow, maybe I should play the lottery.


    Anyway, Dr. Wong suggested I start proscar (yes, I had been resisting this after having what I believe to be an allergic reaction several years ago in my 1st attempt) and re-evaluate in 6 months or a year. That makes me feel somewhat hopeful. As does the thought I had as I walked out of H&W's building into the dark, cold Vancouver night - at least I don't have cancer. As bummed as I am, it felt good to have perspective.


    Anyway, thanks for listening. It's been a freakin tough day.

  9. What Joe said so well! My doc custom makes (himself) his own slit making tools, so every doctor is a little bit different.


    Happy growing!






    I understand my FUE surgeon implemented lateral slit incisions of .7-1.0 mm wide

    Is this is a good and modern level? He confirmed he used a special handle to ensure they didnt go deeper.


    I did have quite a lot of existing pre op hair , and he has reassured me he used this level of lateral slit incisions to ensure regard to the existing hair.

  10. I agree with the others. In the case scenario you have presented, FUE would be the way to go.





    Hi guys,

    I know FUE v FUT has been done to death but I just wanted to ask your opinion on something i've been thinking about


    People say fue is best for small amounts, ie under 1000, things like that. but the yeild can be as low as 50%


    But if you were get fut for a small amount then the scar would be smaller? if the yeild is more like 90% with fut as i've read then would this not be better? fut is cheaper also


    i never plan to have my hair short enough to have the scar exposed, so would fut not be such a bad idea?


    i'm thinking about going with feller btw

  11. Dr. Umar has my vote. There is absolutely no doubt he is at the top in his field. He expertise ranges from repair work, to regular scalp hair FUE. I had my hairline refined by Dr. Umar using nape hair, and the results are excellent. So, I would be a good example of a regular non repair FUE. Video of my results (4 years after surgery) should be availabe soon.


    Thanks Bill,


    Atticus :)




    Thanks for everyone's input so far.


    FUE has come a long way and has become increasingly popular amongst patients. Additionally, many leading surgeons including Dr. Ron Shapiro are starting to feel differently about FUE and feel that in many cases, it may be a viable alternative to traditional FUT.


    Ultimately, hair loss sufferers choosing FUE over FUT need physicians who perform this procedure and perform it well. While Dr. Umar may not embrace the traditional FUT method due to his own personal experience, in my opinion, he has demonstrated that he performs quality follicular unit extraction without overhyping its benefits.


    In my opinion, physicians dedicated to performing quality FUT versus FUE don’t have to be in constant conflict with one another. Most leading physicians are beginning to agree that FUE is here to stay and surgeons who are working to prefect FUE can peacefully co-exist with surgeons dedicated to performing quality FUT procedures.


    See “Why Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is Here to Stay” and “Can Follicular Unit Extraction FUE and FUT Hair Transplant Surgery Peacefully Co-Exist”.


    There’s no doubt Dr. Umar’s FUE and especially BHT procedure is well suited for a narrower niche of potential candidates. But I'm pleased to see that Dr. Umar uses strict criteria in selecting candidates for surgery.


    Recently, I asked Dr. Umar to present a couple more examples of his scalp FUE results. Below, is another example Dr. Umar just presented. I look forward to seeing a few more shortly.


    View 3500 FUE Grafts Restore Level NW3 Baldness - Dr. Sanusi Umar


    We look forward to hearing more opinions.


    Best wishes,



  12. I have recently set up my first HT and am pretty siked about it.


    Tonight the wife and I went out with a group of our friends to a Japanese steakhouse and after we settled in someone asked my wife if we could come to an event and she blurts out " I don't think so that is when he will be getting his surgery" of course everyone says "what surgery?" so my wife just tells everyone straight out at the dinnner table the I am getting a HT moving hair from one part of my head to the other.


    Holy cow, it has been a while since my face has turned red and gotten sorta hot, I could not control my embarassment, I would have played it off if given advance notice but the suprise of it all had me a bit stunned.


    Amazingly, after dinner in private she claimed to not know it was embarassing, so I took it very easy on her....but damn that was truly embarassing!


    Now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess I will just embrace it and be thankful that there is a solution out there for guys like me with less than perfect hair!


    I don't know man. I have been married 18 years, and my wife would know NEVER to do that to me. She should have been more considerate and asked you before hand if you wanted it shared with someone or not.


    Sorry, that's messed up.



  13. \


    "I am getting about 1K Strip in my hairline sometime in 2012 with Ron and if he says it's worth it I will probably go for it. I imagine he will have a lot of feedback by the time I go in as I'm not sure when he started using it."


    Hi Profoam,


    I am not trying to be smart or anything, but why did you decide to have a strip for a relatively small job?



  14. Thanks Atticus,


    I guess my specific question is if the grafts can "die" if the scabs are left on too long as the article claims.


    It depends on many factors. Were they thin scabs, or heavy thick scabs? Did you see hair coming through thin scabbing? Hair techs and docs alike preach taking the scabs off as soon as possible, so there is probably some validity to the theory that scabs impede "breathing".


    At this point, I would try not to worry much. I think you stated you are seeing results, so that's good.


    Have a good one!



  15. Hi Folks,


    I'm about a month out from a transplant (1800 front third) with a clinic in Florida. Their post op instructions are pretty conservative and I did not start massaging the recipient area to break up the scabs until several weeks out. I know there is a lot of different instructions for each doctor out there.


    I have a lot of white scabs (fairly sticky) that are still coming off, although progress is good. My only concern is that I came across this post from someone who noted that scabs left on too long can "suffocate" and kill the grafts underneath if left on too long:


    Problem with scabs after surgical hair transplants: I'm suffocating - I can't breathe!


    Any thoughts on this?


    10 ten after my HT, I started using the shower head to gently spray warm water onto my scabs for about ten to fifteen minutes. This helped loosen up the scabs, then I would gently massage the scabs with my finger tips to help them off. I would do this three to four times a day with good results. It may take two to three days of doing this to work off the scabs.


    Good luck!



  16. Guys im not been funny but we've got to be real! The placement is absolutely shocking there is nothing a surgeon can say to defend this they're all lined up like a dot to dot. The graft size has something very suspicious going on but I can't work out what it is as it seems smaller than normal mini graft plugs but bigger than a 1mm punch.



    I fully agree bonkenstonker. There was no artistic design involved in this HT whatsoever. Simply said, it's just not acceptable. The crown work design is poor at best.


    If it were me, I would want some remuneration to have a TRUE FUE artisan camouflage this work.


    Atticus :(

  17. Looking good hairtoday! The hair has matured quite a bit and it will more in the next few months. I like length best in these pics so far. I could see why if you wanted more work done in the future - especially since the first one with Dr. Umar turned out very well in my opinion. It looks as if there are some thin spots in the front and the crown. But again, I think another procedure might just do the trick for you.



    I believe the overall plan is to do another pass after this procedure fully matures. Luckily, it looks like Hair Today has a very ample beard donor hair area. :D


    Atticus :)

  18. In Body Hair Transplant, Dr. Bisanga is the best, contact his clinic (BHR CLINIC). Its just he is in Belgium, but if you need it to be done in US then I would recommend Dr. Umar from Derm Hair Clinic...


    I would counter that and say Dr. Umar is the best in BHT.



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