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Everything posted by TomA

  1. Five week post op pics are now available on my hair loss weblog for your viewing enjoyment...
  2. Almost certainly. My Doc told me to wear a hat home after surgery. It just needs to fit loosely on the top. If you are concerned about facial swelling, talk to your doc about wearing an elastic headband for a few days after surgery. My Doc gives everyone a headband, and it worked like a charm. He told me that he has almost no instances of facial swelling anymore. In my case, I had swelling above the band, but it never migrated to my face. I wore a hat over the band...
  3. Where are the pictures? I'm not sure how people can comment without them.
  4. I had an interesting experience that I thought I would relate. About two years ago, I was going to get my hair cut and a guy with shoulder-blade length long hair was talking to his girlfriend (one of the stylists). On the way out he stopped and told me (unsolicited) that if I wanted hair I could have it--just like him--and he gave me the name of a doctor (which I have since forgotten). He then lifted up his long mane of hair to reveal a huge--and well healed--scar on the side of his head. I would estimate 2/3 of an inch wide and at least several inches long; I don't know how far back it went. It was obvious that it was not going to go away. I was horrified; in fact it put me off looking at transplant surgery for at least a year! But he seemed to be quite happy with his results. Suum cuique!
  5. The blog is working again! Special thanks to Bill and Hans for working hard to get this fixed!!!
  6. I disagree with Rockwell. I had 3300 for around $7000 and certainly didn't get "butchered"... you just have to do a bit of research. You could spend $15,000 and get hacked up just as easily. I'm sure many people here can provide you with their stories. Anyway, my blog is under repair as we speak. I would guess that the pictures will be back up within 24 hours and I will be adding my 1 month photos shortly after that.
  7. Price depends heavily on the location. In the US/Canada it is going to be more than it might be in other places. I had mine in Thailand and it cost a little over $2 per graft.
  8. I know!! I went to post my one month pics and it didn't work. I don't know what's going on. I notified the admins, hopefully we will have an answer soon...
  9. Yes, I think that is true. And most posters lean toward those clinics in their discussion. However, this website seems to be quite open to the POSITIVE discussion of other clinics in these forums as well. If the patients of other clinics wish to discuss their experiences, it seems that they are more than welcome to do so. In addition, anyone can post a weblog documenting their results, regardless of where their HT was done. You can see mine below--my surgeon is not a member of this site, yet everyone is free to see his work in my weblog. Why not ask some of your patients to document their results here as I have done? If they are truly happy, I am sure that many of them won't mind. And it's FREE!
  10. Is this true? Does EVERYONE who gets paid to post here OR who receives a benefit for posting (e.g. free or discounted work) note that fact in their signatures? I have wondered this myself and think it is a good policy if it is true.
  11. I had mine done in Thailand for a little over $2 per graft because I was also concerned about price. Turns out that there is an excellent HT surgeon over there. Very happy so far... Right now, 2,500 grafts costs about 189,000 Baht ($5700) You can contact me for more info, if you like. Or see my weblog below... Tom
  12. Don't be surprised if you lose those... most people do. They will grow back in several months, though.
  13. Thanks. I updated the questions and will document some of my experience. I also posted 3-week pictures. I'll post 1 month photos on or around the 18th.
  14. It's 09/25-10/01 at the Venetian. I know because I was helping one of the Docs in Dr. Path's office with travel info. I know he is going along with his two assistant Docs and one of the nurses. I don't know whether anyone is doing consultations, but I doubt it though. I may be wrong, but if you were going to a convention in LV, would you want to work? I suppose the best thing to do would be to email the Docs you are interested in and see.
  15. Of course you are correct. I copied and pasted someone else's signature and just edited the info. Looks like I forgot something... LOL!
  16. Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand charges 70 bhat (a little more than US$2) per graft. Thailand's not so far for an Aussie. You can see my photos here: http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=368 and read my review of the procedure here: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/256...301054923#3301054923 Be aware that it takes about three months from when you call to actually get an appointment. The backlog seems to be growing, too. Any other questions, let me know. Tom
  17. My Doc said 4-6 months before it begins to grow in enough that you can see it and 10 months before you see the final result.
  18. It's far too early to talk about final results, and I'm not an expert by any means, but I think I have one of the best immediate-post-op photos I've seen. It *almost* looks like nothing was done.
  19. I just posted my three week photos, including high res photos of the donor area. http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=368
  20. Wow! I must admit that my baldness never bothered me as much as it did some of you guys. It bothered me, yeah, but not this much. Ironically, the first time I wore a cap regularly was AFTER my transplant to hide the post-op "Frankenstein look".
  21. Are these things (Dermamatch, etc.) REALLY undetectable? Can people see them if they are close enough?
  22. I was very lucky--except for MPB--I inherited nearly perfect health and a high metabolism. My brother was the opposite. His hair is absolutely Greek God perfect, with a natural wave, but he has so many health problems that he is in the hospital 1-2 times per year at age 39. Given the choice, I'd take MPB.
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