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irish homer

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Posts posted by irish homer

  1. well done, your going to be asked for the details so i may as well ask

    who was your Doctor?

    how many grafts?

    what norwood were you?

    what if any medication are you on?

    Im sure there will be lots more questions from other posters but these are the standard ones.

    grow well -)


  2. ASDS,

    congrats, I'm at day 16 and starting to see some of the little newbies jumping ship, it does suck , icon_frown.gif But at least if they go early the new growing can begin. You will feel great once the sutures come out. one question for you, is it not uncomfortaple for your brother to be walking with the boner?? icon_biggrin.gif

  3. added a few new pictures today. its day 11 and i got the staples out, i had stitches the first time around and found the staples much more uncomfortable.... but their gone now so no worries. the added pics dont show anything drastic just put them in to keep everything documented. using aloe vera on the transplant site and it really helps with the itch and the redness.


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