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irish homer

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Posts posted by irish homer

  1. i would have reason to meet some of unhealtyist people in the community during my daily work ( drug addics,alcoholics, people with mental problems) all of which would lead very unhealty lives. If this was to effect their hair then they should be bald ( men and woman ) and their not icon_smile.gif

  2. at the risk of repeating what the more knowledgable posters have already said here, don't get an underrate HT and end up back on this site in a years time looking for advice on getting repair work done. Do it right from the start>>>>>> PLEASE>>>>> everyone here wants the best outcome for all the members.

  3. Originally posted by Mrjb:



    Gorpy is right on.. The shedding is the hair follicle going through a new phase ( a good thing). I also would be bald and with no eyebrows if there were a correlation between sex and hair loss..




    good lads, i'd be as hairy as a Yeti if there was a corralation icon_smile.gif ( been a slow couple of months)

  4. intresting site. it only has 98 registered members so can't really be taken as an expert source. it's very one sided as only people who have had a bad HT would be intrested in the information on the site. if you got a great result from one of the best doc's around why bother searching for the likes of this site????

  5. Originally posted by JTB:

    I am pretty bald but have a thick donor area. I was told by my surgeon that I could get 1000 graphs per session. I told my surgeon that I saw pictures on the internet of people who received 2000 to 3000 graphs. He told me that his graphs included more then one hair. Does this sound reasonable?




    short answer is NO, it doesn't sound reasonable.It sounds like the advice i got from a doc that just wasn't up to the standard of the top doc's mentioned on this site. do plenty of research and be prepared to travel to get the best results from the best doc's.

  6. hi bank,

    using a few drugs etc as you can see on my posts also taking vitmain C as dr. advised it MIGHT help with healing and i just kept taking it. there are some thin fair hairs also and there is more stubbly dark hairs then when i first posted this trend.

    my pics under irish homer will show you the extent of my baldness. Curious indeed icon_smile.gif

  7. just at the 5 week mark and didn't lose nearly as much of the graphs as i thought i would. my head has looked better then the pre HT days since day one.

    i have lost some graphs but in the last 2-3 days i have started to notice a large number of very small stubbley hairs which seem to be new and just starting to sprout.a lot of these are fair in colour and some darker.

    my question is to those more knowledgable members. whats going on? i am not expecting any of this at such an early stage. any thoughts?

  8. just at the 5 week mark and didn't lose nearly as much of the graphs as i thought i would. my head has looked better then the pre HT days since day one.

    i have lost some graphs but in the last 2-3 days i have started to notice a large number of very small stubbley hairs which seem to be new and just starting to sprout.a lot of these are fair in colour and some darker.

    my question is to those more knowledgable members. whats going on? i am not expecting any of this at such an early stage. any thoughts?

  9. ephinadrine and adrenalin are the same drug. its drug used to constrict blood vessels and is given to patients in cardiac arrest or with allergic reactions. it's effects on the body are rapid but short lived.

    it occures naturally in the body and you would not survive without the bodies natural supply.

  10. What utter shit, the reason that some of the posters here can't get a nice girl of any age is obviously that they have no idea how to treat a woman and an unhealthy attidude to women in general.

    the only thing a head of hair will do is perhaps make a first impression on a woman who doesn't find herself attracted to balding men. after that there has to be something else to make a relationship work.it will also give some men a bit more confidence when speaking to women.

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