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Posts posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. and no, you dont need to have a hairline to pull it off. its not the same as shaving with a full head of hair like Beckem, but it serves its purpose and is considered the same look

    ok...it's NOT the same as shaving like Beckam


    it *IS* considered the same "look" (?)

    this is PRECISELY my point of contention,

    THAT IS that it is NOT the same look and here is a pic to exemplify the difference...

    Yeah, his hair is NOT bic'ed, but WHEN is it?

    Even if it ever IS, it would look COMPLETELY different than the Yul Brynner pic above...

    BOTTOM LINE: one looks BALD & the Other looks SHAVED...


  2. i tend to agree that it is often times much cleaner looking then having thinning, weak hairs all around

    I agree 100%


    it IS the bald look...

    "you make your argument as if its the objective truth"...


    Do you *seriously* not see a cosmetic appreciable difference between a man who shaves his head w/NO MPB


    one who shaves his head w/no hair on top?


    The former has a *shaved* head look.

    The latter is merely *bald*...


    It is true, that Bruce Willis is often cited as

    having the *shaved* look


    it is primarily on the Balding Blogs...

    Bottom line: he looks 'bald' & so do ALL others who ARE bald and shave their heads;

    where as one who has NO MPB shaves their head

    will in NO way look bald.

    While it's easy to call one w/a shaved head and NO hair line and NO stubble on top

    "shaved" they are simply bald...

    It's REALLY clear to me and I don't see how ANYONE could make a reasonable argument that a

    BALD man w/a shaved head, MERELY looks like a man with a "shaved" head (?!?!?!)...

    Seriously (?) THAT doesn't make sense to you or anyone else?


  3. Bullfrog,


    Im truly happy for you that your thrilled and excited over your *current* situation. Given your current options (i.e. choosing between a surgery from a doc who is not considered "world-class" & accepting your current situation and attempting to improve it by shaving down) you definetly chose the most favorable option.


    There is a TON of discussion about shaving down your head prior to having a ht to see if your happy w/the "shaved" look, as it is "popular" at this given time; however I think there is a bit of equivocation going on here w/these terms.


    The *Shaved* Look vs. The Balding Look:

    in order to truly have the "shaved" look, which is currently deemed as not only acceptable but "cool" by todays standards, one must have BOTH:

    a relatively low hair line


    a TON of stubble left on top, so it actually appears as the "shaved" look.


    If one does NOT have BOTH of the above, your essentially settling for the *bald* look, which if your happy w/then a ht is out of question for you.

    The reason why there is such a HUGE cosmetic discrepancy between the cool "shaved" look and the *balding* look, is that if one does not have BOTH a relatively low hair line AND a TON of stubble on top, then they will have a SHINY head which MERELY looks like a bald head; not anywhere NEAR the *shaved* look which is currently acceptable...


    On top of that, even if one has both of the afore mentioned, which is VERY rare for men suffering from MPB, one will perpetually fear their impending doom as both the hair line AND the stubble on top will eventually fall out,

    leaving them with the *BALDING* look...


    All in all, I think given your current options you made the right decision and Im glad you feel so relieved and happy w/your current situation.

    Having said that, I think that the real TRUTH about the coolness of the *balding* look is really swept under the table given what I perceive and have laid out here...

    It's really not a viable option for most currently, and NONE long term, UNLESS your actually cosy w/the BALDING look...

  4. 'Hair-Greed'

    is a real phenomena which has, recently, had both wide reaching and wide sweeping effects on the balding society; suffering from both diseases of alopecia and 'hair-greed' is intolerable as there is currently no inoculate for either.


    The latter disease has a pervasive effect on the former disease as it permeates into every facet of the balding man's psyche.

    Hair-Whores, like all whores, spread diseases among the balding community as a whole as they encourage promiscuity among grafts, strips, and FUE's.

    Graft-Gluttons, like all gluttons, encourage and increase the appetite for this greedy behavior and it seems it is "never enough;"

    and the lengths and means by which they get there next fix can be likened to a crack-head and there next 'fix'...

    Selling off your children's college fund...

    Ignoring your wife's needs and material desires,

    to get your next 'graft'?

    Subjecting yourself to the continual bombardment of needles and blood shed to ensure all of your


    Your all sick and should be ashamed.

    You have a disease.

    The sooner you recognize it the better.

    it's truly the first step in your

    'healing process'...

    Get help whores & gluttons...


    Ron Hairme...

  5. hey, maybe you could play the cards in your favor

    and take up a modeling career for women's skirts, showing off your new soft, silky skin!!!

    AHAHHAHAH!!!! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif


    I don't know if it causes this...I can't think of any reasons why it would or why this would be a bad thing...Unless your lady friends are complaining your a bit too on the *soft* side lately?...


    I would assume your just *looking* for different things to happen and attribute it to fin, trust me I think I would take soft skin over a soft

    wang, which is *usually* what guys complain about on fin...

    Any other sides? Any new hair growth?

  6. Originally posted by jw34:

    ...im startin to notice that my skin is becoming more and more softer and smoother...


    Oh yeah baby, what are you wearing? AHAHAHAHAH!!!! icon_mad.gificon_redface.gificon_mad.gif

    Sorry, couldn't resist. It sounded like something on a Nivea lotion commercial for women or something... icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

    I've never heard of this, but perhaps Ill start slipping me Julie some fin! icon_razz.gif

  7. No offense, but your really *not* going to get good answers to this question. Patient's who went to doc 'x' or doc 'y' will invariably bust out their respective pom-pom's for their respective doc's if they were happy w/their results...


    Having said that, I *personally* think H&W are world class; and from my research I'd venture to say they are unparalleled by ANY docs out their with respect to not only the quality of their work, but furthermore (and in some cases of most importance) the sheer # of grafts they can move in but a single session. Without a doubt ht's are expensive, and especially if your looking at the top of the top, cream of the crop, "BIG-BOYS" in the game (i.e. H&W, Feller) and while money is not an easy issue to dismiss, when it comes to elective plastic surgery ESPECIALLY that being ht's where the results are permanently present above your eyes within ear shot of everyone for the REST of your life; I think money should be a non-variable in the equation...


    One aspect that is often over looked is the fact that if your a NW5+ and you decide to go to a clinic who only moves slightly north of 2K grafts per session, you will have to have 2-3 sessions and ALL of the down time that goes along with that, to merely equal what H&W are typically pushing in but a single session...To me, THAT is priceless.

    There are a TON of online pics from various docs, and H&W are chief among them in not only quantity but quality...

    It sounds like you have done a considerable amount of research, but I would view as many pics from all the clinics your considering and decide for yourself who YOU think is the best.


    While it is strictly a matter of personal opinion here are some cases which have persuaded ME that H&W are indeed the best:







    *I would have included Shuffle's blog, but for some reason it's no longer up. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gifCan someone contact him, as I look at it every morning before I start my day as an inspiration...

















    "those beasts are passing us quickly".

    "those beasts have 2million Elk-power hairweknow"..."shall we pull of the road for a rest?"

    "yes, Im rather parched"....


    on a country road hairweknow sits in the grass and moptronic lies atop the elk..


    "what is that moptronic?"

    "oh, Im brushing up on my fiddle harmony. Do you play?"


    "no, but I love song & dance"...




    (hairweknow begins stroking his beard)

    Hmmm...God made MANY bald men,

    If I were a hairy man (?)

    would it spoil some VAST eternal PLAN!?

    (humming and singing):

    "If I

    ------WERE 'a



    Yubby dibby -DibBy--



    hairweknow, folding his arms kneeling & dancing...


    Moptronic standing atop the elk....

    "if YOU

    ----WERE 'a



    YubBy diBby--DibBy-dibBy

    dibBy DibbY------- dIDDy dum


    What 'ed


    ----------DO for



    hairweknow pulling two long curly hairs from the elks ass wrapping one around each of his ears....


    "if I

    -----WERE 'a



    YubBy, diBby---DibBy-dibBy

    didDy----- duM

    I would-----buILD

    'a BIG----TALL MOP (hands gesturing to the heavens) w/spikes by the DOZEN!!!!





    So every'A---ONE


    --------------------this is the HEAD of 'A




    moptronic flittering atop the elk on his tip-toes, & hairweknow on the ground BOTH of them hands gesturing wildly & chests arched to the heavens singing in HARMONY:

    "If WE







    WE ----WOULDN'T

    ----------HAVE TO



    TO Play w/GIRLS




    diBby dUM!!!!

    WE would


    -----ALL the




    (sample of song & dance below)




    ----CURTAINS CLOSE------

    END OF ACT THRICE; SCENE TWOSIES, JOURNEY & SONG & DANCE................................





    (bald man still moaning, head buried in arms, shiny scalp reflecting the glorious moon)




    (neighbor's AGAIN)

    "FU$K!!! Get a GRIP & SHUT UP BALDIE!!!"


    "Oh, sorry. Im sorry"



    A man w/ long luscious golden locks wearing red and white tights w/emblems of maple leafs on his knees & chest, riding an elk w/strong antlers gallops in from the distance.


    He arrives below the balding man...


    (baah...sniffles....baaah.... balding man sees the red & white tights and the elk below, and by his estimations the most beautiful blond locks of hair he has ever seen)...


    "YES? From whence did you hither?

    Did you come to scorn me w/your beautiful hair?

    Whom are you I say! And from whence did you hither?"


    "I am Moptronic and I come from the North,

    from a BEAUTIFUL land flowing w/honey, hair, & hockey pucks...

    I did SURELY not come for scorn!

    I am one of the three wise men:

    Hasson, Wong, and Moptronic.

    I saw the stary reflection of your shiny head & it has led me to you"...


    still sobbing...sniffling..."What is that in your hand?"


    Moptronic steps off his elk, removes his hat, shaking his long glorious locks while holding a vile....

    "Im sorry, one second. All of this DAMN hair has been in my face the whole way here!"




    "Shhhh...HAIRWEKNOW! I bring you a potion,

    which shall surely bring your loved one back!"


    "But how can this be? What will happen?"


    "Well, you shall partake of the potion.

    You shall never desire a woman's touch nor taste again;

    your balls shall shrink to the size of peas;

    your loins shall no longer allow you to gain entry to a woman again, you shall bear no children, and will die a man w/a full head of hair!"


    "Give me this GLORIOUS potion you hold & speak of!!!!"


    "I also come w/tidings of good news oh HAIRWEKNOW..."

    (hairweknow, slamming the potion in one shot-----GULP, GULP,GULP)


    "speak on lovely locks!"


    "there is a man in the north, who has a sword which he has made for himself; it is a sharp sword which he has customly cut for you! He sharpens it day and night and will conquer your plagued head and bring your love one BACK to life again!!!!"


    "Oh lovely locks if this is true...if this is true!

    Say no more, TAKE me to this man you speak of and adore!!!!"


    ...Moptronic & Hairweknow mount the elk, and gallop into the north.....






    (bald man crying from balcony gazing into the moon at midnight)

    "Oh, hairweknow

    ----oh, hairweknow,

    ----where art thou?

    ----------------where art THOU?"

    --(WEEPS and MOANS)--


    "OoOoh, hairweknow

    ------OooOOooh, hairweknow; where ART though!?!

    -----OH *how* I long for your locks;

    HOW shall I go another *DAY* without you?(!)

    your soft touch against my skin,

    your sweet scent of intoxication; like beds of the finest flowers to bury my face between and partake of your beauty"...


    ---(sobbing, gasping INTOLERABLE weeping & moaning cradling himself on the balcony)---


    OOOooooOh, HAIR......"

    (neighbors awake):

    ----"SHUT THE FU$K UP BALDIE!!!!!!!!"

    (apple core tossed at shiny moon reflecting bald head)


    " YOUR BALD! GET OVER IT!!!....


  11. If you have a product name so that our intelligent members can research

    did I hear someone call me?...

    Yes, smoothstevie tell us the name. Fifteen procedures, WoW! icon_eek.gifYour just a glutton for punishment, eh? Im gonna have 16 just so I can give myself an award and out do you...


    BTW---the hanlde 'smoothstevie' makes it sound like the ht's didn't turn out to THICK, on a balding blog that would be like using the handle 'babybutt' or something; it really evokes a feeling of no hair...Hmmmm....this ALL really sounds strange mr.fifteen....

  12. Below is the thread in which Feller's transparency regarding the limitations of FUE when compared to strip is *very* clear, and has persuaded me that MOST patients would be better served w/strip:



    On pg2 Feller states the following:

    ""Trauma" is another confusing term when applied to FUE, but yes, a larger area of skin will be traumatized and forced to reorganize itself after an FUE "insult". When you tally up the total surface of area of skin affected by the two procedures, FUE will total 10 times as much "trauma" as a comparable sized strip surgery. While this is not so much of a problem at the time of the FUE, it becomes a considerable issue only a few months after the fact because the skin will tend to harden due to the deposition of scar tissue around each hole. When these rings of scar tissue fan out, they ultimately coalese together to form a "sheet of scaring". Further FUE in skin like this is very difficult and the number of successful attempts drops.


    In other words, the fewer times you have to cut the skin, the better. This axiom serves the whole of the surgical field, not just FUE. It's also common sense.


    I agree that it is best to "strip" out a patient before moving to FUE."

    ---Dr. Feller


    It's pretty clear that the "scarring" he is referring to is not the "moth eaten" look...

    So it's really not about viewing THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA FROM SPACE.... icon_smile.gif


    I hope your ht turns out GREAT Emperor!

    We will have to agree to disagree regarding FUE though! icon_smile.gif

  13. You don't believe FELLER'S argument about scarring being an issue for FUE?...Are you kidding? Have you read it?

    ---YET YOU BELIEVE ARMANI (!?!?!?!?!??!?!)

    ----who has presented ZERO evidence (!?!?!??)

    Have you read Feller's account of this?

    The "SCARRING" Im refferring to for FUE

    is NOT the moth eaten look. The scarring is w/respect to the ability to successfully extract grafts from the donor area...

    An ENTIRELY different issue than that of the "moth eaten" look...

    This will effect the total amount of grafts one can successfully have...

    ---I wish I could find the thread that Feller explained this...Bill? CAN YOU FIND IT???

    He explains the SCAR tissue for FUE is an issue for extracting more grafts and the success of extracting these grafts becomes LOWER...


    NOT talking about the MOTH EATEN look here, just talking about the SUCCESS of actually obtaining more grafts......

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