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Posts posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. Damn!

    I just dug up my very first post on this forum and realized none of you greedy Ba$tards ever even responded to me!!! icon_mad.gificon_redface.gificon_mad.gif

    And here I have belabored endlessly on the Balding Blog to help you greedy follicle grubbing Ba$tards! GRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....


    Just kidding, actually I looked this up cuz I decided to look up Pat's *very* FIRST postings to see the history of dA Balding Blog!!!


  2. Im sorry but the title to this thread just cracks me up:

    "minoxidil for FAIR people"

    ANYbody see the South Park on "ginger kids"?


    AHAHAHH!!! icon_mad.gificon_redface.gificon_mad.gif

    Im sorry hair_return, you might not even be a ginger-kid, but I just couldn't resist! icon_smile.gif

    It was a totally legitimate question by you, but it is SUCH a funny title! icon_smile.gif

  3. Hey Bald-Boxer,


    actually quite the contrary most, if not all, docs will *strongly* recommend you get and stay on fin (propecia or one of it's equivelants)

    ESPECIALLY if your going to have a ht. Some people don't, but the risk of future loss and their consequences (supply and demand) become of greater significance...

    But, having said that not EVERYONE who has a ht

    gets and stays on meds. It is not a requisite, but is strongly encouraged.

    How old are you and what's your current hair loss situation?

  4. that sounds like a healthy and disciplined diet of fin!

    Im glad your "mr. happy" is still in full-function and that you can describe him in such endearing terms...

    I have a rather vengeful and vindictive prick, which I will in no way shower him w/such praises and blessings.... icon_mad.gificon_redface.gif

  5. OK...

    I had never even heard of this pat yullner cat, whom you brought up, then there's D.Bheckam and the notorious Bruce Willis who EVERYONE cites on the blog for the shaved look..


    "but you act as if you have brought into fashion, single handedly the "shaved" look"...


    I seriously have NO clue what the hell your referring to here...

    "if you know anything about fashion in general"...

    ---no sorry pal, guess you got me there Fashinista'!

    It's my opinion that the *shaved* look on a bald dude, just looks like a bald dude. Period.


    "My god, how you spend this much time on a forum without ever having gotten an HT is beyond me"...

    Your taking personal offense and making this personal merely because I disagree w/your opinion...(?)

    Yep, I spend a $hit load of time on here...

  6. vik0809.7898738473837383372339273938393783..339,


    You chose a world class doc and should expect the results to follow suit!

    How was your hair loss on top?

    Just out of curiosity, is that the most grafts you could get, or perhaps that is all you needed, or were there any other issues restricting this?


    It looks like that is all you needed anyway, but it's hard to tell because we can't see the top. I always ask this just out of curiosity anyway as I like to know about laxity avgs...


    Keep us posted!

    oh yeah, what do you have against aloe or other healing aids? icon_confused.gif

  7. There was a little known study that was completed in 1999. It revealed that a very small percentage of men (.00193%, if memory serves) who took finasteride daily for at least 6 month, gradually turned into a female!

    Is this a joke? Your kidding me right, there was no legit study stating this(?).

    Are you telling me their cock'n balls got devoured by a giant cock'n ball eating OCTOPUSSY, which then took it's place and these guys were left w/vagina's?...

    Please advise...

    Damn, if this is true WHAT am I gonna do w/that industrial batch of propecia I just got from Costco?

    Hmmm...I know, I can make MILLIONS icon_mad.gif!!!

    Ill dump 100 pills in my blender, and make a 'transie' shake. Ill open a clinic and sell my 'transie' shake to all the weirdo's who want to become women....errr, sorry those poor souls who are women trapped in men's bodies. I will make millions, NAY, BILLIONS and I will be famous for my 'transie' shake!!! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif


    The Billboards will be Armaniesque and will read:




    (the preceding phrases and ideas are copy righted by NG2GB; all ideas and terms are possessed by NG2GB as the sole proprietor of the 'TRANIE' shake)...

  8. Ex strip patients have already a large chunk of donor area removed, meaning the donor area is smaller to start of with.

    First off,

    I really don't see how this is relevant, as ALL of the "donor" area that is absent post-strip is used in the recipient area.



    if were using these points to compare strip vs. FUE, in the case of FUE *ALL* of the donor area is subject to scar tissue equating to TEN TIMES that of a comperable strip procedure; making ANY subsequent procedure more difficult to successfully extract FUE, let alone attempting to go in and get a strip on a patient who has previously had FUE, Im sure there would be considerably less laxity compared to a patient who had strip performed.


    All in all,

    Im convinced that the *only* patients who truly benefit from FUE are those who have minimal hair loss, restricted to the hair line only,


    are a of a relatively more mature age; 40+.


    That in and of itself excludes many candidates.

  9. "From point A to my eyebrow, the length is 6cm. From point B to my eyebrow, it is 8cm and the width of my hairline is 15cm"...


    Man, that is one detailed analysis! Perhaps you could come over and measure my head?


    better yet, you could start a biz out of it, you could be like the custom tailor for the balding man. Men will line up to have there receding hair lines and balding heads measured and fitted by the master himself.

    Picture it: dozens of bald men lined up at your door step, desperately waiting to see you, beads of sweat across there balding brows as the anticipation of your arrival is too great to bare...there you stand w/glasses, measuring tape, and a pencil in your mouth as your attention to detail requires both hands to be free to measure the heads...You will charge by the boat loads and be booked months if not years in advance...you will measure, then re-measure, then measure some more...'something isn't RIGHT!..we have to do this again!'...such skills and attention to detail!


    BTW---I think your hair line is fine.

  10. Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

    FUE is all the rage these days, so I figure I'd start another topic about it. Many say that a surgeon can perform extrordinary session sizes (3k, 4k+) in a single day, not by virtue of any revolutionary tool, but by amassing tremendous experience and having great dedication to the craft; and, in time, they find themselves in such a position where they can successfuly perform such sizes without concern for poor yield.


    True or False? Fact or Fiction?


    Also, it is worth while noting that Armani is both claiming this AND at one and the same time that ANY of his 'trained' physician underlings can perform his mega FUE. He literally has hair mills all over the place now. So, if his claim for having the ability to perform Mega FUE's is sheer experience and dedication to the craft, how can this be said of ALL of the docs performing under him?

  11. Originally posted by bverotti:


    If you do 3000+ FUE grafts you become an unrespectable doc ?


    Not sure if my interpretation is correct, please explain ?

    We're discussing this in terms of one SINGLE session; meaning one SINGLE day. What is the most amount of grafts you guys have moved in one DAY? You guys always advertise one SESSION, but we later discover it was spread out over several days, and even then have you guys ever moved 3K in FUE over two days? If so, how was the yield?

    Even *if* the yield was acceptable I personally wouldn't put my donor through the excessive trauma & scarring in the event that I needed a significant # of grafts in the future because of future loss.

  12. BTW----I just did a search on Beckham to see if there were *any* MORE shaved down pics of him

    and I couldn't find a thing...

    Here is a "shaved" down pic of Willis to contrast the difference between the 'shaved' look


    the 'BALD LOOK'...

    If ANYONE has pics to prove me wrong between the two looks, then I would LOVE to see them;

    as I feel this issue is OFTEN misrepresented and

    makes NO sense...

    let's see...


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