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Posts posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. Sean,


    Thanks for sharing the pics. I think what *all* of us are really after though are the MEGA FUE pics. We are all well aware of Armani's smaller session sizes. I know your not responsible for the quality of the pictures, but I gotta say two of those links have some of the shittiest quality (lighting) of ht pics I have ever seen.


    I don't know why the guy w/the 3K is literally *in the dark* on his 14 month photo (?). The guy below him is even worse! I love the one pic where he says he was "trying to improve the lighting;" what was he using a fucking candle? icon_eek.gif


    I would have to say that if I were going to go to *any* doc, I would want to see a bunch of clear shots of previous patients who had at least as many grafts that they were planning on moving on me; especially w/something as controversial as Armani's Mega FUE..


    Didn't Armani send you *any* pics of patients who had at *least* 4K, or even better yet at least 5K? If you have any Im sure we would all love to see them...

  2. -----OOOhh---E---Ah--AH!!!


    Dude, your mop would give fucking Chewbacka himself have hair greed icon_smile.gif


    It looks like it's gonna fucking eat somebody! icon_eek.gif

    It looks like a fucking Tropical Hair Forest, I pity the poor girl who attempts to run her dainty lil' fingers through that Wild Jungle of Hair, she'll probably *never* get it out! Hey, maybe you can use that to your advantage? icon_wink.gif Most guys get kinky w/hand-cuffs nailed to their head board; you can just bust out your fro' and it'll do all the work for you (ROAR!!!!) & devour some sweet lil wrists!!!




    I know your only 19 and you have *some* hair loss and that is really shitty to have to go through it so young, but don't start getting paranoid and thinking the gods have hand chosen you and destined you to eternal hair-hell and the balding blog fear of all time (gasps) NW7ville!?!?!?


    The truth is, as Im sure you know, no one can tell you how much hair you will or will not lose. That's great your already on the meds. Does your hair just look thicker in the third pic, because it's longer or are they *working*?


    Im sure you've already read this, but just for reference Moptronic started losing his hair at the ripe old age of 17 and he still has a great mop after 3 plants from H&W...so use him as your source of inspiration...plaster your wall w/his pics and kneel down every evening and meditate to his mop..

    Say--- 7 Moptronics, 2 HairyBobmanMaries, annoint thy head w/HolyhairyfoamOil and you shall be whole...


    Damn! H&W should start paying me to post!I always recommend them! Im probably too much of a liablity... icon_frown.gificon_eek.gif

    BTW----you haven't had any sides on fin?

  3. The whole question is can one w/a considerable degree of hair loss (i.e. NW4+) achieve the same result w/FUE as strip.

    *no one* can find 10 cases that satisfies the above conditions? If there aren't even 10 out there as *evidence* that FUE can be performed the way which you've laid out in this thread, then how can *anyone* keep an open mind about it and be objective?

    Above, you said "Honestly, you need to beieve me, I'm not a FUE or AA cheerleader and I had dismissed FUE prior to choosing strip. Now that im looking for fue results I am finding them"


    where are they?

    *ten*...TEN?...C'MON, that is NOTHING!

    I don't know why you believe in six months we will have documented results, Armani?

    It just seems to me there is a lot of believing and hoping going on with nothing backing it up...

  4. That was a quick response man.. You can see that you have done plenty of Homework in relation to this site!

    Actually I have no hair loss as of yet...

    Im a homeless man, who perpetually stays online on this forum as a means to use the public library for warmth and shelter; meanwhile I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on MPB and Im now considering moving from a life-long transient into the profession of a ht doctor...



    well, my comments were all framed in the context of having an acceptable *shaved* look, or what I deemed to be as such, while at the same time having no visible scar...


    All of my comments on my post above were basically in response to your statement:

    "I will say that I may look into Fue sooner as the potential risk of scarring isn't as high and would need less grafts to achieve a straighter hairline on a buzzed head. What are your views on this matter?"...


    I think FUE would be appropriate in your case, if your looking to *only* achieve the *shaved* down look; meaning re-create a new hair line and have some stubble on top, giving you the option to shave down w/no visible scar.


    If, however your looking to get as much coverage AND density as possible and don't mind NOT having the option to *shave* down, then I would go with strip, if and only if you have the means to go to a top doc...


    I think FUE has it's place, but having said that you stated that you were a NW4, and I have yet to see any good evidence of FUE patients receiving 5K+ grafts, over ANY # of procedures w/results comperable to strip.

    Not to mention, you stated you don't currently have the funds to go to a top notch strip doc, let alone a FUE one...

  5. Hey Bullfrog, Nice retort! icon_smile.gif

    Im glad that you've found a remedy to your current situation that your happy with!

    With regards to FUE as a means of achieving a *good* shaved down look goes, I COMPLETELY agree!

    I have seriously given this *much* consideration in the past, and that is why Im so interested in both the FUE discussion AND the shaved down discussion.


    I think if you go into FUE w/the expectation of having a relatively modest total # of grafts moved (relative to strip)


    your intentions are to have the ability to pull off the *shaved* look with both stubble on top & a low hair line w/no *visible* scar in the back,

    then---that is an *ideal* and achievable goal.


    On another note, I have also considered---given money not being a variable---if you have been "stripped out," that is can not have any more strip procedures because either laxity or donor is prohibiting, or *both,*


    your baldness progresses to the point where supply does not satisfy demand (i.e. excessive loss in the crown) then going forward w/FUE to fill in the strip scar, so that an acceptable shaved down look can be achieved having an established hair line and enough stubble on top, while at the same time concealing the strip scar would be a very viable and attractive option. As opposed to a *weak* comb over look one would be stuck with to compensate for excessive loss and limited density...

    I have only seen a few examples of FUE-ing into the strip scar, but they turned out *very* well. Personally, I don't know why there are not more cases like this as a legit *shaved* look icon_smile.gif in my opinion is much better than a $hitty comb-over... icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

  6. #! TEN CASES

    #2 ALL FUE




    Would *love* to see em myself... icon_smile.gif

    There are HUNDREDS of cases I can find on the forum if we replace 'FUE' w/'Strip' to the above conditions AND that is *only* on the coalition...


    BTW---2,500 in a SINGLE FUE session is not new news, and that is not what were looking for. Im with you Emperor, and if there *is* indeed evidence out there than I welcome it...It could be over ANY # of FUE surgeries for any given case, but I haven't seen 5K+ moved via FUE on one individual...let alone ten.

  7. Hey, Im with you to the extent that *if* this is a viable option, then I will gladly welcome it for the same *aesthetic* HEALING reasons you gave.

    "Maybe someone needs to start a FUE gallery to show the results"...THAT is precisely my point! There doesn't seem to be ANY where 5K+ grafts have been moved, whether it be in one or multiple sessions...


    You were asking for objective evidence, so am I...Where is it?


    I could post a *shit* load of strip pics right now with fantastic results.

    If ANYONE can post me 10 FUE pics, where 5K plus grafts were moved and grew, over ANY, ANY amount of surgeries via FUE, then I would love to see them.


    Where are they?


    If you have seen them on HLH then show them to us. I would *seriously* appreciate it.

    And Armani doesn't need *any* more time, as I've even seen the guys on HLH complain about asking Shane for over a year for the pics now. It only takes 12 months for full maturity and he's been doing FUE and stopped offering strip for well over this time period, no?....

  8. Emperor,

    one reason why Im so interested in this, is because I was considering the option of having several FUE sessions in liue of strip, which would hopefully give me an equal amount of grafts, yet spread out over several sessions but for precisely the same reasons you give: one has the option of shaving down during the *awkward* phase, there is no *visible* scar, no staples.


    But, in all honesty that Feller thread sealed the deal for me. While it is true and *possible* that Feller could be wrong


    where is ANY evidence to indicate this?


    Your asking everyone to be OBJECTIVE and keep an open mind about FUE and possible Mega Sessions and speak of NO evidence that Feller is right, but where is there ANY----ANY, EVIDENCE THAT MEGA FUE OR EVEN SEVERAL FUE SESSIONS IN PLACE OF STRIP HAS REACHED A COMPERABLE RESULT?


    I would like to see at *LEAST* ten, as there are hundreds of examples of strip...


    I would assume, like you and I, that there are MANY others who would prefer to go through several FUE procedures as opposed to a single strip. So, why haven't we seen evidence or pictures of this being done? Surely it would be common place.(?)


    As far as the Mega FUE Armani claims goes, there is *NO* evidence of how these turned out, other than a few *very* shady and thin results to say the least.

    Im more inclined to believe Feller than I am Armani. I would fully welcome such an advancement, as would all, but until then---

    where is the PROOF?


    Everyone, meaning you AND I and the rest of the balding blog, would *love*, LOVE for this to be the case, as it would only give us another viable option...But, where are the results? If it was possible why would this all be shrowded in mystery?...

  9. So FUE could actually have potential to have a more dramatic improvement in less overall time, with less negative healing.

    Emperor, while I agree w/you w/respect to the VISIBILITY of the scar is an upswing for FUE when compared to strip, that is in my mind the ONLY upswing...

    I too would like to have an open mind about this, and Im not going to post on this thread about this any more because I already did quite a bit on that other one. But Im just wondering *ONE* single thing, if you could answer this for me:


    did you *read* that thread by Feller, who is a proponent of both FUE AND strip, in which he stated the complications of FUE


    specifically, the excessive trauma FUE places on the donor area as a whole, which is equivallent to TEN TIMES that of strip?


    You keep insisting on the "scar" w/respect to ONLY the visibility of it. While Feller's point, which is clear on that thread, is that the "scar-TISSUE" which effects the entirity of the donor area in ALL subsequent procedures limits the amount of grafts which can be successfully extracted from the donor area....(?)

    Did you read that?

    If so, then what are your thoughts? I would like to have an open discussion about it too, but I haven't heard you directly respond to this...

  10. Flyby---(sighs) yep, I fu$ked up royaly!

    I went out for drinks and thought--

    "eh, I can have a couple ciggarettes over drinks, no?

    Perhaps a *victory* smoke! Yes! Yes, that's it! A victory smoke! Maybe I can *even* be one of those mysterious 'social-smokers', who somehow have the ability to pick-up and put-down smokes on a whim"...


    Then, back to base one... icon_frown.gif

    I didn't notice that Rambler! That is cool, how did you add that?







    hairweknow was in a Jolly'O mood after the song & dance and was whistling as they continued their journey to the North.



    "Moptronic we have so much in common.

    You know most people find it strange that I wear tights, boot's w/a feather in them and a hat w/a feather in it too.


    I even had to quit my job at starbucks because they sung me no praises and shunned me for thy manner by which I speak!"


    "really? Why whatever did thy say?"


    "Oh, nothing ny rash! I would call out the drinks---






    Come hither quickly!

    Come hither quickly I say!

    And do partake of thy deccidant, delicious dolce de lecce latte! May it bestow MANY blessings upon you! May it bring warmth to thy heart and joy to thy soul & to all of those surrounding thy!

    May it bring your bossoms into full fruition! May it bring fullness to thy thighs and child bearing hips!

    May it bless thy,

    NAY---may it not ONLY bless thy, but thy's children's children, and thy's children's children!!!"


    "that is rather odd that they would find that strange? surely thy would have showered you w/praise for such an eleqount RepRitOre!!!"


    "yes, rather strange indeed!"


    moptronic turned to look at hairweknow w/somber, sober eyes & tone...

    "hairweknow, our journey is not yet complete.

    you must endure trials & temptations before we meet the man in the North.

    But fear not, for thy hairs were not chosen out of a hat. We have chosen thy wisely."


    hairweknow thought nothing of it & continued whistling as the Elk continued them on their Journey...





    they reached an amazingly beatiful land which bore a sign with the words:






    there were young men w/full heads of luscious locks, each of them had four of the sexiest women hairweknow had ever beholden...it appeared none of the young men had ever suffered from MPB...and the sexy goddesses, four to each man, were running their dainty fingers through their mondo-million dollar-mops...praising them every hour on the hour for their hair...


    In the corner sat a man wearing a fine Italian suit...smoking a fine cigar & counting a pile of gold...


    "AAAaaaH! Moptronic, how are ju?

    and who iz diz, ju have w/ju?"


    "hello dr.r. Money. this is hairweknow".


    "aaAAAHH! hairweknow, it iz very nice to meet ju, I am dr.r Money.


    iz moptronic taking ju to zee dee

    man w/zee giant zword? AHAHAHAHAH!"


    hairweknow intently & jealously oggling the sexy goddesses as they praise the young men for their hair, as it was on the hour, which the women praise the men on the hour every hour every day...


    "ju zee da BA---U---ti-Ful women, yez?

    ju zee da Ba---U--ti-ful hair, yez?


    I do diz!


    Zee man in the North, he vill take his

    GIANT, SHARP sword...

    (dr. r. Money raising his hand in a karate chop motion over hairweknow's head)


    and he will

    (PoW! shAzAM!!)



    jur' wittle head, and ju will be left with a

    nazty, nazty scar!!!


    so baR'bA'RiC!!! Zat, he ztill uzez zuch

    primitive methOdZ!!

    Zeee Swowd! hA!


    if I were to do ju

    (dr. r. Money stands closely -BEHIND- hairweknow and gently strokes each of his follicular units with his finger tips)


    I vould be Oh sO gentle!

    & no scar will be left,

    but I will pLucK zee hair 1 by 1



    I vant to F ue you.

    (hairweknow somewhat feeling strange)


    I vant to F ue you...

    (hairweknow looking confused and troubled)...







    ------------F UE YOU!



    (hairweknow now trembling & fearful)

    "ummMM...ughhh....I think I will just go to the man in the North w/the sword"...


    (dr. r. Money was both cunning & crafty, and he new he had better swiftly change tactics)...


    "how many unitz, vill he give you? hmmm?"


    (hairweknow trembling in fear...)

    "ughhh...fA'...fa'....fA'.fA'..five thousand...five thousand....."


    "hA! I spit on zee five thouzand---hA--PoOiE!!!

    zat iz noThing! I vill give you---

    (r. Money leaning into hairweknow's ear)


    -one...miiiILLLLIooOOOoOOON UNITZ!!!!"


    "no...ummm....I really don't think that's a good idea"...





    vie wont Ju' leT me F ue YOU!


    I have F ue'd oH, So

    maNy, mAnY, MANY boyz, much of

    zem many YeArz younger den JU'!!!


    I vill be oH So gen'Tle vith Ju!

    Ju woNt feel 'a thing!

    juzt let me stand BEHIND Ju'

    & F ue YOU for a few hourz, eh?


    Den, ven Im done F ueing Ju

    No oNe vill know buT uz;

    it vill be OUR little zecret, no?

    jUst JuUuUU & meEeEE, & NO BODY else...

    Our wittle, wittle zecret, no?


    No One wiLl know I F ue'd JU!

    nO evidenze I F ue'd jU, I vill be oH So

    gentle vith jU' nO scarz, no Markz;

    I vill leave Ju looking unmolezted!"


    "uh...NO!...I don't think so...

    lets be our our way moptronic..."




    dr. r. Money lying on the ground kicking & screaming...





    VIE can't I F ue JU?!?!?"


    (he decides to call his assistant)...



    (nSane appears out of thin air)


    "yes sir?"

    "go find me zome young boyz that I can F ue!"

    "yes, sir. will do"...

  12. The 'x' &'h' factors:

    So shapiro believes, if any poor yield or growth occurs, it is always attributed to either a human error or those other variables you stated above? The 'x' factor: Feller stated recently that he has had patients, although *extremely* rare, which a few years after the transplant experience some *thinning* of the transplanted hair; which he attributes to 'quirky genes'. Has Shapiro ever experienced this?


    Smoking: well, it would be in my best interest to quit altogether, but I would assume a doctor could give me a more decisive answer on a time-line as to when the cadrio-vascular aspects return to/or close to that of a non-smoker...

  13. Educator,


    thanks that was a very elaborate and informative post. I have heard both that cigarette smoking can play a role in hindering yield *AND* that it is really a moot point. If Shapiro feels that it can play a role in hindering yield, then how long does an individual who smokes (uGhuM) need to quit prior to surgery for the internal state to become status qoue, and have blood flow and circulation equivelent to that of a non-smoker?...I previously wondered about this but never got an answer about it...


    Regarding the 'H' factor: this is very interesting and it was something Dr. Feller recently discussed on another thread. Dr. Shapiro has also experienced this w/some of his patients? Just how *rare* is it that an individual has, to put it in Feller's terms, "quirky genes," which result in hindered growth?

  14. Hey Wrangler,

    (sent you a PM also)

    first off I would recommend *NOT* wearing your hair "brushed back".

    I would assume by this description you mean like the "slick back" look? Perhaps not "slick" but you get the drift.

    If, for *whatever* reason you feel that your hair line appears somewhat unnatural, then this hair style will most assuredly accentuate this


    that hair style is out of style anyway, so your really not losing anything.

    On the contrary, the "look" that is in, is more of a pushed forward look w/the front up a bit...

    Will the hair line still be exposed?

    Yes. But I would just tend to think that if you pushed most of your hair forward you could get away w/the same tendency from the hair line itself; perhaps growing it out to a length by which you could have the front "up" BUT at the same time it is so long that you could get away w/concealing the hair line by having that bit lay down and forward...

    make sense?

    I mention it because a good friend of mine used to do this AND get away w/the spikey look, merely because his hair was long enough...


    SIDE NOTE-----

    I *know* everyone cites "coarse hair & greater contrasts b/tween hair & scalp color" as "less than favorable" characteristics for a ht, and that it will typically lend itself to an "unnatural" look


    I *seriously* don't get that argument w/respect to an 'unnatural' look. It would make sense if were talking doll-hair line "mini-grafts" but were not...


    It does make sense to the extent of the "illusion" of density, as the greater the contrast b/tween hair and scalp, the greater the visibility of the scalp is.

    But not the afore mentioned...

    any thoughts?

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