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Posts posted by Janna

  1. Sorry but confused more,


    What is the meaning of "scoring the grafts"? And, why did you give up using Artas Robot.


    And, which Robot you use now, and how it works, Is this Neograft you use now?


    When a punch is made, it scores (cuts) the skin. Once the round cut is made with the punch, then the grafts will need to be pulled out.


    No, we are not using Neograft. We use a motorized device to make the punches and pull the grafts out by hand.


    At our clinic, we felt we were able to better adapt to each patient with our motorized device than with the Artas Robot.

  2. fisher4man,


    It looks to me that you are confusing the Artas Robot to the Neograft device. The Neograft is not similar to the Artas. The Artas will score each graft and then the grafts are pulled out manually by hand. Shapiro Medical no longer has the Artas. We're using either the dull punch or the sharp punch depending on each patient.

    In our hands, we felt the small drill by hand using the sharp or dull punches to be the best for our patients.

  3. Nowsthetime,

    Dr. Paul not calling is my fault........the last time we spoke, you wanted to check on your work schedule before committing to a surgery date. I thought it'd be a matter of days or weeks before you got back to me. You seemed happy with what we discussed so I informed Dr. Paul of our conversations and thought it'd be best to speak to you when we got you scheduled or at least when you came in for surgery. I thought you'd have been booked by now so I apologize for not following up and getting things moving. I've just been busy in surgery. I believe Dr. Paul has reached out to in few different ways now. Will you be scheduling soon?


    It's rare for our patients to be unhappy but I'm hopeful that we can resolve your dissatisfaction. I believe Matt has reached out to you.

  4. At Shapiro Medical, we often get referrals for some of the lesser known causes of hair loss. In this post we present the use of hair transplants in chemical burns. This is not uncommon and there are a fair number of females who will accidently suffer a 3rd degree chemical burn of the scalp during hair lightening. Because the blood supply is poorer in this type of scar, we have to usually plan on two sessions. The first one adds some hair but also converts the scar tissue into more normal dermal tissue with a better blood supply. The hair transplants also act as small skin grafts that will attract a better blood supply and the tissue becomes healthier. The second transplant can be done more densely. If one is too aggressive the first time around you can get necrosis and poor growth. It is very rewarding to do these type of patients.





















  5. I apologize that this result has caused some confusion......

    I will likely take the last photo off of the immediate post-op after 2nd surgery from my original post as I think this picture is what's causing the confusion.

    The "after" pictures are showing the result of two procedures totaling 6177 grafts


    The coverage with 6177 grafts addressed approx 200cm2 since this was very important to this patient. Over-all density 35fus/cm2 frontal half and 25fus/cm2 (quarter of original) back half (crown).

    There are many variables when reviewing a final result, such as, hair and scalp contrast, hairs characteristics; coarseness, wavy and color, length of hairs, hair loss medication status, photo environment etc.The length of this patient's hair does not allow for shingling effect to make his head of hair look denser, which we all know play a major part in optimizing a hair transplant result.The hairs are basically sticking straight up parallel with the angle of the camera seeing directly through to the scalp.I disagree with the first comment that we should expect more from 6177grafts when addressing the whole head with hair length is short.The first surgery was 5 years ago, but even if we assume that he didn't lose any of his native hairs during this timeframe, adding 6177 grafts would average in the hairline to approx 45 cm2 while other areas would have around 25 to 35cm2.But, it is also possible that all the original native that was in the front has gone, leaving him with only the transplants.All these variables and scenarios are important to understand.Since we feel this patient's result would look fuller with his hair just a little bit longer, we've asked him to come back in 3 weeks for another round of pics.We will again put them side by side to show the difference.We see if by changing just one variable how that can change the appearance of the result.


    The reason why I wanted to show the immediate post op after the 2nd procedure was to show just how much of the head was addressed.

    This patient wanted some coverage over majority of his head rather than get fuller density through the frontal half or 2/3rd's.Being a NW 6, this patient has very realistic expectations.I'd also like to mention that this patient is extremely pleased with his results and feels his goals have been achieved.


    Thanks for comments and discussion.

  6. Nicole is right, the spots sound like folliculitis. 10 spots is a lot and they'll be caused by your May FUE procedure and not likely to be caused by Minox. Start treating them with hot compresses and alert your ht physician. They'll want you to get on antibiotics if they don't clear up in the next week or two.

  7. Waazam, my one year post op with SMG was and still is being evaluated on the photos I sent to Matt through email. I told him I didnt like the way things had turned out and that I expected alot more from the procedure. He wanted to see more photos which I sent and we have not spoken again yet which was about two weeks ago. But in relation to Ash, his tone and attitude was the same in regards to why my HT was not a failure and that my expectations were higher then what the reality of what hair transplants actually accomplish and I think we finally agreed to disagree until we speak again regarding the new photos I sent him. The last 13 months has been complete frustration and dissapointment and like Ash already has mentioned, SMG has not made this difficult process any easier at all. Again as mentioned in my personal thread, this is not a put down or in any way an excuse to dog SMG, Iam only stating 100 % facts and true statements. Im here for others as well as myself to help better understand the reason why our HT's were not a success.




    We understand your frustration and would like to speak with you at your convenience. I'll send you an email with my contact details.

    Our main goal is to produce happy and satisfied patients. If you're not happy, then we want to work on achieving that goal. We are sorry that you have had a frustrating experience with us. We hope to remedy that going forward.


    I understand that Ash has been in contact with Dr. Paul. We will support Ash as we do our other patients throughout the growth process and will work with you until you are satisfied. Thanks.

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