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Everything posted by noreaster

  1. why don't some of you compile data and before and after pictures w/ examples of different densities and include 20-30-50 etc grafts per square centimeter. May be pain but it would be great for patient education, justifying the coverage one would get, donor area savings for future treatments, etc.
  2. why don't some of you compile data and before and after pictures w/ examples of different densities and include 20-30-50 etc grafts per square centimeter. May be pain but it would be great for patient education, justifying the coverage one would get, donor area savings for future treatments, etc.
  3. I can't believe you posted this on Oct 30th and nobody has responded to you, sorry i just noticed the name. I have heard NOTHING but bad things about Dr. Brandy, don't know about the other docs. Do yourself the biggest favor of your life, stay away!!!
  4. 27 young, i am not a doc but hair transplantation NEVER can give you close or VERY close to someone's original density. NONE of the before and after pictures from this site have anywhere close to their original density. What docs want to achieve is density that is pleasing to the eye. I had a conversation w/ Dr. Feller on the subject, some doc's refer to 50% density, that depends on many things such as hair shaft thickness, hair color, etc. Do some reading on the recent threads on density most probably commented on by Dr. feller, listen to him, this is his livlihood and he knows of what he speaks. Good Luck
  5. Hi all, this question is for the physicians, how do you decide the shape of someones hairline? I've heard the term framing, but what else is involved. There are too many pictures I see that hairlines that look actually good but just a tad to rounded, almost like a bowl was flipped upside down and the first half traced on the scalp, probably what L. Lee Botchsley does. Am I crazy or does anyone else notice this?
  6. Hi all, this question is for the physicians, how do you decide the shape of someones hairline? I've heard the term framing, but what else is involved. There are too many pictures I see that hairlines that look actually good but just a tad to rounded, almost like a bowl was flipped upside down and the first half traced on the scalp, probably what L. Lee Botchsley does. Am I crazy or does anyone else notice this?
  7. how many grafts on that particular patient doc?
  8. thank you dr feller for a great consult, you strike me as a someone who takes great pride in your craft, and a leader in the field.!!
  9. Hi Dr. Feller, thanks for your eloquent answer earlier this week. Was wondering if you were available for a consult some day when I happen to be in the area. I work in Manhattan but sometimes find myself in the area unexpectedly. I'm not ready to do something immediately I must say, but hope to within the year.
  10. Hi Dr. Feller, thanks for your eloquent answer earlier this week. Was wondering if you were available for a consult some day when I happen to be in the area. I work in Manhattan but sometimes find myself in the area unexpectedly. I'm not ready to do something immediately I must say, but hope to within the year.
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