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Everything posted by PCC

  1. The legendary actor Robert Duvall has always been a very bald man. But tonight I saw him in a commercial for the new Drew Barrymore movie (Las Vegas setting and theme)and he's wearing a hairsystem. He must be in his 70's now and always looks to be in great shape and very vigorous. I would imagine the system is for the part only but it looked fairly good on him and age appropriate. I can't recall him ever wearing one before over the years either in his personal life or his many roles. It's inspiring that someone who seemingly has been balding for much of his life to be comfortable and secure about himself and to have excelled in his career. I wish I could say that it hasn't bothered the hell out of me. Phil
  2. Mr. Ortiz, This is an interesting thread. So the "top techs" can contract themselves out to work under multiple providers, both independents and conglomerates? While I'm aware this is the norm in many industries today, doesn't it decrease the practices' accountability somewhat to "outsource" such a critical service? Also I've often wondered in an era when it is nearly impossible to get any kind of position without somekind of formal education, training, licensure, or certification, what if any credentials are required of hairtransplant techs? I would imagine most experience is gained on the job, but is there any kind of certification process or training program? I know they don't necessarily have to be nurses but is it similiar to what is required for medical assistant or pharmacy tech? Although they operate under the supervision and license of the doctor, one could argue that the act of placing the grafts constitutes an invasive proceedure. Phil
  3. Ahall, While I don't feel I've been butchered, I have had previous "work" that I would like to be improved and refined. Dr. Epstein in the Miami area and Dr. Vogel in the DC/Baltimore area are renowed for their expertise with corrective proceedures. A gentleman who is active on these forums as "NoBuzzforMe" recently had such a proceedure with Vogel. You should check out his postings. They offer a lot of insight. Phil
  4. I concur with Stumper's comments. Check out Dr. Hendler's picture on his website. Do we think that just maybe he has had some work done? Phil
  5. I've always called him "Steve" from his old 90210 character. He always had a nice head of wavy/curly blond hair on the show. I don't follow "Dancing with the Stars" religiously but turned to it last night after seeing this post. His hair looks pretty good to me and I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. I do see what you mean though that the hairline is a little too straight and lacking the natural recession back to the temples. Phil
  6. Weird to see any of the KISS alumni without their makeup. For those of us who grew up in the 70s and early 80's that was the first "rock concert" you attended. Then you had to wear the T-Shirt with the famous KISS logo as a badge of honor. However they did have some good songs back then. I haven't seen the new reality show but the last time I remember seeing Gene Simmons was on "Third Watch" a couple years ago playing a villian character. Like most of the rockers of that era, I expect he is well into his 50's by now. I read that his longtime wife/companion and mother of his children is a former playmate of the year. Phil
  7. Andrew, I think your post proceedure results look very good. Although the climate on this network historically has not been complimentary to the chain/conglomerate providers, I recall there being a few fairly positive posts regarding Dr. Pauls. Phil
  8. Today previously had a series of stories on hairloss and solutions last summer or maybe two summers ago. Dr. Bernstein and one of his patients were featured. They also had a segment with a hairsystem client from HCM. Was it just a coincidence that Matt Lauer was the host for the series? Phil
  9. Joetronic, For the patient you introduced was anything done to improve or reduce the old donor area scarring? Were the old "punch scars" removed along with his subsequent strips and then the donor area closed with the new techniques? Phil
  10. Did anyone else see Senator Biden on with Jay last night? I understand he had some horrendous previous "work" done back in the 70s or 80's but has subsequently had repairs/refinement. While he does not have a great head of hair and still has a large bald spot at the crown, I think he looks age appropriate. It would not appear to be obvious as a HT to the uninformed observer. Also as he has gone white with age it decreases the contrast between the hair and scalp, at least in front. I feel we will have advanced greatly as a society if a fellow HT recipient can occupy the White House(LOL). This should be an inspiration to all of us! Phil
  11. To Micheal, Yes, I know what it's like to feel like appearance issues (in our case hair)are holding you back professionally, keeping you from getting other and better opportunities, etc. Although I love what I do and am grateful for what I have, I feel like this is where I'm at now coupled with the fact that I'm at an age now where I find myself competing against others 10 to 15 years younger than me.
  12. PCC

    Ben affleck

    Yes, I have heard rumors of this with Ben but can't be sure. He certainly has a full, thick head of hair although the look/style seems to have changed over the years with the different movies he's been in. I think I remember that Jay Leno asked him about it once and he denied it and even tugged on his hair as "proof". Oh well, I guess if you can have both gorgeous Jennifers who cares!
  13. What about Prince during the halftime show? I swear I could see his mascara and makeup running. I kept thinking the female backup dancers were going to trip/slip in those platform shoes on the wet stage or that someone was going to get electricuted from the guitars, amps, and speakers.
  14. I was not allowed to drive myself home after any of my proceedures. This was a condition imposed by each of the doctors and I'm sure there was some concern about liability issues. Looking back I would have been in no condition to drive. I was so woosy from the sedation and the pain meds that all I wanted to do was sleep. Although my last proceedure was 11 years ago I feel this advice is still sound.
  15. I think he used to be with MHR. I recall seeing him on their roster for one of the offices out west. Perhaps he has "gone out on his own".
  16. Yeah, I think for anyone to compare a HT surgery to a dental appointment is inappropriate and unethical and for a Dr. borderline fraudulent. That one ranks right up there with the claim about "regrowing a full head of hair"! Phil
  17. Was this the episode of Earl last week that was kind of a parody of the TV show "Cops"? I am not familiar with Tim Stack but was this the guy who played the drunk driver? I take it that he has "had work done". The part was so small that I didn't really notice his hair. If I recall he did look balding. Interesting to see "Mimi" from Drew Carey. I wonder if this will be a recurrent role for her. Phil
  18. Yes, I thought the same thing when I heard the news. He was very severely bald and likely had been that way from an early age. I made the same observation about another actor recently (Jeffrey Tamblor?). Funny thing how that's the first thing those of us who deal with this issue notice in others. He certainly did not let his balding hold him back from having a distinguished career and a wife and daughters who adored him. That's admirable. Interesting note how he was friends with John Lennon who served as his best man. I would have never known that. I did not follow him closely but enjoyed his portrayal of the father on "Raymond". Reminded me a little bit of my father in law! He was not a young man by any means but too bad he couldn't have had another 5 or l0 years. I guess we should look at it that after a struggle with failing health he is "OK" now. Phil
  19. Yes, I too noticed that throughout the coverage of this regrettable and controversial incident. Another example of we who deal with this issue being especially sensitive to it in others! He is also wearing his hair much shorter these days which many of us do in response to thinning/balding. I remember him before the Kramer/Seinfeld era. Way back in the early 80's he was on a show called "Fridays" which was a sketch comedy show kind of like ABC's answer to Saturday Night Live. Even then he had thick, curly black hair. Phil
  20. Darkman, I could be the "poster boy" for early hairloss. Having started balding in high school during the "big hair and looks" obsessed 80's, I experienced all the feelings you are having now. I had my first HT at age 19 mainly due to a lack of support and acceptable choices back then. While I don't entirely regret it, I wouldn't wholeheartedly recommend it to others. You have received very sound advice thusfar. Shaving/buzzing down one's head, a haircare regimen including meds, or even utilizing a hairsystem can all be valid precursors or alternatives to a HT. The surgical hair restoration industry will be here if and when you are ready. You are among friends here. Phil
  21. I just saw your previous posts. I guess you had a HT proceedure scheduled this summer but eventually decided against it. I think you made a decision that was right for you. Congratulations on your new look. I'm happy for you and I hope you continue to be happy with it. Phil
  22. Jerry, I think your hairsystem looks very good. Most of us here have chosen the surgical or medicinal routes for restoring our hair but that does not mean that wearing a system has not crossed my mind over the years. Each of the approaches has it's benefits and limitations. Care to share with us "who you went to", which attachment method, what the maintenence regimen is like, etc. With that said I also felt like you did not look bad at all in the before picture. Your balding does not seem severe for a man your age, at least from the front view. For that reason you would probably be a good candidate for hair transplantation if you so decide in the future. No matter what you do it would be wise to start on Propecia to stave off additional loss, especially thinning of the crown and recession of the sides. Phil
  23. JW, I found your account of your hairloss and how you have dealt with it very moving. I have experienced the entire roller coaster of emotions you cited: the undermined self image and confidence, hinderence with enjoyable acitivties (i.e. swimming), difficulty in social and professional settings (though most of them couldn't care less now, women in our genration during the 80's were generally not receptive to balding men), and the grasping at straws for any possible remedy or cure. When you described how it "cast a pall" over your life I couldn't have said it more eloquently. Even though you and I seem to have been blessed in other ways for which we are thankful, my early hairloss is something I will always have bitterness and anger about. Congratulations on taking positive steps to address it. You certainly chose a skilled and highly regarded surgeon for your proceedure. It's also encouraging to hear the results you've had with Propecia as I just started on it this summer. Best of luck to you over the coming months as you await your "transformation". I'll be following your progress with great interest. Although it's easier to give this advice than to accept it, don't let your hair (or lack of it) define who you are. Phil
  24. I did not see the episode in question and do not watch "Boston Legal" often anyway so I really can't say. Of course one of the main stars is William Shatner who is well known for his hairsystems although I think the one he wears now looks very good on him. It's coincidental that we're on this topic because I just watched the new show "20 good years" tonight and noticed how severely bald the actor Jeffrey Tamblin(?)is. He has got to be a "NW 7+" with his remaining hair raced downward on the sides and back. He has basically a narrow horseshoe left and I thought to myself that he never would have been a good candidate for a HT because of the severity of his loss and the limited donor area. He would probably look younger if he just shaved off what little he has left. Of course Lithgow is balding as well (and one of the episode's jokes touched on this) but not the same extent. Funny how we who deal with this issue are so observant of it in others. Phil
  25. DHoose, When I was began losing my hair in high school back in the early 80s I had to put up with a lot of flak from guys whose only problem back then was keeping it out of their eyes. This hurt my feelings and made me even more embarassed and self conscious. I realize now that as teenagers we were still young and immature and I probably would have done the same thing. I'm sure many of them have caught up with or even surpassed me in the years since. Actually next year will be my 25th HS reunion and it will be interesting to see indeed if I go. After dealing with this issue as long as I have I'm a firm subscriber to the old adage "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I think you took the high road by not making a snide comment to your former classmate even though it was very tempting and may have given you some temporary gratification to do so. You are the better man for it. Phil
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