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Everything posted by hopefull

  1. well for FUE doctos because strip is out of the question given what you want Years ago Cole from Atlanta was big but i dont hear too many things on these forums anymore Feller is doing it but on a small scale and i have a feeling he prefers strip Wolf also does FUE and he is supposed to be good at it see also this thread with a topic on the best FUE doctors where many members share their thoughts http://hair-restoration-info.c...6060861/m/9011036273
  2. hi momo...i do the same and i ve been thinking of this as well.If the shadow dissapears... if i can have a transplant with low density allover to keep the buzzlook without the need to shave them completely! i ve been researchingthis option and i can tell you what i think 1. I dont think there is such a thing as the best surgeon...but since you are thinking of buzzing it 2mm i suppose strip with a wide scar is not an option...but please remeber that FUE leaves scarring as well so you will have scarring showing at this length as well.I dont know how do you feel about that but personally this is what keeps me off from doing it 2.Just NO...there are many reasons why this wont work but still all you need to know is that you cant do that 3.As far as texture at this length i dont think so...but there is another problem, the graft looks thicker at the point of exit so it wont match so good with native hair i think(that depends on your personal characteristics also, thick hair etc) I know that surgeons use only single hair grafts at the hairline because they are the most exposed hair and they have to look very natural...keep in mind that shaving your hair so short leaves them all exposed...so a surgeon would theoretically have to use all single grafts which dont give so good coverage as 2 or three hair grafts...but they look more natural.The problems are 1.propable we dont have enough signle hair grafts 2.the scarring at the donor might be obvious 3.when you take o lot of grafts donor thinning might become an issue 4. the way the transplanted hair look at the point of exit(especially 2hair and 3hair grafts) I also have seen a patient of a clinic who did something like that and in the pictures it looks ok....but pictures are not to rely on and there are things that you cannot see from a picture...i have seen transplants in person but i ve never seen one up close buzzed down. I have seen scarring and donor thinning from FUE though but it waswith 1mm punches and it was very obvious...i dont know with smaller instruments P.S. I would be very interested to hear a doctors take on this...Can you pose this question Bill maybe we can hear some feedback?Maybe an FUE doctor would be better but even if it a strip doctor he can comment on some of the issues raised Thanx Bill
  3. Bill i am not in favor of threads being deleted completely.I believe all threads have valuable information and its up to the reader to decide if he wants to embrace them or not, but they have to be available to him.I cant pretend the allmighty judje when i see that this site where i am posting also can only do so much and in the end a thread is deleted.ofcourse the circumstances are way different so its the nature of the thread...but in the end the outcome is the same... a deleted thread with many valuable information and warnings. Ofcourse in noway i am comparing what you guys do and how you treat posters and how helpfull you are in thread after thread with the Farellator who vanished so many good posters from his site just because he screwed up, but maybe we dont know so much about how legal battles can intimidate site owners and i just dont want to be so hard. by the way.Why the thread has to be deleted completely?cant you just rename it lol.you can ask Farell he is very creative at that LMAO
  4. I EDITED MY POST ABOUT HLH...I just saw that the Armani lawsuit was resolved and the original thread is going to be deleted in 7 days from public view. I will not comment again about HLH in this forum because i honestly start to wonder about things and if i am becoming onesided or unfair. it has nothing to do with this community that i find it a very nice place to be in
  5. wellcome ray you will become an asset here i am really glad that we have you
  6. http://www.bestlifeonline.com/...e-of-Hair-Growth.php hi this is a good read for everyone, i found it posted on another site and its very thorough, it talks about all the major players in the HM race and has interviews from most of them excpet Intercytex. It also talks about current transplant realities, the risks of being over agressive and the approperiate age for having a transplant.It is a very good read enjoy.
  7. http://www.bestlifeonline.com/...e-of-Hair-Growth.php hi this is a good read for everyone, i found it posted on another site and its very thorough, it talks about all the major players in the HM race and has interviews from most of them excpet Intercytex. It also talks about current transplant realities, the risks of being over agressive and the approperiate age for having a transplant.It is a very good read enjoy.
  8. Its obvious to me now that for some people the buzz cut/shave option has the same effect that garlic has on vampires. We should all be more carefull maybe in what we say because other people can be offended when they have spend money on a transplant and went through a difficult procedure to look good...maybe these forums belong to them more than they belong to us and you know what maybe rightfully so...after all this is hair transplant network lol I honestly dont want to offend anyones choise with what i write or believe and noone should take it personally still that doesnt give the right to anyone to make up stories, insult me or question my motives. By the way my only complain Bill from all this is that in all this thread somebody acted like a pimp attacking, insulting and even lying and you only found something to say about what LMS said about Latinlotus, and not one thing to him but just a general "guys dont fight" to all. thats not fair in my book sorry See ya guys and take care
  9. What happened man are you the same person?!?you changed your mind after 2 posts from me in the same thread or you were just playing me? WHATEVER you 2 are creeping me out!!!!
  10. dont resort to lies, its pathetic when people do that...it shows no character whatsoever. http://hair-restoration-info.c...861/m/1101096204/p/5
  11. Oooooh ok, thats better ...because i thought he was "a weasely little punk that is bitter...". sorry if i was a little rough on you also PGP, i sometimes tend to do that with weasely little punks who try so hard to play the scrappy dudes... Its a curse and a blessing i guesss
  12. you ve done nothing wrong in my opinion and you shouldnt apologise to anyone.you just said his post was d*ckish and he grabbbed you by the throat like a raging bull calling you weasely little pank, trying to totally humiliate you and paint you as something you are not... and you know what... actually the post from PGP was dick*sh LOL!!! as well as many other comments he made...like that "crackers look like dicks with a shaved head" LOL or that "everyone in here has tried to shave their heads and didnt like it" or even the humiliating picture he posted in another thread of what Armani patients will look like in 15 year(its another thing to not like the armani tactics and another thing to ridicule the patients ) !!!still one cannot judje him because we all have said d*ckish things and hairloss is a sensitive issue, so is what anyone chose forhimself (buzz, shave,drugs,transplants)...the good thing is that we are all on the same side now erase your post so that i can erase mine fast before he sees it and he grabs me by the throat also (just joking )
  13. Aussie talk with a doctor, i had sides also. In the beginning when i fitst started it i was more horny than ever!!!but after some months things went soouth . It wasnt extremely bad i still could have sex its just that I wasnt like my old self... then things got progressively worst maybe my mindset amplified the sides because i started worrying about it ...though the lack of morning wood closed the deal for me. I talked to my doctor and he told me to stop it to see if i got better.Eventually i did but it took time.It worked great hairwise but when i stopped i lost everything and buzzed down my hair...thats the downside bro but it was better for me than the other "downside"
  14. Latin lotus thats a good analysis to an extend and you know what... thats THE CURE. You spoke with honesty and i will do the same no matter what many might think. Hair transplants and drugs are not the cure because they dont give your hair back!!!they just keep you sick(in a way).I will use your example about being dumped from the woman you love...you are right that your mind needs reasons to get over her and you know what... thats healthy so that you can move on.She dumped you so she didnt want to be with you then she was not right for you...the analogy of a transplant and drugs in this situation is not finding a new one and be happy....its trying to get the same one back and obsessing about her. the example about the car...You bought the wrong car and you cannot change it not unless you loose money that you need and maybe you can spend them in other things.Thats a healthy attitude to see the pros of your car and not wishing for something that you cant have and be mizerable about it and never enjoy the car you have because you dream of the other one. the same about money cant buy happiness.Of course money can help and make things even easier but what???if you cant be rich you will never enjoy your life and live in the mizery of trying to be? you dont undertsand something its not about forcing yourself to like the shaved look, its about forcing yourself to be cured from this OBSESSION.Do you think we dont opt for a transplant because we cant buy it???Or that we are afraid of going into surgery and have a scar?Its all about what these drugs and transplants can do- the positive and the negative...and its still negative in my opinion, on the other hand most bald people just buzz it down short so its mainstream and even trendy.If a better solutions comes i am all for it... EdiT:Please bare i mind i am not talking about people who are 35 to 40 and up and got bored of being bald and decided to add some hair and build a hairline and look better.I am talking about the idea of chasing your hairloss with drugs and transplants from a younger age.
  15. 100% agree.It happened to me too, one day i just stopped caring.Its all in the mind, you can save thousands of dollars and avoid many risks just by riding it out.u wont be trully free unless you give up the fight.Maybe for some people is not an option but for the vast majority of guys i trully believe thats the best option. No matter how they sell it transplants are not where they should be yet, all young people before jumping into this wagon should first try to make the buzz cut look good on them (loose weight and workout thats about it). bare in mind that at first the change will be great and you have to give your self time and your closed ones to get used to your new look...dont just give up right away it might save you thousands of dollars, surgeries and drugs.
  16. Look if you have to take hormone altering drugs for ever and you have to cut a huge strip of skin from your skull to feel confident again then go for it.but since 1.we are men and not britney spears 2.bald is mainstream 3. there is no cure for hairloss then maybe we dont need to consume ourselves fighting a loosing battle for the rest of our lives. thats all take care
  17. I ll tell you something because things are not so simple in the shaving head option...and when i say shave i dont nean razor blade shave but with clippers which is very different with shaving. when i tried once buzzing my head to almost 0 i did it just to try it without hairloss being so noticable yet. I went home and my own mother was shocked!!!She said "oh my god its the first time i see my son so ugly!!!leave your hair long again!!!"...i mean what do you do after that when your own mother says that when supposedly mothers cannot see their own sons as ugly .ofcourse she never thought by then that i would go bald not my dad or brother are bald.. Anyway eventaully hairloss kicked in and as i saw it progressing and going closer to the point where i had to do something radical about it, my mothers words were hunting me and i was saying i am f*cked thats it i dont know what to do,...there are guys that buzz their hair and forget about it and i look so bad and i will have to go through transplants or drugs or i dont know what to save me from this thing. I eventually did it again and i HATED IT my confidence was down the drain i didnt liked it i couldnt believe that was me.So i started propecia and left my hair long again and i could manage myself better and got confidence back but i had slight sideffects at first and i didnt feel that horny as before so even if i looked better i was afraid i might go with a girl and something will go wrong...i just couldnt live with that... I stopped prop and my hair went away and i had to do sothing again while all the time this desperation was driving me closer to the transplant scenario...i was feeling dreadfull i was seeing pictures in forums of amazing transformations but still i knew deep inside that things are not so easy and there are risks... I chose to try it again and again... It was difficult i had no confidence whatsoever i was even afraid to talk to girls i just couldnt look at them in the eyes and i was not myself.but i persisted i tried to make it work, i stopped using rogaine 5% twice a day and my face started looking better, i didnt have this bloated face anymore and things started to look better. the most important thing i started feeling better from inside about it and this was obvious to other people as well...i started being me again!!And then everything started chainging me and others got used to my new look and even my mother commented that it suits me well and that i look so good and that my face looks much better. I had people making jokes and in the beginning i fealt dreadfull.now i laugh as well if i see that is a sterotype funny comment and not an insult and i dont take it personal and i see that people respect that because they know that if they were in my shoes maybe they wouldnt be able to be so cool about it. The only thing i am saying is that it took time and my story is not as simple as i looked good with a shaved head. You know why i am still here in these forums, i thionk of myself back then when i was in despair and look myslef now and i have to tell to people how this works so they dont fall into adventures that they can avoid.also i have seen how all these consultants and salesmen operate in these forums, they will adjust to the level of knowledge and expertise that we have and they wont be able to FORGET LETS SAY to mention some truths.if we have standards and protect the newcomers consultants wont dare to claim 15000 grafts donor, or so us shady pictures or tell us that propecia and avodart have nothing to do with how the transplants look. I know how this whole hair thing affected me and i cannot bare the thought that guys can be trapped into this without being able to have a safety exit when the reality hits them and their mind is ready to free them from all this... but the scar on the back of their head wont.
  18. Now thats BS In high school our whole entire football team shaved our heads and almost everyone looked like goofs. Yes a shaved head even if it looks bad would still look better then see-through hair in most younger guys, but you seem to think every transplant is see-through. I think all transplants are see htrough especially in certain lighting conditions and at certain times of the day. I ve seen transplants that were not see through but only because there was many native hair still...though even there at the transplanted section the hair were see through and looked different .The same guys with gel in the hair then you couldnt tell not in a million years that they had a transplant, so the different texture theoretically can be fixed with style aids!!! But the thing is that is very difficult to use gel or styling aids when you are thinning because they stick the hair together and destroy the illusion that transplants try to create. dont get me wrong i am not a hater of transplants.I just think that they SERIOUSLY lack donor to work as they should...this lack of donor has been replaced in the recent years by propecia and avodart and doctors are not anymore afraid to go high in numbers and create better restorations. but will these drugs work forever and these great transplant hold up...maybe they will, its just not a risk that i would ever take. My perfect TRANSPLANT senario would be to have as much donor as we wanted and go for FUE...even if it doesnt yieLd as high as strip i could go back again and again lol
  19. LMAO guys dont put pictures of your hot wifes here, it might be a hairloss forum but we are still a bunch of wolfs here AOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  20. thats BS.All the guys will look ok with a buzzed head maybe not that good as with hair but still they will look good. Lets be honest everyone would prefer hair than being bald...but not many prefer transplants than being bald.i actually prefer a clead buzz cut than seethrough hair for young people. now if i am older with kids and i am bored and i want to have a change maybe i would opt for a transplant...but now at this modern age and at our age the rules are simple...Full head of hair or no hair.
  21. Hi Bill its not only hairlosshelp...but hairsite as well.I ve seen posters banned and posts deleted in an effort to protect its new sponsor.(guess who) the only sites that i find different regarding doctors advertising is this site and hairloss talk...where at least you can find many doctors and not just 3 or 4 that share the cake, in hairloss talk i hear he chased all the consultants and salemen away.Its only for patients...i applaud that!!!
  22. I have posted that I took propecia for 11 months and I really believe in its benefit for many patients. Why did you stop it Doctor?did you get any sideeffects?I used it also for about 12 months and my hair were thick and healthy allover!!!I had regrowth and everything i was agood responder but unfortuantely i had sideffects which got real bad and i first reduced the dose but eventually stopped it
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