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Everything posted by taxguy

  1. I may have posted this a year or so ago, if I did I can't find the post, but has anyone had or heard of any experiences with this guy? The Tampa talk radio station I listen to is filled with his ads, and he is touting not only no shedding of the transplanted hair but that they begin to grow immediately. In looking at his website, it looks like he only does FUE, no strip, but I don't see any revolutionary new procedure. I've had two procedures done, and both times had all the transplanted hair fall out and not start to grow again for a good 6 months, which I had expected. However, my last procedure was over 5 years ago, and I haven't really kept up with the latest news in this area, so I'm wondering if there's any truth to his hype.
  2. I went ahead and ordered the Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo. Its definitely not cheap, at almost double the price of Revita. I will post again after about a month of using it and let you know what I think.
  3. I have been using it for about 4 years but I am about to make a switch. The product has definitely changed, and from what I've read on Amazon.com, its because it is no longer manufactured in the US. It has a different consistency, does not lather up well, and therefore I can't be sure of its quality anymore. I actually just popped onto this forum today to see if anyone has tried Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo. Its getting good reviews on Amazon.com, and contains both caffeine and ketokanazole.
  4. I don't know if any of you have heard but Dr. Rose is leaving Tampa, he is moving to Miami. I called recently to see about a consultation for a third procedure and found this out. I live in Central Florida so it means a little bit of drive for me if I want to use Dr. Rose again.
  5. Does anyone know anything about him?
  6. Hi guys, I had two procedures done several years ago, and am considering having a third one done. In my other two, the grafts were placed in areas where I had very little or no existing hair. In this procedure, I would be filling in my crown and front hairline. Please let me know what your experiences have been with shock loss in those areas, thanks.
  7. Hey Steak, I haven't been on this forum in ages and I just saw your post. I haven't worn a piece in 3 years but I used to order mine from Coolpiece.com, they have the best prices and good quality. Hope this helps.
  8. I currently use Revita 4 or 5 times a week and use Selsun Blue the other 2 or 3 times. I don't have dandruff but I do have a very itchy scalp, possibly from the minoxidil I use every day. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a substitute for the Selsun Blue? (I want to continue to use the Revita, just alternate with something else). I thought I had read somewhere years ago that H&S with the pyrethicone (sp?) zinc had shown in studies to decrease hair shaft diameter, while salicylic acid actually increased it. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  9. You might try what I do, use a small spray bottle to apply it. You can pick one up from any drugstore for a buck or so. I normally apply about 2 ml each time (since I apply it all the way from crown to front hairline) which is about 5 or 6 pumps. Works much better than the dropper.
  10. Hey thanatopsis, I echo TTDS's warning about staying away from Hair Club or any other "hairpiece salon" type place, you will completely overpay for something you can easily do yourself. Go to toplace.com or coolpiece.com. Also, check out this forum, there is all kinds of help on coloring, attachments, etc. for piece wearers: http://www.network54.com/Forum/241571/
  11. TTDS, as you know from wearing a piece for 20 years, the key to getting it to blend is getting a good color match. I also use a little Toppik to help with the color blending. A crown piece is much easier to deal with since you don't have to worry about the front hairline. I have always done a daily attachment with my pieces which helps them to last much longer. I was also a NW 5, and my first 2000 grafts provided pretty fair density in my front/middle. I can already tell though that the 2000 grafts on my crown is not going to give me the same density, since I had no native hair left in the crown, so it will probably be a visible transition next month when I ditch the crown piece. P.S. I also ordered mine from toplace
  12. I know I'm posting several days after the last post, but I'd be happy to share my experience or answer questions about a partial crown piece. I used to wear a piece from front to back, till I got 2000 grafts in 2005. Once they grew in I switched to a small crown piece. I actually just got another 2000 grafts in my crown this past April, and I'm planning on tossing the piece for good over the holidays.
  13. Diamondlight, I have recently started trying to research testosterone supplements so I would really like to hear your suggestions, especially if you know of one that won't completely negate the finasteride that I'm taking for DHT.
  14. Scooter, I rarely post, usually just read othes' posts, but I wanted to respond to your post because I too went back to wearing a piece after my surgery. I had my procedure done in late April (with Dr. Rose), and after 10 days I shaved off the newly transplanted hairs and went back to wearing the piece (I do a daily attachment with tape). My plan is to wait another couple months and then switch to a larger piece using clips and let the new hair grow for a few months, then go in for a very short haircut and (hopefully) noone will know that I just transitioned from a piece to real hair.
  15. I'm a longtime viewer, first time poster, but I'd like to strongly recommend Dr. Rose. I received 2000 grafts last April, and I have excellent results (and an almost completely invisible scar). Sorry I can't provide pics but I don't have a digital camera. I'm planning on going back to him for another 2000 to fill in my crown area.
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