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Posts posted by wantego

  1. The sutures made it hard for me to sleep as well. The day they came out (14 days after surgery) it felt so great to be able to sleep normally again. icon_smile.gif



    Oh I was paranoid for sure but I guess I was very lucky. I babied my head and grafts like they were gold. I never scratched or banged my head at all.


    I have read of other people scratching and banging their head and they were fine. You might consider asking your doctor.

  2. Some dried blood/scabs is normal.


    You should ask your doctor for the advice.


    Dr Rahal has has paper instructions that say to put baby shampoo in a "mug" with water. Drizzle the shampoo mixture over the recipient site twice a day. Rinse by drizzling water out of a mug as well. The instructions say to let hair air dry. There is no rubbing. After 20 minutes the instructions say to apply vitamin e oil.

  3. " for a number of reasons: The scar is wide through the whole length and it always has been from day 10 post op, the transplanted area was not well "connected" to one of the sides, the hairline density leads me to believe not all the grafts grew, and the hairline jaggies are too large which makes it detectable close up. THe hairline design is so-so and asymetrial-- I dont think it looks natural, but I think the Doctor chose a narrower hairline based on overall balance considerations, but it only looks good when combed one direction. When combed the opposite direction, the


    Would you mind sharing who your doctor was? Do you have any pictures? Thanks in advance. icon_smile.gif

  4. My dad has a full head of hair but I do not.


    One of my step brothers has a full head of hair while the other stepbrothers hair is basically see through. Their biological dad has a full head of hair.


    I know genetics plays a role but I wonder why it effects some in the family and not others.

  5. Originally posted by Eman:

    Thanks for posting the pics...you look 100% better with it trimmed!


    How was suture removal? And sleeping at 45 degrees?


    The suture removal was easy. Sleeping is a lot more comfy with the sutures out. It cost me $89.


    I listened to the doctors advice via 45 degrees and my swelling went away fast. What I would do during the day/night before bed was take the chair in the hotel and lean it against the night stand at a 45 degree angle. Then I would just watch TV.

  6. With my sutures out (14 days) and my hair trimmed it looks like I have a short hair cut. Today a friend asked me what would happen if somebody did not know I had a HT just came up and rubbed my head in a friendly manner. I said well I would break that persons hand but I think things would still be OK with my hair grafts. She seemed doubtful of my answer. Was she right or was I right?

  7. With my sutures out (14 days) and my hair trimmed it looks like I have a short hair cut. Today a friend asked me what would happen if somebody did not know I had a HT just came up and rubbed my head in a friendly manner. I said well I would break that persons hand but I think things would still be OK with my hair grafts. She seemed doubtful of my answer. Was she right or was I right?

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