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Posts posted by wantego

  1. Originally posted by TheEmperor:
    Originally posted by wantego:

    The percentages have been on my mind as well this week. Farrel helped me by answering my questions and I also saw a growth chart that helped me. I'm at 3 months and 22 days. I'm optimistic at this point. icon_smile.gif



    You are WAY ahead of the curve -- definitely a fast grower. You will be very happy. Your 3 month pics look more like my 5-6 month



    I have actually seen some minor improvement in the 3 weeks since I took my last pictures so I remain optimistic. I really appreciate all the kind words. I'm 100% about final results though so try to bear with me until I reach that 12 months mark. You guys are great. icon_smile.gif

  2. rowth should have occurred between 12 to 18 months, after this the hair will start to mimick more the pre existing hairs and lose it's wiry, curly appearance. Between 9 and 12 months you start seeing what is pretty close to all you're gonna get. At 6 months things are looking up but there is still more growth coming, the first 3 to 4 months are the worst because not much is going on, after the 3rd month you start seeing the beginning stages of what's to come.


    Ive always known it was a 12-18 month process but I didnt know if all the new hair I have at 3.5 months is all I will have and if that it will just thicken and mature from here.

  3. Depending on your hair color the black may have made the sutures hard to see. For people not worried about being seen with sutures maybe red or yellow sutures would make more sense so they can easily be seen for removal or easily seen in a mirror if they are left in. Just an idea. I'm glad you found yours. icon_smile.gif


    Originally posted by youngsuccess:

    Also, thanks for the comments. Bill, I do believe that the practitioner rushed the job, although I mainly blame myself for choosing to go there. Dr. Lindsey makes a good point, but I'm positive these were stitches... it looked like black wire.


    If you can't see your HT surgeon to follow up with the suture removal, I would suggest going to a doctor you have a certain comfort level with. It was embarrassing explaining where the stitches came from; they looked at me like I was nuts.

  4. Originally posted by javy:

    Wow!! simply amazing growth...First of all congrats dude.. Your pics look really great... With this many grafts i dont think you will need any more surgery.. do keep us updated..

    Thanks for all the kind words. I'm very optimistic for the future months but I also want to be honest and say sometimes the pics give a fuller look than my own mirror in real life. icon_smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by badger_01:

    Looking great at 3 months. Being a month ahead, I can tell you that the wait is really agonizing now! You can see growth but the hairs are too small to make a cosmetic difference yet, and you'll find yourself almost willing them to grow faster icon_smile.gifStay away from mirrors icon_smile.gif.


    LOL that is like me staying away from food and air. Besides how do you guys apply your rogaine well without a mirror? icon_smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by Ceasar08:


    I think you're looking really good for three months. I looked at your post-op pics and found them confusing. In some of them, it looks like your hair loss wasn't really too bad (NW3 or so). In others, like the shot taken on the surgery day, it looks like you are farther advanced. How would you classify yourself pre-op?

    Judging from your surgeon, graft count, and recent pics, you should have an awesome result.


    I agree different pictures look different because my hair was different lengths and the day of the surgery it was still slightly wet. Ironically I thought the day of the surgery my hair looked better/longer than the pictures taken months before when I was getting an appointment set up with my doctor. I'm never good with judging myself via the NW scale. I hoped that I was NW3 as well. icon_smile.gif

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