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Posts posted by wantego

  1. Originally posted by sunny32155:

    just 2 add i'm 31 and the docs i visited r in lahore pakistan the first doc i went 2 saying 3000 grafts is prof.dr.a.h.babar f.a.c.s (usa)and the second doc i visited saying 1500-2200 grafts is dr.azim jahangir khan f.a.a.d (usa) f.a.a.c.s(USA)f.a.s.d.s(USA)f.a.s.l.m.s(USA)does any1 know of these docs i've done some research and they seem 2 b the 2 most qualified in my area yet both have such diff opinions


    I havent heard of those doctors. Most the doctors I know of are in Canada or the USA. Please consider posting your pictures. Do you have any idea what norwoood stage you are at? I hope you research a lot before moving fwd. Best of luck. icon_smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by sunny32155:

    i've just been 2 my second consultation for a ht (strip method)the first consult doc said that i could have 3000+ grafts done in a megasession as my donor area is fine my second consult doc said that my donor area is fine but the number of grafts i'd get is about 1500 -2200 and he calls this a megasession.he also said when i asked him about the diff that other docs say 3000 grafts but attain this by cutting the follicles up 2 make more grafts is he right? can the follicles which have 2 or 3 hairs b divided??is 2200 grafts the maximum that can b attained from the strip??i need some advice so i don't choose the wrong doc and i want 2 get the maximum grafts i can in 1 session so any advice would b much appreciated


    How many grafts you can get depends on your donor area and laxity. This board has a lot of knowledge on it. You should consider naming the doctors you are considering so you can get the most advice. I dont believe most doctors split grafts to get to their total graft numbers. Please research as much as you can before going fwd. Can you tell us your age? Would you consider posting some pictures?

  3. Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

    It's 'a brewin', it's 'a brewin'...icon_smile.gif You should have a righteous result -- the best advice I could give you is to be PREPARED for extreme density so you don't come on her crying and Rahal gets deplored once again for giving disgustingly dense locks.


    High density would be my biggest wishes come true so I'm 99.99999999% sure you will never hear me complain about good density. icon_smile.gif

  4. Originally posted by spex:

    Leave them alone mate - its a good sign of activity icon_smile.gif Any that start to cause you jip then place a hot flannel over the area to help soften the skin.


    See my tips - Tips


    Thanks Spex. I'm glad I can just leave them alone. They do not bother me at all. Hopefully as you said they are a good sign of things to come. icon_smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    I agree that patients should understand all aspects of what they are getting into before surgery. Doctors/clinics should be educating their patients not only about surgery and realistic expectations, but policies also.


    It appears that there was a misunderstanding in this case.


    Best wishes,





    To be fair to Dr Rahal as I said above I think I remember (I'm not 100% sure) Dr Rahals pre surgery paperwork did mention being charged for a portion of the extra grafts.

  6. Originally posted by omviki:

    bullitunt i agree. Bill from now i think, all doctors should have a written policy for extra grafts which every patient must sign before the surgery(no verbal-it can be very confusing), so everseas patients can manage the extra $$ amount. This could be also big factor to short list a doctor. Bill, i am also not saying here what ever happened with me is wrong because extra graft policy was not cleard before the surgery. overall, i choose a top class surgeon and everything went fine. i would recommend dr. rahal.


    I could be wrong but I think Dr Rahal's standard paperwork that is signed the day of surgery may have mentioned payment for the extra grafts.

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