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Dr. William Lindsey

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Posts posted by Dr. William Lindsey

  1. This fellow stopped by for his scar check, which looks terrific and as he was leaving we noticed that his crown was already growing.  This is not typical... and seems to happen in guys who are in no rush at all for growth to start.   Had he have been getting married in a few months...this would never have happened.  Or at least it seems like that.   He's local and I'm pretty sure we'll get a followup at a year.


    The video is:  






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  2. In this brief video we show a younger guy who, like a lot of folks...wears a kind of absent minded professor unstyled hair pattern so as to conceal significant hairline recession.  We did a nice case on him and he popped in at 2 years, but he's a fairly shy guy and wouldn't do an interview.  


    Wendy and I are both a bit surprised he didn't dramatically alter his hairstyle....to a more sophisticated approach.  I've posted 4 or 5 guys, just like this fellow, over the years and pretty much all of them went from a "wild" preop hair style to almost a GQ or highly dressed up style after things grew in.  


    The video is:  





    Dr. Lindsey

    McLean VA

  3. This younger asian male had a very asymetric hairline that made him self conscious.   We did 1000 FUE's, by hand...not mechanized...and he is growing quite nicely at 6 months.  Like lots of our younger guys, he was quite anxious and we heard from him all the time...til it started growing.  Hopefully he'll show up at 13 months for final pics, but frankly, once it starts working, particularly on people who were very worried...we never hear back from them.  And its a shame, as 13 month pics will be much better.

    The video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mOTLEJu42Q&feature=youtu.be

    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  4. We've been having a steady increase in patients coming up from Richmond for consultations and mostly repair surgery.  We'll try to make this convenient for more prospective patients by seeing patients in the West End of Richmond, Tuesday Dec 10 from 1 to 5.  If there is significant demand, perhaps this will be a regular event and who knows, we could ultimately offer procedures at some point down the road.

    Wendy and I'll be at the office of Dr. Leslie Cohen, my medical school classmate and friend for 34 years.   

    Consultations are scheduled through my office in McLean 703 356 3260, but make sure you tell us you want to be seen in Richmond on Dec 10.

    9900 Independence Park Drive, Suite 110
    Richmond, VA 23233

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Dr. Lindsey

  5. Here we have a long time patient that we've done repair work on, scar repair work, and helped his brothers too.  He has hair greed and ultimately we did a 450 graft FUE just after this video...although he looks fantastic already and only time will tell if he sees any improvement in that hairline with more hair.   We have a short interview with our patient in the middle of the video you all may find interesting.


    The video is: 






    Dr. Lindsey 
    McLean VA

  6. In this short video we show another 23 year old male who came in with his parents, and a class 5 or even 6 hair loss pattern.  We did 2500 or so grafts and unfortunately he did AWFUL cleaning which likely autoextracted some of his grafts.  Nevertheless he has a nice result, is happy and now married.   When he came for the visit, we did a nice long video interview...but in the hectic goings-on I forgot to turn on the microphone....   We'll repeat that interview whenever we do a second case and this time we'll make him stay local until his wife is comfortable cleaning.


    The video is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HkmSRgkD2M&feature=youtu.be


    Dr. Lindsey 
    McLean VA

  7. This poor fellow went to a doctor who dabbled in hair.   That started him on a path for multiple strip surgeries placed all over the back of his head, virtually zero resulting hair, and countless thousands of dollars lasering, smp-ing, re-lasering, re-tattooing those scars.  He shopped with me for a long time and frankly I told him I'm not sure he has any good options. After months of discussions we agreed to excise 2 of the scars and coalesce them into one scar, which we may repeat in a year or so...to at least decrease the number of scars he has.  We had in person, on phone, via email, and back in person BLUNT discussions on this and at least at 3 months or so he is happy to have less scarring.  We'll see if he opts to do this again.  He has fine laxity despite all of his surgery, so repeating this shouldn't be a big risk.


    The video does have graphic shots of the scar excision.




    Dr. Lindsey 

    McLean VA

  8. I do all FUE cases either by hand with a feller .9 or 1.0 punch OR the Harris Safe system.   Frankly it seems like if one isn't working...the other will do great.   I don't necessarily agree with the safe system's dull punch blade--which in theory pushes roots out of the way decreasing transection rate.   Rather it seems doughy scalped guys do better with the sharp punch and the normal scalp consistency do better with duller blades.   Remember the U in fue is unpredictable.   We all know what the F stands for and its not follicular.  FUE is a challenge that current automation has not solved.   To date we have now repaired around 150 of the cheaper automated "system" cases and around 40 of the real expensive "system" cases.    And currently the people coming in that have had the robot procedure appear to all have been shot in the donor region with 1.6mm derm punches, had essentially minigrafts removed and then either reinserted immediately or those were slivered into micrografts, like I learned in 1994.   And some look like its 1994.


    Dr. L

    • Like 1
  9. Sean

    Rather than do a consultation on this public forum, please either call our office or email me at drwlindsey@gmail.com with some info including your age, general health, family history of hairloss, and who did what kind of surgery on you and when.

    Just this year I'd guess I've seen 20 guys with exactly your issue...shoot, you might have even been here, and are trying to see if I say the same thing....    And we'd love to talk to you and see if we can conceal that sparse weak hairline.



    Dr. L

  10. In this brief video we FUE 350 or so grafts into a crown scar, already previously attempted to be revised by a plastic surgeon.  We've done 20 or so of these hair into scar cases in the last couple of years and presented our results internationally.   Nevertheless....using planting analogies...we're taking relatively fragile plants from the donor region...stressing them with FUE extraction, and planting them in hard clay(scar tissue).   By leaving a little extra tissue on the root balls and making the recipient slits a little larger, we've had good success.


    The video is: 






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

    • Like 1
  11. In this short video we discuss a 40ish year old with fine hair, now 20 months out from surgery with a short haircut and virtually imperceptible scar.  It can be tricky with the combo of fine hairs, and short haircuts--which limits layering and styling.  I am not talking about a combover...but styling definitely adds to transplant results.  But due to contemporary hair styles and lots of military patients...we see this alot.   He looks very natural and that is the goal...an unremarkable hairline.


    The video is: 







    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  12. In this short update, our patient has turned the corner and really starting to grow from his case last winter.   We've put up several videos of this guy, who runs a gym a few hours from our office.   

    Interestingly we did have a bit of trouble with donor site irritation and finally figured out that he spent lots of time on weight benches...and I mean LOTS of time... and the sweat irriated his scarline.  Once we determined this was the cause, all it took was putting a clean towel down on the bench to rest his head on, to solve the problem.


    He's since signed up for his second case and we'll surely have updates over the next 18months.  The only real question is if he's going to propose to his girlfriend or not.


    The video is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khj-teuOL2c


    Dr.  Lindsey 

    McLean VA 

  13. Here's another fairly public figure who had a no or low yield strip case by a practice designing a case around low downtime, medium budget and financing options, and slick marketing, rather than doing what the patient needed...which was to pack that front third.


    Here he is at 8 or 9 months postop looking good and at 15 months, when he's fully grown in, he ought to look great.


    The video is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvcJ7st_GyM


    Dr. Lindsey

  14. Promotional???   Cosmo I'm simply reviewing the lead article in the hair forum.   Like all trends in medicine and politics, the pendulum swings too far and then comes back...probably too far..and then so forth.


    No doubt FUE is here to stay, and in patients with good donor hair and healthy roots with good connective tissue around them...it works probably as well as strip.  Unfortunately many people have fine hair roots and they get shredded, yes shredded...during the most gentle extraction (like skinny little plants in this video ((from way back before my beard ))



    AND, given the volume of no yield or low yield FUE repairs I do, and the few other hair docs here in the US that I interact with do as well, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are getting butchered.  Usually by a clinic just starting out in hair that added hair as a new profit center to an ENT/derm/plastic surgery office.    And by the time we see them, the story is usually the same, they got "sold" by a slick ad and didn't do any research.  Til it was too late.  I've seen doctors do exactly the same thing.


    Lastly, I have now heard from several doctors, a bunch of techs wanting jobs, and a few patients...that with one of the robot systems this is occurring:   Since the company supposedly gets a dollar every time the machine "fires"...the doctor puts on a 1.5 mm punch so that he/she will get at least one hair for transplantation.  And if they get 5 or 6 hairs, supposedly a cutter will sliver that like we did minigrafts and micrografts in the early 90's.   Now I haven't seen this personally but after hearing the same story from maybe 10 people, where there is smoke there is usually fire.  


    I suspect that FUE and strip butchery is here to stay, and only by educational sites, such as this forum, can you the patient get educated and make the best choice for you.  But get educated first, see a real doctor at your consultation, look at some results of that doctor, see a surgery going on if possible, and then decide what is best.  I knew this post would be controversial and frankly MOST people on this forum are well educated.  I'm not trying to sway you guys, you've already made your mind up and most of you know the facts.  Its the virgin head that has seen a sales person who has tailored a surgery to fit that customer's budget and downtime with no discussion of the big issues, that I'm trying to reach--before they impulse buy a surgery.


    Dr. Lindsey

  15. Some of you guys may recall this fellow's original post...way back in 2011.  Anyhow, out of the blue, he emailed in an update from his sofa, in a state several hundred miles away.  As Wendy and I discuss, I really wish he' have allowed us to show his face as that really shows how well his face has been framed.  However, he has a public job and we can't show it.

    He really looks good, although I think his increased stress with a wife and kid, as well as a few years going by...suggest we may see him again for that middle third....


    The video is:   




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  16. In this short video we review a recent lead article in The Forum, the ISHRS society's publication for hair transplant doctors.  The society has been on a roll lately, trying to combat black market clinics, surgery being performed without a doctor, and FUE slaughterhouses.  

    Essentially the society says what leading doctors have said for years....FUE has limitations, and YOU the consumer need to know the pros and cons of both strip and fue, so that you, not a sales person, can make the best decision for your head.


    The video is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHEj9qdSqUs


    Dr. Lindsey

  17. In a recent hair journal for the ISHRS, Joe Tillman--a pretty well known doctor rep/patient educator, did a bunch of spoof ads trying to warn patients against making stupid hair transplant decisions.  Wendy and I discuss a couple of our favorites.


    I have no relation to Mr. Tillman, have never met him, and other than maybe an email or 2 on a forum discussion years ago, I have again no relation to him.  However, I think he is spot on with these ads.  And I applaud his efforts to educate the consumer against foolish decision making when it comes to hair surgery.


    The video is:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTwexSNS5-w


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  18. In this short video Wendy and I tell you how we've gone from doing mostly virgin head cases 10 years ago to doing virtually all repair cases now.  Common stories from many of our repair patients are:

    1.  Slick ads and an even slicker consultant with no doctor meeting preop


    2.  New doctors to hair offering "deals" with their new robot/automated FUE systems


    3.  Price


    Unfortunately not only is the donor area now somewhat...or more...depleted, but the patient now has lost all trust that the surgery will work as described, making everyone's job a little tougher.


    The video is:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3OaVKCSqw0


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  19. In this video we show you a younger girl with a very high hairline and discuss the options of putting hair in front of the current hairline vs doing essentially a reverse browlift, pulling the hairline toward the nose, rather than the brows up...to lower the hairline.

    We're now doing these in the office in about an hour and TYPICALLY the scar is really minimal and concealed by hairs in front of the scarline itself.  However, more than half of these patients ultimately decide to add a few hairs anyway...partly due to chasing that "perfection is the enemy of good" line I always talk about, but partly to address the upper temple/sideburn hairs.


    The video is:  








    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  20. I've posted a few of these in the past and this patient was kind enough to do a short interview.  We discuss the pros and cons of hairline advancement vs hair transplantataion, and frankly a finicky lady like this patient ultimately will probably end up doing both.   We brought her hairline down about an inch in less than an hour and at a month...other than expected redness of the scarline..she looks as expected with no pull back of the hairline.


    The video is:  




    Dr. Lindsy McLean VA

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