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Dr. William Lindsey

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Posts posted by Dr. William Lindsey

  1. This guy is about my age and had mild hairloss which we FUE'd 10 years ago.  Surprisingly he really hasn't lost a lot more.  In the video I show his first case and closeups of his scars and a quick view of another 700 fue's we did recently.


    The video is:  


    He's local and will pop back in for a 6 month visit whenever this covid stuff settles down.


    Dr. Lindsey
    McLean VA

  2. This guy might look familar to seasoned forum users.  He's one of my favorite patients...mainly because he has the best non-military stories of any patient we've ever had.  


    We started on him 10 years ago with 3 FUE cases, and every few years he emails me at 1am on a weekend night when he shaves his head and decides he wants a few more hairs.  Literally this has happened 4 or 5 times.  


    He's been married, divorced, now married again and perhaps we're done.  


    Actually the biggest bummer about hair work is that we get to know guys pretty well...and after their grown in....particularly after we're DONE...we never see them again  Since we don't sell any of that quackery that some practices do...we lose track of our favorite patients.   Once in a while we'll get an email pic often on vacation with an attractive female with our patient...but that is it.  


    The video is:  

    Dr. Lindsey

  3. Some of you have seen my videos where I try to emphasize the importance of cleaning postop.  It really became clear to me about a decade ago when a  hairpiece wearing trial lawyer really did a poor job cleaning and by day 7 had literally alleys of crust extracted grafts that were gone!   We ultimately did a second case for his crown and addressed those areas and have posted a bunch of updates on him...but that is when it struck me that early on...the crust can have stronger adherance to hairs than the scalp does...and can pull them out!  WE offer free help with cleaning postop and still people don't clean.  

    This special forces guy is a prime example.  We did a nice case on him...his wife was having a baby and although they were fairly close..he didn't come and did a poor job cleaning.  We did a little touch up on him and made him come daily to help him clean.  Look at the difference!  At just 5 months out he looks awesome.  And I show his scar after being in his head twice, and a short haircut.


    Do what your doctor says...but if you're our patient or going to be our patient....CLEAN!


    The video is:  

    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  4. I've posted a bunch of videos discussing the 2 options to lower female hairlines.  Well 3 actually...doing nothing is the easiest and cheapest option and frankly, in the US...MOST caucasion women have naturally higher hairlines.   Having now done 4000 facelifts...that is a fact of our population.


    So the 2 options are...1. Reverse browlift which immediately lowers the hairline about an inch or so.  Its pretty quick, taking us about 45 minutes in the office with oral sedation.  And usually, the scar is minimal.

    2.  Hair transplantation which takes a year to grow in and can be designed to fit the patient's goals of a hairline.


    And frankly half of the #1 patients we see....end up doing a small hair transplant a year or 2 later...women have hair greed too!   We have another patient like this next week who did several videos on reverse browlift for me.


    Anyhow, here is a hair restoration and at a year...I thought she looked a little thin in 2 or 3 areas so we did a little touchup and we were glad we did.  With that very fair skin and very dark hair...no matter how tightly the hair is placed...its just not as much as is needed due to the color mismatch.  


    The video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJSQIF3xxyg


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  5. This is a 1 year update on our young lady who had a right eyebrow scar that we repaired with eyebrow hair transplant last spring.  She does a short interview and we discuss the difference between eyebrow and scalp hair...so that patients understand the limitation of eyebrow transplants.


    For some reason, we've gotten maybe 12  calls about eyebrow work since the covid 19 crisis started...more than we get in a year normally, so here's some info to consider as you do your research.


    The video is: 







    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  6. In this short video I show our patient from 8 years ago, previously posted a few years back after another ski trip.  She lives in Utah and I did a frontal case on her, and subsequently her aunt (also posted).  She was the only taker in the ski challenge of 2020....possibly due to coronavirus shutting down snowbird the day we had the contest.  Anyhow, she has an unremarkable hairline at 8 years.  THAT is what we strive for.  Unremarkable.  It calls no attention to itself and nobody would ever guess she had anything done.

    The video is:  


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  7. Here's a 5 month update...probaby half growing..on a 1000 graft FUE case.   Those curly hairs, and virtually no skin/hair color mismatch already make him look awesome...to the point where our patient is shaving a small partline in.   When someone looks this good this early...its really tough to say if they are fast growers, or we put too many hairs in (never heard of that though), or we just got lucky.


    The video is: 





    We'll probably get an in person interview this fall, sooner if we can start getting back to pre-covid activities.


    Dr. Lindsey 
    McLean VA

  8. Here's virtually a 365 day result of 1000 FUEs to address an asymetric hairline in a 30ish year old asian male, with preop, early followup, and 12 months shots and close up views of the hairline and donor area.


    Thankfully he had thicker, more resilient, hair allowing easy extraction with minimal root trauma.  


    The video is: 




    We have a virtual twin of this fellow at 6 months, also growing well, and expect a video of him this fall.


    Dr. Lindsey 
    McLean VA

  9. In this brief video we show how....with proper planning and by growing surrounding hair longer....that a class 4 or 5 patient can get 3000 grafts and at a week, conceal all evidence of the procedure.

    Now I realize some guys just can't grow the surrounding hair and comb it over, and some (like me) have really wirey hair that simply WON'T comb over...but certainly 40% of our bigger case patients can pull this off.  Trouble is, that despite us telling them this at the preop meeting, about half of guys get a nice haircut to "help me out"...then they can't conceal the case.


    Our philosophy is always come with as long of hair as you can...it gives us and you the most options.  You can cut hair in 10 minutes when you want, but it takes a month to grow a half inch.


    The video is:  






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  10. One of our favorite repair patients stopped by for an unrelated issue recently.  He did a short interview, now 6 years out from us repairing 2 unsuccessful strip cases by a fellow who just dabbles in hair.  

    I've preached for years that while hair looks like easy surgery...unless you do a lot of them....you simply don't have the little extra attention to detail in multiple areas...cutting, designing, placing etc...that separates consistent hair restoration from most of what is available out there.  I know...as I've admitted many times...I USED to dabble in hair in the 90s....and only after I made the decision to go big or go home...did I get good.  Lots of doctors never make that decision....and with the rent a techs and machines...its only getting worse for the uneducated consumer.


    Our video showing the flipping of virgin heads and repair cases...which last year was something like 27 virgin heads and 113 repair cases...illustrates that point.


    So take a look at our guy...I don't particularly care for the curve into the temples that the first doc did...but its what we had to work with and looks reasonably unremarkable.   I point it out in the video which is:




    Dr. Lindsey 
    McLean VA

  11. Here is a younger asian fellow that had an asymetric hairline.  We just did 1000 FUE's and show his case and donor and recipient sites up close at 6 weeks.

    Some of you may find him familiar.  He is virtually identical to a guy who is now just a year out.  We shot this video about 2 weeks ago and the 1 year guy showed up for pics a day or so later.

    Now that elective surgeries are on hold due to covid...Wendy and I'll catch up on video production and will post the grown out case soon.    It's really uncanny how similar these 2 cases were and I'd expect this guy's hairline to look awesome next year.

    The video is: 

    Dr. Lindsey
    McLean VA

  12. Some of you all may recall previous videos with this guy, who'd had 2 or 3 non productive surgeries elsewhere, came to me and got a case done...then got hit by a landing airplane!


    I visited him in St Barths last month and interview him where he got hit.

    Watch a plane land and almost get another guy!


    The video is: 






    There is really no hair transplant info in this video except...Don't get hit by an airplane postop!


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  13. In this video we discuss a guy who had a poor hairline, that we repaired 8 years ago.  He has bushy WILD hair and looks great.  However, he has a bad case of hair greed and ultimately talked me into a small FUE.  We review his repair case and the FUE and discuss hair greed in the video.


    The video is:  






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  14. This fellow stopped in at 2 years and looks quite good despite VERY fine hair, and a pretty significant color contrast between hair and skin.   We'll likely do a second case to finish that top off and of course add a few hundred singles at the hairline...which is pretty much always needed in finer hair folks.  I have several videos going into that in detail as well.

    The video is:  







    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  15. I posted this guy's case a couple of years ago.  He saw an ad about some no shave, no down time FUE and got virtually no results.  THEN he did his research.  He has a limited supply of donor hair, which although bushy and curly, are fairly thin hairs.  He also has a significant color contrast and has lots of scar tissue from the first attempt by someone else.  In this video we show his before, intraop discussion on what likely happened, and how he looked when he stopped by recently.


    The video is:  






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  16. Hair restoration is a psychologically tough period for everyone.   But women...who typically are already really stressed by having diminished hair....panic at the thought of either shaving the recipient area...which we do....or the thought of shock loss making the recipient area LOOK shaved at a month...whether you shave or don't...


    Recently a female patient said she'd like to show other women what she did...2 choices...the old combover and a scar.  Either works after that first week. And at 2.5 months, most people are back to looking like they did preop...so its really just week 4 to 8 or 9 that its a real issue.


    The video is: 






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  17. Its ski season again and although I thought I was done skiing after a bit of an injury last year, I'm not ready to give it up.    I'll be doing consultations at Snowbird Utah, Saturday and Sunday Mar 7 and 8.  


    Any previous hair surgery patient of ours, like usual, is welcome to come and I'll buy your lift ticket and we'll share a beverage.   To schedule email or call the office.


    For new potential patients...IF you think you can ski a challenging slope better than me....(and that is getting easier each year), I'll offer you 1000.00 off your surgery IF you can do one run better than me.  Judging will be done by my niece and a doctor friend.   It is not a race, nor a tricks contest....just come down whatever slope we're doing, better than me.  It'll be a fun way of getting to know one another outside of the clinical setting.


    If you board, I'm still up for the challenge.


    Give a call to get on the list or to set up a visit.


    Dr. Lindsey

  18. Steve is a tough case...he has limited fine dark hair and lots of fair skin...plus he wasted a bunch of his donor region at a production house with little to show for it.  We do a short interview at 13 months, and its still got a bit more to grow, and he discusses the process, and his own hair characteristics that we have to deal with.  A short discussion on hair fibers is included.  The video is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoAhKsowQvw




    Dr. Lindsey

    McLean VA

  19. Frequent viewers will recognize this patient.  He's a 25 year old gym manager from out of town that we did a frontal case on last year.  Like a lot of younger guys, he was fairly nervous until things started growing at 6 months or so.  We'd orginally planned a second case to bolster his hairline (always needed in finer hair patients) and then finish off the top.  BUT, like a lot of younger and even older guys....he wants to lower the hairline a bit and not cover quite as much on top.  


    He's a great fellow and has literally the prettiest girlfriend who is a nurse and helps take care of his case.  


    Some of you all may recall in previous videos we had real scar trouble with him...and after a bit of investigation...we figured out that he was laying his donor region in other people's sweat while bench pressing! 


    Its' been about 2 months since his case as of today, and we saw him a few days ago. NO scar problems this time as he's putting a towel down on the bench before he lays down.


    The video is:  





    I'm sure we'll have subsequent followups on this guy.


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  20. Some of you may remember this guy...we have several videos over the years.... He was a guy with a limited amount of fine hair, who'd had 2 or 3 cases elsewhere without results who we did a case on and then he got hit by a landing airplane wheel in St Barths.  If you go back through our youtube videos you'll see one which actually has cockpit video where you hear the pilots say "what did whe hit?"


    He got sewed up and we did another case or 2 on him to conceal the injury and he popped by our office on the way to the islands for the winter.  I'm planning on visiting him in Feb and will try to shoot a little video where he got hit.  But we'll be sure to squat down if a plane is inbound.


    The video is: 






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

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