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Time to do something

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Everything posted by Time to do something

  1. I had my long awaited procedure last week with Dr. Ron Shapiro and can't say enough about what an amazing experience I had. Everything went very well and the expectation is success! He is the most compassionate doctor I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and his staff from Matt to Jenna and everyone else who worked on me were equally caring, kind individuals who took such a personal interest in me and my situation. I honestly didn't think this kind of service even existed any more particularly from a world class facility. I would like to thank everyone who had a hand in my procedure from the minute I walked in the door until the last day I walked out. I stayed in Minneapolis for a few days after the procedure to see some of the city and they even asked me to come back every day that I was there to check on me and wash my hair. I appreciate their dedication to their profession and going that extra mile. The weather was even beautiful! Who would have thought a few days before Thanksgiving it would have been sunny and 56 in Minneapolis? Their patience and sensitivity with all of my questions was amazing and genuine, I never felt like I was being rushed. I'm told I have enough hair for another procedure if I need one and will return to Minneapolis for a touch up next November if needed. Now comes the hard part??¦.waiting!
  2. BeHappy, This is EXACTLY my plan! I always thought the reason why sometimes this approach doesn't work was due to the patient not being brave enough to go for a high density at the front hair line and temples. Perhaps there is more to it than that, like hair characteristics etc. In terms of wearing a hair piece behind a thin transplanted hair line, I believe hair systmes now-a-days can be of a low density. Do you think that would help or not? Yes, hair pieces may be made at any density. I've seen numerous guys with a crown piece and the ones I've seen are undetectable. If someone has one that doesn't blend it is probably a low quality one done by a non professional.
  3. Yes, I found some of the statements in this email to be contradictory to what I've read in other places. I found the email intriguing and want to investigate further but can't reach the person who wrote it. They indicate their transplant was a huge mistake for their type of hair type and characteristics. They said they wish all of their grafts had been placed on the crown. From what I've read the crown is a 'hair pit' meaning it takes a huge amount of grafts to cover it adequately. It sounds like what they are saying is they would have preferred a comb over brushed forward. Couldn't they also achieved the same effect if the grafts were placed in the front and had a comb over brushed back? They said a hair piece behind their frontal would look awful and even more obvious. My stylist has shown me other clients with this and I couldn't notice anything that looked fake or obvious. How long ago did they have their transplant? They compare it to Joe Biden. They are right his is very detectable but the advancements in the past five years down to the single graft has made them undetectable and I've seen many people with transplants using the newer procedures who I'd never be able to tell. In the hands of the right doctor strip scars and hardly noticeable. He is basing his views on his experience but I wonder why his experience is so different from other opinions I've read on here. That is why I'm saying his contradicts other statements. I'm not saying his statements aren't valid for his experience just different from others I've read. All I can imagine is he had a procedure long ago by a bad surgeon. I just want to make sure from other posters that this isn't what I've got to look forward to. I'm sure others out there have read something that scares them and wants confirmation on the validity.
  4. Again-let me re-explain myself. This is an email from someone else describing their experience. Some of it contradicted what I have read in the past and wanted other posters opinion. This will hopefully clear up any confusion.
  5. It really came across like you were talking about yourself and your work with Dr Epstein. Sorry, that is why I stated at the beginning "Here is what someone said". I guess I should have been more clear.
  6. Thanks Tony Montana-I'm not the one who wrote that nor went through that, it is what someone else went through and I just posted their email. I was looking for opinions as to whether this sounded accurate. I'm not disputing him but some of the things in the email went against what I've read. I want to know as much as I can before making a mistake so I'm looking for the opinions of others in regards to what this guy had to say.
  7. Here is what someone said. I'd like opinions. Thanks First of all, I regret having HT's in the first place. I was a NW5 pre-HT, and for my hair type and characteristics, HT's were a huge mistake. However, "type and characterisitics" really don't matter much when you are a NW5. With that being said, I wish that instead of them puting all my grafts up front (like I asked them not to do), that they all would have been put in the crown and vertex. Then my crown and top would look good, and I could grow my hair long, and just comb the hair on top forward. I have had 3 HT's and most of the grafts went into the hairline, and it blows. There is not enough density for it not to be "see-through" for my hair type (even if all my donor was used up doing this). In my case, puting a piece behind my "frontal" would look awful, just plain awful...and even more obvious. Like I said, I regret not forcing my HT surgeons to put all of my grafts in the crown, and vertex (the top), and work their way forward. Because I was a NW5, I am stuck with the typical "frontal HT with a hole in the back" which looks obvious (and detectable) because no normal balding pattern even remotely resembles the way it it looks. "Frontal" HT's don't fool anyone...as soon as you turn your head sideways, or when people can see the back of your head, your "frontal" becomes laughable. (Can you say Joe Biden? ) With that being said, what happens if you get HT's to give yourself a complete "frontal" (use all your donor up in the process) and you find out that the piece looks obvious behind "transplanted" hair? And transplanted hair does not always "blend in" too well with natural hair (let alone fake hair), particularly in the "border" regions - even when the best surgeon in the world does your HT. Basically my HT's transformed me from a normal bald guy into a weird looking bald guy who has had "something weird" done to his hair. I strongly urge guys getting HT's to really weigh all of their options and do plenty of research. Otherwise, they could wind up like me...going from "bad" to "worse" as far as hair...and paying major $$$$ for it. Oh, and having a "strip scar" also blows. I would give anything not to have one from ear to ear. If I didn't have the donor scar, I could (and I most definately would) just shave my head. I was bald, and I should have just shaved and never looked back. But I chose the wrong path for me...the "HT path."
  8. I would be lying to you if I told you I never worried about that but in the 20 years I wore it I never had it come off and I was in all kind of weather conditions. I used double sticky sided tape and water based glue in the front which gives an even more natural appearance. I doubt you would ever have a problem with it coming off though. Your stylist can also talk with you about it. To make sure the tape is still fresh and strong I wouldn't go more than four days without changing it but that is just my preference. Some people shampoo with it on their head I never liked doing that. I took mine off whenever I shampooed.
  9. That is not for me to say. You will need to decide that for yourself. I simply gave you my experience and based on that maybe it will help guide you in your decision. One benefit is you are married so won't have to explain it in intimate situations. I would guess the piece in the video is a lace piece. They are the most realistic looking and breathable. It is impossible to say for sure which type of hairpiece is in the video without seeing the base of it but again most likely it is a lace piece. I am trying to get out of a hair piece because of the maintenance and inconsistency of the quality from piece to piece. I am still waiting for my hair transplant to grow in so I'm still wearing it. If you are willing to go through the maintenance and deal with one that just won't style properly from time to time then I'd say go for it. Good Luck.
  10. I've worn a lace hair piece for years. They can look very natural and give you a thick great looking head of hair. There is a downside to consider. They are maintenance which will become fairly easy over time. The problem is it can become expensive because if you want the hair to look fresh and as good as when it was new you must get a new one every four months. No level of conditioning will get the hair in the condition it was in at the beginning after a certain point and for me it has been four months. Another problem is getting a hair piece is like throwing the dice, meaning you never know what you will get. Sometimes you will get one where the hair is soft and lays just perfect and other times you will get on where the hair isn't very soft and will never style the way you want it to. It can be extremely frustrating. Once you have it you are stuck with it until it is time to order a new one. The other problem is, even though they are undetectable in most situations if you are going to be intimate with someone who doesn't know you have it you will need to tell them ahead of time to avoid embarrassment. The base can definitely be felt if someone is running their hands through it.
  11. I'm told Dr. Epstein had one. It looks really good and I was told Dr. Shapiro did it.
  12. Bravo, couldn't have said it better. When one doesn't care about their looks they have given up and have no will to live. Pepople should always have pride in their personal apperance no matter their age.
  13. I missed the show with Dr. Bernstein but Dr. Oz is on Oprah frequently so maybe he was on during the same show with Dr. Bernstein. I hope he is wrong but he seems to be right on a lot of issues.
  14. I purchased a copy of Dr. Oz's new book today titled "YOU Being Beautiful". On page 68 he talks about hair transplants and something he said took the wind out of my sails. I'll quote: " These procedures have declined in popularity-not because the surgeries can't be well done (they can be quite good if performed by a specialist, although nowadays many unqualified docs are getting in on the act). It's because of genetics. After 20 years of so, the newly transplanted hair can thin as well-leaving very visible scarring. Isn't a smooth, shiny scalp more attractive than one that looks like a connect-the-dots workbook"? This is discouraging if it is true. I had the understanding that the hairs from the back of the head were genetically programmed to last a lifetime. It what he describes does happen to me then I feel this was all a very expensive and traumatic procedure for little results. If my head looks like what he described above 20 years from now I'll have to go back to the hairpiece that I so desperately want to ditch now.
  15. I purchased a copy of Dr. Oz's new book today titled "YOU Being Beautiful". On page 68 he talks about hair transplants and something he said took the wind out of my sails. I'll quote: " These procedures have declined in popularity-not because the surgeries can't be well done (they can be quite good if performed by a specialist, although nowadays many unqualified docs are getting in on the act). It's because of genetics. After 20 years of so, the newly transplanted hair can thin as well-leaving very visible scarring. Isn't a smooth, shiny scalp more attractive than one that looks like a connect-the-dots workbook"? This is discouraging if it is true. I had the understanding that the hairs from the back of the head were genetically programmed to last a lifetime. It what he describes does happen to me then I feel this was all a very expensive and traumatic procedure for little results. If my head looks like what he described above 20 years from now I'll have to go back to the hairpiece that I so desperately want to ditch now.
  16. I have oily skin and when I'm photographed sometimes the skin really shines. I was told about a product that Clinique for Men makes that reduces shine. I tried it and it really works. I don't use it all the time but if I've got an important event where I know photos will be taken I use it. It gives the skin a matte' kind of appearance. It will reduce the shiny look. I assume it would work for your situation too. It isn't sticky, gooey or oily I think it is water based and it just kind of blends right into the skin. Hope this helps.
  17. LOL! Yeah, you must have opened the clip from Oz. He's been in several well know TV shows. Law and Order is another.
  18. Ok, I guess I'm able to spot some hair transplants now. I saw Chris Maloni in a movie yesterday and believe he's had a hair transplant. It did not look bad (he can pull it off) but when the light hit it at certain angles it was see through and the hairline looked a bit contrived. The hairline was sort of a perfect line instead of fading out as it went lower on the forehead. Maybe he is going in later for a second procedure like I did to thicken it up or maybe he doesn't care. I'm only about two months into my second procedure and I look like I only have a dusting of hair on top of my head right now.
  19. I'm going to try Dermmatch, I've heard only good things about it. I tried Toppik even though it is a little early in the process for me to use it and it made my otherwise shiny hair take on a dull unhealthy look which I didn't like.
  20. I had my first HT 7/07 and my second 8/08. I had almost 5000 grafts between the two concentrated on the front 2/3 of my scalp. I wanted the maximum density in the front so I decided not to address the crown. When the HT matures I will be wearing a lace hair piece on the crown. The guy who cuts my hair has several clients wearing one and says they blend perfectly and are undetectable. It should be a piece of cake for me since I've been wearing a hair piece from front to back.
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