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Posts posted by tkerr22

  1. the front looks reall good and the back will be coming in soon as well. heard it takes a little longer for the crown so u just have to be patient, and if you can feel the stubble you are well on your way for sure! am going in for my next Ht for the midscalp and crown area in June as well! congrats and you look great and have come a long way for sure!

  2. My wife and I are going to try and have a baby in the near future and I am worried about the fact I take propecia as well. I found this article that was very interesting, if anyone has other articles or info on the subject it would be great! basically article states being on propecia while conceiving and during pregnancy has not turned up any side effects



  3. A main reason docs shave the recipient site is to make the procedure easier for them and to see more clearly what they need to do as far as graft placement. H&W probably does it because of the huge procedures they do and the time they save by not having to constantly move the hair around to place grafts. Also with all the dense packing docs are doing it is just plain easier for them. I say the easier it is for the doc and the better job they can do when they don't have to work around long hair the better. I can understand if you're just getting a touch up job on the temples but if you are doing a larger session over more area I can see why it would be in the docs best interest to see exactly what he's working with and not have to work around hair. I know my doc will shave the recipient site only if it's ok with you just because it makes things easier for him. I said do it and was happy he did

  4. I have always been told it won't really start growing till month 3, then it is usually done by month 9 or 10 with thickening up to months after that. My personal experience has been growth from month 3 to 6 then thickening after that, but that was just my case

  5. I remember that dreaded period of time too, after my last Ht was noticeable thinner for the first couple of months and got a lot of shock loss due to the dense packing. I think if you get dense packed and you had existing hair(previous HT hair in my case) you will notice some shock loss. But I remember around month 3 it started looking like it was pre HT and then it was all good stuff from there on out! So, you have to keep telling yourself like I did that in a few months it'll all be worth it and was definitely the case! I love my new hair and cannot wait to get the rest of the midscalp and crown done in June. I know I might experience some more of the same shock loss but not as bad since there isn''t much hair in my small crown bald spot I am getting work done too.

  6. I think it is thickening up behind the front for sure. Also, in the front looks great in the hairline shot, a little thin in the above shot. But as i have said before I think those above shots don't do you justice. AS guys with a full head of hair look thinner if their hair is sticking up in above shots. But definitely see improvement and is getting thicker in my opinion

  7. I thought there was a good HT doc in India, saw many posts about some doc on another forum, and seemed like good work. But, if you get a good doc who does the ultrarefined follicular unit HT's it will do wonders in hiding the cobblestone effect form this last procedure. And I speak from personal experience

  8. added some new pics, some of pre ht with Dr. Alexander and a couple that were taken yesterday. all pics were taken with the same camera under same lighting. Yes, there is a blue background in new pics but that is it. Am very happy with my new hair and cannot wait to fill in the back area in June. I have noticed a huge difference, biggest being you can't see thru to my scalp like you used to. any questions or feedback would be great. The scar picture is also amazing that he removed all that in one HT and was able to get as many grafts as he did in between them with all the railroad track scars.

  9. Had my consultation with Dr. Alexander yesterday in Phoenix and was a little nervous going in. The reason being is last time the doc had to remove two previous scars from past surgery and take the grafts out from in between these two. So I was scared that I wouldn't have the laxicity to do another HT this year. Well, I find out from him my skin is just as elastic as last year now and he can pull easily 2000 grafts and place them midscalp and crown! I am ecstatic with my past resutls from him of the front and need no more work there. He said with this next procedure he will be able to fill in and make the rest of the midscalp and my small balding crown area match the front. If this holds true this will be my last HT and I couldn't be more happy. I am also lucky that I have a thinner balding area going back and high, full sides of hair and have had this ever since I started losing my hair.

    When I arrived I felt a little nervous but something about the doc just eases me. He is very nice, yet also honestly direct about what he can do. He is very confident in his abilities yet does not come off as cocky. Since I am coming from out of town he is putting my wife and I up at one of the best resorts in Phoenix,which is about 5 minutes away from his office, for two nights as well. I work in the education field and am lucky enough to have summer's off so that is why am getting it done in late June.

    I have some pics on the site of my hair after my last procedure with him, and he took some more shots yesterday. I will be getting some of my before and after pics from him soon as well as pics of my two scars he removed and be posting them on here shortly.

    I feel relieved that everything is scheduled and ready to go and now just have to wait for June 23rd to get here!!

    Here is a link to my few pics I have taken, like I said will put up pics of before my prcedure with him as well as scar pics when I receive them, hopefully next week.



  10. Had my consultation with Dr. Alexander yesterday in Phoenix and was a little nervous going in. The reason being is last time the doc had to remove two previous scars from past surgery and take the grafts out from in between these two. So I was scared that I wouldn't have the laxicity to do another HT this year. Well, I find out from him my skin is just as elastic as last year now and he can pull easily 2000 grafts and place them midscalp and crown! I am ecstatic with my past resutls from him of the front and need no more work there. He said with this next procedure he will be able to fill in and make the rest of the midscalp and my small balding crown area match the front. If this holds true this will be my last HT and I couldn't be more happy. I am also lucky that I have a thinner balding area going back and high, full sides of hair and have had this ever since I started losing my hair.

    When I arrived I felt a little nervous but something about the doc just eases me. He is very nice, yet also honestly direct about what he can do. He is very confident in his abilities yet does not come off as cocky. Since I am coming from out of town he is putting my wife and I up at one of the best resorts in Phoenix,which is about 5 minutes away from his office, for two nights as well. I work in the education field and am lucky enough to have summer's off so that is why am getting it done in late June.

    I have some pics on the site of my hair after my last procedure with him, and he took some more shots yesterday. I will be getting some of my before and after pics from him soon as well as pics of my two scars he removed and be posting them on here shortly.

    I feel relieved that everything is scheduled and ready to go and now just have to wait for June 23rd to get here!!

    Here is a link to my few pics I have taken, like I said will put up pics of before my prcedure with him as well as scar pics when I receive them, hopefully next week.



  11. looks excellent Bill! you and I are in the same position with our hair and I am getting one more HT this summer to fill in the midscalp to crown area. The front looks great now just need to thicken up the midscalp and crown to match the front! congrats!

  12. just thought I would add two more pics. AM at 8 months out of my HT with Alexander in Phoenix. Am really happy with my results! hard to really tell any difference in pics but I feel and look thicker than my past pics. I had my hair quite a bit longer and that made it look really thick but I like to keep it short and got tired of the longer hair. My hair also tends to stick straight up and not lie flat but still looks thick even straight up. Am going to see Alexander again near end of the month to get check up and schedule my next HT for my crown and back midscalp area which are both thin. But am happy am all done with the front and after one more HT will be all done! all the hair up front is transplanted, I had two Ht's before Alexander but my hair was really thin and the first HT was 2000 grafts and the second was 500. He really added a ton of density and am able to style my hair for the first time in forever!

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