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Posts posted by tkerr22

  1. went thru the same thing when had my ht at end of june. Looked worse than ever when all the stubble fell out and had quite a bit of shock loss. However now it is early september and my hair is starting to look like it did when i went into the ht. Had a rough month or two but now it looks like it used too and knowing it's only going to get better now is great and know it'll all be worth it. Hang in there!

  2. I had a ht with alexander just over two months and thought he did a great job! Still too early to tell how it will look, was my 3rd ht, the second one being very small and wish I hadn't done it. I already see quite a few hairs here and there as little stuble. Congrats as my experience with alexander was great!

  3. I have shock loss around the donor area as well. was told it will take about 6 months for that hair to grow back. I had shock loss to the top of my head in the recipient area hair the first month or so and lost most if not all my transplanted hairs the first couple of weeks. Think I have a couple of transplanted hairs that didn't shed but also aren't growing, not sure what is up with that but only a couple.

  4. I am almost 2 months post-op and can feel and see quite a few short stubs of hair, not sure if these are the transplanted hairs growing or my old hairs that got shocked coming back, either way it's nice to feel some, it's not a ton of them but a few here and there. I also can feel an almost tingling sensation coming from the top of my head every once in a while, don't think this is really the numbing coming back since it's in areas that I have feeling in for the most part, anyone have a guess as to what that could be? possibly the new hairs breaking thru? not sure, any feedback or anyone else have this feeling would love to hear from ya. thanks

  5. I had around 2000 grafts done to the front and midscalp area on June 20th. I have had a previous transplant and this one was to just thicken the area up and add density. It looked really good when he was done and the first 2 weeks before all the transplanted hairs shed looked quite fuller so hopefully when they grow back it will look really good. I kinda expected shock loss considering i was getting dense packed around all my current hairs, but am not worried and just look forward to the next few months ahead. no use worrying now, can't do anything about it

  6. same thing is happening to me right now bobby, my hair in the recipient area looks much thinner then it did before the ht. I was told the shocked hair grows back in about 6 months. Any other feedback on this would be great!

  7. I had a ht with alexander on June 20th and have to say the experience was great! He is a very caring guy who really seems like he is out for your best interest. His staff was great too and were very nice the whole procedure. Alexander did all the slits for the grafts and was in the room every couple of minutes checking on the assistants placements of the grafts to make sure everything was going correctly. He is a perfectionist and makes sure it is done correctly. I had lunch with the doc during the procedure and just talked about everything. very down to earth guy. Any questions I have had since the ht he or his staff have answered and always encourage me to call them if I have any other questions. He's got one of those memory foam chairs that was so comfortable for the procedure and I just sat back and watched ASU in the college world series! I have had a previous procedure with a doc I need not mention and my experience with Alexander was far superior. He densed packed about 2500 grafts in the front and middle and it healed so quick! within 5 days there was no sign of a ht! I had no redness in the recipient area at all, which I had a lot after my first procedure. I don't know how the results will look yet being only maybe 6 weeks post op so far, but I already feel a bunch of short stubble. But the procedure and the doctor himself were great! Hope that helps

  8. I recently had my second HT to basically fill in between my first ht hairs in the front and middle of my head. the doc asked if he could trim down my current hairs to get in between them good and I said yes.I have noticed some good shock loss of those pre existing first ht hairs but it could also be that they were buzzed pretty short. am now 6 or so weeks post second ht and the rrest of my old ht hairs are growing longer again, I still don't look as good as i did before the second ht but I know those hairs will be growing back again to go along with my new hairs and in a few months I will be happy I did it. Gotta almost take the minor setback to get the nice gain in a few months. I already see a bunch of very short stubble coming thru all over and am not sure if those were the shock lossed hairs coming back or the new hairs but either way there are hairs. Just from reading around and my own experience you sometimes, not always, end up looking worse for a little bit before you look better, so am not staring at my head every day, or else will drive myself insane! But when i do glance at myself it is starting to look better all the time! And I still have another 2 to 3 months before significant growth is even supposed to start! I guess the old cliche works well here, gotta take a step backwards to get two steps forward or something like that. anyways, I knew i could expect some shock loss with this second ht since it was a dense pack in the front and middle but I just look to the future, not the immediate future, but the next year or so, and know I will have no regrets!

  9. Originally posted by Bill:

    Thank you Terry and Jacob. I'm excited about the next 6 months, or at least the 3 to 6 month+ area...when I start seeing growth.


    Update and question:



    I'm on day 3 now and virtually pain free. I feel a little bit of tightness around the stiches and a small bit of itching on top of my scalp. The scabs have gotten a little smaller but still have a long way to go. The one thing I'm experiencing a lot of though is swelling....ugh. It started in my forehead and then spread to the sides of my face making my head look out of proportion. Today it's down toward the bottom of my forehead and my eyes, making my nose and inside of my eyes puffy. If this normal? I was warned that due to my skin type and the high level of density that I would probably swell up pretty good. I have been icing a lot, though it doesn't seem to be helping. Is this normal? And do you have any suggestions? Thanks.





    I had the same thing happen to me my first transplant, looked like the elephant man for a couple of days and got some black eyes. This last transplant I had they had me wear the headband for the next day and I didn't have much swelling at all. It is totally normal what you are going through and in a couple of days will go away.

  10. yea, when I found that website was a little skeptical. But if there are more people like Andy out there that have tried it please let us know, would love some more feedback on it for sure!

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