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Bill - Seemiller

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Posts posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. 8 hours ago, jj51702 said:

    How do I unsubscribe to this thread?

    If you go on your account settings, you can change your subscription settings. I also believe there is an option at the top of the thread to unsubscribe if you are subscribed. In the future though, please ask the question as it’s posted above and don’t be using unnecessary profanity. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. @yassine,

     If your intention here is to promote and link to products that you are selling, then you’re gonna have to pack it up and go somewhere else. This forum community is not a venue to promote treatments or products of any kind. You may discuss it and share your experience which is what the purpose of this form is for. But hotlinking certain terms to wear a product can be purchased is an obvious SEO tactic that  is in violation of our terms   

    Best regards,


  3.  I think most people have wondered at one point or another what is actually going on with Donald Trump‘s Hair.    But just like the article says, I don’t think it’s an old hair transplant and it’s certainly not a new one. But, it’s quite possible that he’s had the old and outdated Fleming Meyer flap procedure which is highly invasive and borderline barbaric. It’s possible he had some scout reduction surgery also although I’m not sure. But, there’s no doubt that he had something done and it most closely resembles the flap. 

    Best wishes,


  4.  Yes, I know the title of the article is Highland sleeting but that’s the point. So many people are so gripped up by these Missed leading abs that we thought we would write a truthful article with a similar title. Obviously, you can’t re-grow your hair naturally in 30 days so falling for an ad that says you can will result only in a significant loss of money and more hair. 

     So, I trust as you read through the article, you will see what exactly really works to stop hair loss and regrow hair. All of you veteran members here already know. New members or visitors may not so this will hopefully grab their attention and help them. 

  5.  I was very depressed when I started losing my hair. Are used to wear my hair long and girls used to love playing with it. Hair was part of my identity as was my strength.  I was also a strong Christian as I am still today… In a lot of ways I suppose that made me a lot like Samson.   But unlike Samson who lost his strength due to a woman cutting his hair, it was DHT that was my kryptonite. 

     I literally wore a hat everywhere, I felt like the Phantom of the opera. With a hat on, I felt like I could mask my “ugliness“ and felt like I was still attractive.   But once the hat came off, I felt like the phantom losing his mask. I felt ugly and I wanted to run into hiding. 

    I would purposely avoid events that meant the need to remove my hat.  Or at the very least, I would avoid inviting certain women that I thought might judge me or that I found attractive.   I just didn’t want to feel ugly So if I couldn’t wear a hat, at least I could control who I let see me without a hat. 

    Finally, I found this community and surgical hair restoration as a real option.   4 hair transplants later,  I am much more confident and I even started recently growing my hair again just for fun to see what I might look like. 

    best wishes,


  6. Andy,

    it looks like you’re here to shamelessly promote Bio Hair Clinic since you hotlinked the name to their website. If you had a genuine experience with them that you would like to share, please go ahead and create a new topic and be sure to share your photos. But hotlinking to the clinics website looks a lot more like an attempt to get a back link to their website. That’s not permitted here  

    Best Regards,,


  7. 14 hours ago, Raker said:

    As you share his opinion, are we now saying as quoted by HLM that all surgeons that use ARTAS are amateurs or doctors that can’t perform FUE? Just asking. 

    You either don’t know how to read or are an inherent trouble maker.  Didn’t you read what I wrote?  Again I said - 

    Now, there are some exceptions to that rule as I’ve seen some pretty impressive results from physician members of our community using some of the fancier machines. But it does go to show that the skill and experience of the surgeon is paramount over the type of device or machine they use. “

    if you continue twisting my words or Melvin’s I’m going to assume that you’re here only to stir the pot and poison the well - and we will have to suspend your posting privileges. 


  8.  As an example, “hair loss mentor“ presented his opinion Both truthfully and respectfully. I happen to share his opinion as well. It does seem to me that the most impressive FUE results come from surgeons using manual or simpler motorized devices rather than fancy, expensive machines like the NeoGraft, SmartGraft or ARTAS.    Now, there are some exceptions to that rule as I’ve seen some pretty impressive results from physician members of our community using some of the fancier machines. But it does go to show that the skill and experience of the surgeon is paramount over the type of device or machine they use. 


  9. Guys, since when did this become an elementary school childhood playground? This is a respectable hair restoration forum  created by patients, for patients. And shall I remind everyone that it’s for adults? 

    I agree the result presented isn’t one of those “wow“, super impressive results that shakes the earth like we’ve seen from others. However, this particular patient only received 1837 grafts over a diffuse thinning area and frankly, this is exactly what I would expect for this type of procedure and result. 

    No, this is not a failure, it is not a bad result or poor growth. It is exactly what anybody should expect from 1837 grafts.  

    But what I’m mostly concerned about  is the baiting from JJ towards Melvin into potentially warning someone about their behavior and discussing the possibility of suspension. 

    We don’t ban people for sharing their genuine opinions, good or bad. However, I agree with Melvin that it is a sad day when the adult members of this community can’t be respect full when presenting their opinions. 

    If I were to post my opinion as a patient member on this particular result, I would say something like the following in a respectful way… 

    “To be honest, I’m not overly impressed with these results and I can’t help but wonder why this particular patient only had 1800 grafts considering it’s obvious that he requires more to achieve any real level of fullness and density.   So I’d like to ask the doctor to further explain why only 1800 grafts were transplanted as I’m sure there is a logical explanation for this.”

    The above is an example of stating that I’m not real impressed while being respectful and giving the surgeon the benefit of the doubt and even asking why only a small number of grafts were transplanted. 

    And then JJ comes along baiting Melvin  as if he would be in the wrong to consider such actions. 

    I’ll tell you all now, I appreciate everyone’s genuine opinion and to be honest, I’m not overly wowed by this particular result either. However, not every single result is or will be a homerun as some are simply singles or doubles.   In some cases, patients require more than one procedure to meet their ultimate goals and final results. I suspect a long-term plan was discussed in this particular case and I’m sure the patient knows that if he wants the kind of density and fullness others have achieved that he will need to go back for more.   But that doesn’t make this result of failure. It’s just an intermediate state between procedures. 

     I would expect the veteran members of this community to understand this simple concept however, some of you who are new are or have been spoiled by seeing “wow” results in a single session may not realize that not every patient is going to experience this. 

     For example, my hair transplant journey was a work in progress up until the third session and the fourth session really finished it off. Even still, some may tell me that it’s not perfect because I still have thinning in the crown and above the occipital ridge.  And that’s OK, not everybody has to love my results but… I would expect people to be respectful towards me just as I’m sure this patient would want respect also. And perhaps he is even observing these remarks and if I were him, I’d certainly be discouraged and upset by what people are saying even though he has no reason to be.

    Please remember when you are replying, that you aren’t just showing respect for the doctor, but for the actual patient being shown in the results.  

    Best wishes,


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  10. Polly,

     My apologies for the delayed reply, but you had originally posted your experience under a generic topic about sharing experiences. Therefore, most individuals probably didn’t even see your post. That said, congratulations on your recent hair transplant and your results look great. Dr. Diep does outstanding work. 

    Best wishes,


  11. I actually did use revivogen quite some time ago  with absolutely zero success. Now, that doesn’t mean that it won’t work for other people but it didn’t work for me. That said, I also took Propecia for a number of years thinking that it was helping to maintain my hair below the crown but when I stop using it, that hair remains. So I don’t even think Propecia worked for me where as it works well for other people. Maybe if I started using Propecia when I was just starting to lose my hair, it may have helped. But I only started using it when I was pretty bald already.    But revivogen, I was using when I had more  natural hair and it still didn’t work for me. 

    That of course is my personal  experience however, the ingredients in revivogen do have some scientific backing that they could potentially help. 



  12.  I actually used to use Rogaine foam and when I did, I actually felt that the hair in my crown appeared thicker. Now I’m not sure if it’s because the foam is a volumizer,  or if it was really working for me but I know that it works for a lot of people. But I did decide to stop using it years ago and I think that my hair and the crown got a little thinner  and all that’s left in the crown now is transplanted hair.  

     Bottom line is, I think minoxidil is a good product but be prepared to use it forever if you’re going to continue benefiting from it. Same as Propecia / Finasteride. 


  13. I think amino fill injections sound interesting however, I do agree that more research is needed. Moreover, ACell is already FDA approved when it comes to wound healing and may be the better choice. That said, I don’t think either is really necessary when it comes to hair transplant growth but there’s certainly a benefit to aiding wound healing  to minimize the appearance of scarring. 

    baldlivesmatter,  if you do end up getting amino fill injections, we hope that you will share your experience with us  and let us know what you think. 

    best wishes,


  14. Thank you for everyone’s input on the potential recommendation of Dr. Antonio Alcaide. As you know, We take member feedback very seriously when  considering surgeons for recommendation.  

    In my opinion, Dr. Alcaide is doing top notch work on par  with other leading surgeons. He was also trained by and works with coalition member Dr. Bisanga,  who fully supports his inclusion.  

    Given that the majority of feedback we received is highly positive, I feel confident in approving his recommendation.  

    Thus,  we’ve gone ahead and approved Dr. Alcaide for recommendation.   You are encouraged to congratulate him on this topic.   View his recommendation profile for more information.  

    Best wishes,


  15.  I find it so bizarre that so many people have had problems with generic finasteride when he acted in the Radion is the same in both Propecia and finasteride. And the quality is the same or at least it supposed to be. I suppose it could be something in the in active ingredients that could be blocking efficacy of the finasteride but it doesn’t seem that anybody knows.  

    I love to hear some input from somebody who feels generic finasteride is not as effective for them personally and why.  


    Best wishes,


  16. Jj,

    I don’t have it handy, but  if I recall, it was a patient posted by @Janna from Shapiro Medical Group.  In fact, the patient had half his scalp done using sagittal  incisions and the other half using coronal incisions   I believe there were surgical, progress and results photos that went along with this patient. As you can see I tagged Janna but I don’t know if she is even around anymore.   But if she is, perhaps she could repost it. In the meantime, I think I might try to do a search to see if I can find it. That will be a challenge though because it’s many years ago 

    Best wishes,


  17. 13 hours ago, matt3480 said:

    What is up with the mods posting all of these spam articles lately on here? No offense, I notice traffic and the quality of this site really went downhill fast after the moderators changed. This place was really rocking 3 years ago. Not a good look.....

    They’re not spam, they’re written by us. The articles serve two main purposes.

    Firstly, these topics are commonly asked about and therefore, we are providing information to anyone who needs it. Publishing the article here on this forum enables anyone interested in the topic to read more about it. Obviously, people don’t have to click on it if it doesn’t pertain to them or interest them, but for those that resonates with,  it’s there for them. 

     Secondly, publishing articles on these other websites with links back to our community provides us with search engine optimization (SEO)  benefit which will ultimately help increase our traffic and rankings. The more people we can reach, the more people we can help. 

    So, they are not spam by any stretch of the imagination especially since they are written by us and then posted on one of our websites like this.  

    I hope this helps. 


  18.  So what are some of the misconceptions all of you have had before you started researching the procedure? I know for me, I always assumed that today’s hair transplants still looks like the old doll hairs and corn rows. Of course when I got started looking into hair transplant surgery, it was 2004. A lot is changed since then however, even back then hair transplants were still very natural. It’s just that it typically required more sessions to meet a patient goals  because larger, densely packed sessions weren’t the norm back then. 


  19. @Raker

    I appreciate your input.  Since we do aim to recommend surgeons that are doing top notch work, if there are some not recommended by this community that you know of that you think we should consider, please go ahead and list them.

    You said there are a lot of them, however, most of the ones people mention on a regular basis are already recommended with the exception of a few. But, we are certainly open to considering others for recommendation so please list those you know about  and we can go ahead and contact them about being considered.  



  20.  You don’t hear about them very often, but some are still undergoing synthetic hair transplant surgery and ending up with a scalp full of disgusting  and painful sores that take a long time to heal and never heal as long as they continue getting synthetic hair transplants.   There are all kinds of problems with the years but many don’t know about it. They think they can obtain an unlimited donor supply because it’s not your real hair. But how does it really look and what are the dangers?  View “Synthetic Hair Transplants Vs. Surgical Hair Restoration” and share your thoughts below. 

    Best wishes,


  21. How to select a top hair transplant surgeon is the most crucial component in ensuring you get the best result.   In fact, we always encourage those looking into the procedure to research all surgeons they are considering.   Recently, we published an article siding a few of the things you should look for in a surgeon. You can see it at “How To Select a Top Hair Transplant Surgeon”. 

    You are encouraged to read the above article and then share some of  The proponents that you look for in a surgeon and that you would recommend others do too. 

    Your thoughts?


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