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Posts posted by Danielkiwi

  1. D,


    Yeah, I should probably pump some iron to beef up my chest a bit. But as it is now I ride 10 miles a day on my bike and don't feel much different than I did when I was 25. I've seen guys my age who look pregnant they are so fat and out of shape.


    Ultimately I'm a believer in that the human mind and will is stronger than anything else in life. If you REALLY want to do something you can accomplish anything, and you can also overcome anything. There are those who believe they can and those who believe (or are afraid) they can't; this applies to almost everything in life and seems to be what divides successful people from unsuccessful people, happy from unhappy. So if you really believe you will have the sides and they will be intolerable, then there is a very strong chance your belief will make that become a reality.


    Well said ES..mind is indeed a very strong thing..one who has control over the mind will have control over the world!!!

  2. Nice one ES..your post surely lightens things up..i especially like the part when you talk about getting erections looking at girls tits in class..i think all of us can relate to that and i was uncontrollable at times too...it is funny you mention the less intense orgasms....i started noticing that too but after a nice session of pumping iron everything seems to come back to normal....before when i started taking prop and hadnt exercised for about 6mos...it would be like ejaculating from a soft errection...that is what drove me nuts plus the blonde experience......i am just scared that this might come back to haunt me anytime in life..and then if i have already had the FUT, it would be one way traffic with no looking back..i want to make sure i bang some chicks with supreme confidence to say that i am comfortable with propecia effects on my body...havent had an experience after that blonde chick...you should try doing intense workouts if you want the 21 year old feeling.....it might do the trick for you..i am not really concerned about the watery semen part....


    I think it takes a really strong and mentally stable mind to go through this HT journey and my hats off to you and everybody else who have taken the plunge..you guys are awesome and definitely have the balls..i thought i had them too but need some more time to figure out how strong they are!!!!

  3. D,


    Man, not meaning to pry but are you having any really bad sides with the finasteride ?


    there is nothing to hide from you guys ES....i will tell you exactly what the problem is...I have started propecia about three months back after getting a prescriptions from a HT doctor...but my childhood physician is totally against it and tried to brain wash me by saying that many people have displayed irreversible side effects and told me it is not worth it..i still went ahead and started taking the medication..in the meantime i booked the HT procedure as well....as some time went by my mind started to imagine all these side effects and like a chain reaction it lead to mental issues as well...i also had an opportunity to bang a smoking hot blonde chick but could not get it up when it mattered...i felt really bad more for the woman than for myself....i tried to be mentally strong and hit the gym bigtime to make myself more confident...the ED sides seem to have subsided but it looks like my mental issues still exist as i keep imagining that the sides will come back and be irreversible...between all this chaos, i was not sure if i should do a FUT as i might not be able to continue on the meds and do not want half a head of hair....hence, i cancelled my procedure to take care of my emotional issues for now and see if i want to commit to propecia long term...it is a tough time for me but i am sure god will give me the courage to get over it!!!!!!

  4. sparky


    I would classify myself as Norwood 4..with diffused thinnning throughout!!!! doctors have told me that they will focus on the frontal 2/3 (around 3000 grafts) and not touch the crown in the first procedure...they might adress it later..all of them have said that meds are the key and this is where my problem starts.....i am on meds right now but not sure how long i can continue...it is giving me a lot of emotional stress and i am begginning to wonder if this is really worth it...hence i was keen on a FUE so that i can throw in the towel anytime in my life without worrying about the scar..


    Spex - I had scheduled surgery with one of the top docs recommended on this forum but have cancelled it for now as i feel i need to do additional research..i will not disclose the name of the doc as i really respect him and dont want to send any wrong signals.....i havent sent my pictures to you yet as i wanted to forget about these issues for a while as they were really affecting me mentally...but you seem to be a knowledeable guy and am sure will give me an honest opinion!!!I will send my pictures tonite....please feel free to give an honest opinion.,,i will not be dissapointed if i am not a candidate!

  5. Hi Rewwd80


    I have consulted with both Dr. True and dr. Bernstein...Both of them are straight shooters and i highly recommend meeting both...Both of them are in Manhattan itself, so that should not be an issue at all...


    Dr. True is a little conservative but very knowledgable as he has a wealth of experience. He also does BHT and maybe he can guide he in that direction as well if your donor area is not sufficient...His price is less than Dr. Bernstein and i think he does a lot of FUE...


    On the other hand Dr. Bernstien came across as someone really honest and professional...for some reason, he does not get a lot of credit on forums, but there is no doubt in my mind he is top notch..he actually declined to perform surgery on me as he wanted to see how my hair looks after one year on meds..(i was not on propecia then)..if someone were to reject you, it would be Dr. Bernstein more than Dr. True


    While you are here, please meet both of them and also try to see if Dr. Feller can fit you in somehow..this is the best way for you to clear your mind..i dont think any doctor will reject your surgery unless you have a poor donor area and if they do, treat it as a blessing in disguise and move on in life...looking at your loss, i dont think you will get a full head of hair in one procedure and it is up to to you how would you like to deal with a half head of hair until you decide on the second surgery....another option you have is to do FUE and buzz your hair really short as you have done in your pictures so that you dont have to worry about the scar....also, buzzing the hair really short might give an impression of someone who has hair but choose to buzz it...good luck either ways and keep us posted

  6. Your scar looks great dude..no visible sign of it...BTW, i think you have a pretty good HT as well....just a quick question....in you exp, do you know what is the success rate of FUE in the scar..i have heard in the past that the scar tissue does not always yield optimum growth

  7. thanks for your reply spex


    why would the total number of grafts via FUE would be different that total no. of grafts via FUT (if somebody were to do the procedures exclusive of each other)...As i understand, in fut you remove the strip and harvest the grafts from there..in FUE, you are removing the grafts straight from the head...hence, i am assuming that the surface area remains the same..i have heard people say this before but i am not sure why unless you need to keep a certain amount of distance between grafts under a FUE procedure..


    Also you mention "There will be a point that an individual will run out of FUE supply (safely)"...Wouldnt that same person run out of FUT as well...what is the difference...and what happens when you do a FUT and you reach Norwood 7...how would one takle the scar at that point...a lot of doctors have told me that they do not recommend a HT if i dont want to be on propecia all my life..and i surely dont want to do that..hence i think i am not a FUT candidate at all....atleast doing a FUE, i have the option of throwing in the towel and buzzing the hair for the remainder of my life..i dont want to shave to the skin but i would def love the option of buzzing it neat and short!!!can you share some expereince regarding scarring from FUE??

  8. Sparky


    Yes. lets keep this thread as clean as possible...I understand that you dont want to disclose your friends identity..but i trust you and am sure you are not bluffing...can you tell me who the doctor was?? also, can you share your exp with Bisanga..


    guys, i think you can really counter the cons of FUE if you are prepared to buzz your head at no.1 or no.2...that way you are not wasting a lot of hair on the hairline and the crown does not have to thick either..just think about it rationally...lot of doctors have told me that they will give me a dense hairline but not go into the crown area because of future uncertainty of hairloss...but damn..i dont want a dense hairline and live with half a head of hair.. i dont care about densepacking in the hairline..i want an uniform smattering of hair that i can buzz to no.2 or even no.1

  9. wb 280


    I have been told that by a couple of doctors too that i am not a suitable candidate..but please remember this is a cosmetic surgery and it is important what you want also..


    with FUE, one has an option to buzz to no.2 and you dont have to have a real dense mop of hair to pull it off...on the other hand i have seen a lot of FUT cases with thin hairlines and more receeding as time goes by...in this case a no.2 buzz would def be a better option and you can get away without wasting all those grafts at the temple areas...


    Have you already gotten your surgery with Dr. Feller? I am interested in some of Dr. Bisanga work and i beleive he does consultations in Washington DC...He seems to be confident and well worth a consult..prices are competitive too!!!



    Also, how is FUT going to help you if you have potentail losses any better than FUE...you will have to go thru multiple procedures for FUT as well

  10. Thanks for the reply TC 17 and wb280



    TC 17..I am in the same boat as you...I dont have any idea how bald i will be and hence am not very comfortable with an ear to ear scar...Plus, i have noticed some surgeons take a higher scar these days and what would happen if you loose further down in the crown..it pretty much means to stay on propecia for life and also then pray that is works..


    BTW - how did you come up with that number of 6,400....6,400 is 30% of 21,333..did you mean to say that your father has 21,333 grafts in the donor area and if yes, how did you get that number...that is awesome about the scarring....What clinic did he go to? If i decide to shortlist a doctor, i will definitely see a patient before taking the plunge...I also dont want to limit my options as far as the doctor is concerned...If a doctor is confident and shows good results, i will go to any corner of the world to get this done..


    Wb 280 - I have been following the debate closely on this forum but i think a lot of it is skewed towards FUT because docs in this forum are not comfortable doing FUE procedures even after charging the big amount of money..I remember Dr. Feller who charges $10 per graft say something like "If you want to spend $30,000 for 3000 grafts and not get a good yield - be my guest"..now, he might be right as he is a very reputable doctor...but why would anybody get a procedure done when the surgeon in not confident..and i beleive he is the best for FUE on this forum...money should not be a consideration coz this is your head and you deserve the best for this....i think the key is to find a doctor who is confident and also has results to show for it..i really hope that someone leads the way in FUE and i am confident it will happen sooner than later..

  11. thanks for the reply sparky and i know there are a lot of anti FUE people over here as well..so hope to hear from them as well..


    I am fine with using multiple procedures as i think of this as a long term solution rather than a short term one..there are drawbacks with FUE and i am doing research to address them..the most important thing is to find somebody who has done 5000 + FUE in multiple procedures and look at the donor area...everybody says that the scarring is minimum but i think you truly have to see someone in person...i beleive you have had a procedure with Dr. Bisanga and i know he is not recommended on this forum...i have consulted docs in this forum and they dont seem to be too confident about the FUE tecnhique..hence, i am extending my research beyond this forum...how was your experiuence with him and would be able to share some light on the scarring situation on either yourself or any of his patients you might have met

  12. Hello everyone


    I have a FUE vs FUT question. If one person were to only do only FUE, would that person be able to get a similiar number of grafts as compared to if he were only to do FUT procedures..I am not talking about one procedure but multiple procedures over the course of a lifetime..



  13. question for you guys..If provillus or other herbal medications claim that they block DHT as well, then i would think people should experience side effects with these medications as well...since blocking DHT leades to sides in propecia, then why wouldn't provillus & Co. cause any sides?

  14. J spence


    Urologist is a doctor whom you need to see for ED issues....i highly recommend to commence workouts....a lot of people on this forum take proscar and seem happy about it...it is cheaper than propecia but is 5mg of finasteride....you would need to cut it to get the correct dosage..or you can also go for propecia EOD...resume your workouts and i am sure that will have a positive effect for you...i would try to avoid antidepressants etc for now and wait for a couple of months..once you get on these meds, it might be hard to get out of them


    Good luck dude

  15. Hi Jspence


    I think you need to relax and just take a back seat for a while...you went and saw the urologist rite? What did he say?


    I dont think it is rational to take antidepressants all your life along with propecia..please do me a favour and try hitting the gym if you havent already..that might do the trick for you and help you in your acting career as well. It helped me reduce all this anxiety attacks....Reduce the propecia dosage simultaneously and see how it goes..what is your norwood level at this stage?

  16. Hi ES


    That truly is an awesome result from H&W. Results like these keep me motivated to do more research with an open mind and you are right.. i need to see more people in person to get more confident and that is going to be my POA


    On the other hand, that result from Dr. Feller at 11 mos. is exactly what i am scared of and is exactly what i was talking about when i mentioned thin and see through hairline...In my opinion, that result would be no better than being bald for somebody in late 20's and early to mid 30's...however, it might look good on a 45+ year old...however, the result in his final post does look awesome and it is amazing that he had good growth after 12 mos. unless he has concealers in the picture.


    Unfortunately, i have seen a lot of final results like the 11 mo. mark for me to be super confident.


    As far as brad pitt hair, i dont think that is necessary to look good......but see thru hairline is def not cool...


    BTW, i hope that you will too get a harline like that...you have done all the possible research and deserve the best..

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