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Posts posted by Danielkiwi

  1. If you ask me, i would say anything that makes you happy and confident from within....You can have the best looking car or the best hairline in the world but if you are not happy from within, it will ultimately reflect on your personality...I think the key is to have confidence, great personality and a sense of humour. If you have these three attributes (hair or no hair) nothing else will matter

  2. Hi topcat


    I read your blog and was really sad to see your heart breaking experience over the years with respect to HT's..the experience with respect to the janitors placing your grafts in shocking to say the least....


    However, it looks like you have found the light at the end of the tunnel and i really feel happy for you..i think it is commendable that you are sharing all your experiences with new people on this forum and i strongly beleive that this karma has led you to the right surgeon and the pro bono offer..keep the good work going buddy and karma will take care of the rest...


    I do have a couple of questions for you. Did Dr. Bisanga tell you how many grafts would be needed to cover the entire balding area on your head to give an illusion of density...Also, you mention that there is no scarring whatsover...i was of the understanding that even FUE leaves some scarring...can you please elaborate on this..if you were to shave off the area, where you got the FUE donor from, would you see any kind of scarring? If yes, how does that scarring look..


    all the best,


  3. I havent yet done a HT but would be considering a multiple of options..I would pay around $3000 to $4000 in cash depending on the timing of the procedure...the rest i would just put on my credit card as it offers a reasonable interest rate..


    i know a lot of clinics provide 3rd party financing options but they offer exhorbitant interest rates as this ultimately is cosmetic procedure...any person with limited funds would most likely pay their house loan, car loan, credit cards and then for the cosmetic priocedure..the risk is too high and it is not worth it!! and if you have bad credit, they will screw you further...


    If you are willing to sell your mustang, have you conmsidered your consequences. i dont know ur lifestyle but please make sure you understand how you will get to work and other things..it will be a dramatic life style change..do you have any friends or family who trust you and would be willing to lend some money..maybe, you could pick up an extra job, work really hard and save some cash..good luck

  4. Can't decide - you are correct and yes we are indeed a strange bunch in that we get a HT in order to cut our hair short. I think that most guys want the same thing - a decent perimeter (hairline) & good density. The (well one of the many) cruel reality of HT is that styling really is very, very limited. The 2 main options facing a hair loss suffer is to either buzz it or get a HT (going on meds I taken as a given).


    What would be great is if you could do both. HT for perimeter, buzz for appearance of density & a hassle free style. That was kinda my goal. The truth is that if you buzz, it seems you will be showing your scars. Unless you have really thick hair perhaps. if you are like me the #1 goal is not to be found out. Scars are a dead give away. Yes most would not notice but then most don't need to. One person spots it & you can be sure your entire world will know before you do. People are cruel.


    Scottish guy's style was the ideal IMO.


    You are right about the perfect goal..i think with HT's the less is more principal seems is awesome..do you think FUE has a better potential in achieving this goal

  5. Hi Mercer


    Congratulations on your second surgery with a great surgeon. I happened to read your blog but was not able to see your results from the 1st procedure. It appears that you had a signficant amount of grafts transplanted in the first procedure..Can you please share your experience regarding th growth and overall cosmetic improvement....good luck and i hope the 2nd HT will give you the result that you are hoping from

  6. Hi Scottish guy


    You are better off than before but i can truly understand your concerns. After doing a 3600 graft session, the least you need to expect is a good hairline that includes the temple. But, it looks like your right temple and hairline is still a see through...Sometimes i feel people expect you to feel better just because you have some hair in a area where there is no hair!! to me that does not make any sense at all...end of the day, it all boils down to how you feel about the result...and to me it looks like you are not completely satisfied..i would express my concerns to Dr. Rahal if i were in ur shoes..good luck

  7. Same advice dude...please dont go ahead with it now..you will most likely be chasing this all your life....it sounds easy to say that you will be fine with it but how do you know what future has in store for you..you are trying to give a reference to Dr. Feller but there is a difference between your age and his....if you are in your late twenties and have hair like that, trust me you will look like a freak..if i were you, i would buzz my hair (that way you wont have to worry about the wind), hit the gym and reassess the situation 5 years down the road..please cancel your surgery..you will love us for warning you!!

  8. it's also possible that the doctor is doing everything correctly, but it's just those areas can't yeild the same growth. personally, if I were in his shoes and I trusted my doctor I'd stick w/ him too.


    Megatron, all other things being equal, what makes you think if those areas did not yield good growth in the first place, that they would in a subsequent procedure??


    I would be interested in learning if the doctor is going to do things differently or if the technician just screwed up in the first place..please rememer, since the donor area is limited, evey graft is invaluable!!!

  9. I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate exp with HT and it is nice to hear that Dr. Wong stands behind his words..however, i have a couple of questions for you.


    I can understand you going for a second procedure with Dr. Wong after your first did not turn out well!!! however, if your second does not turn out well, why would you want to risk a third one with the same doctor..personally, i would not let the doctor touch my head again after a failed transplant..you run the risk of loosing valuable donor...if the doctor messed up in the first place, what made ytou think that he would give you the desired result in repeat procedures!!!!


    My response to that is 2 reasons: 1st-I have complete trust in Dr Wong as he has an impeccable reputation. 2nd-the cost as he was doing the procedure for free. I don't feel he was directly responsible for my poor growth. I don't think anyone can pin point the specific physiological reasons why either I or someone else may not respond well in certain areas as far as transplanted growth goes but I do feel that he is doing everything in his power to make it right. Granted that the initial procedure was a substantial amount of money and for any future procedures I will still have to endure the travel/lodging expenses again along with the downtime for recovery but I truly believe that Hasson & Wong was/is the best possible choice I could have made for restoring my hair.


    Wow..it is nice to see how much trust you have in the reputation of Dr. Wong inspite of a failed procedure. If you dont mind, can i ask you how you developed this trust. How many patients of Dr. wong did you meet in person that were not referred to you by the clinic itself...Was this trust built on the online reputation of Dr. Wong or you had other factors involved as well...please dont get me wrong..i am not trying to pick on you. I also strongly beleive that he is considered the best HT doctor in the planet on these forums but then i see posts like yours and ponder whether we need to do additional research..


    I can understand your point about the cost factor as he offered to do the surgery for free..this to me means that, he accepts this as a failed transplant...Was he also open to give you a refund? To me, this is really important in determining how ethical the doctor is..lemme ask this..if he had offered a refund, would you still go back to him!!

  10. I too am unfortunately one of the unlucky ones. I had a mega-session April 2009 (4700) with good results in some areas but less in others. About 10 months after my procedure Dr Wong requested updated photos, when he received them I think he too could see that around my upper temples and frontal area of my hairline only about 40-50% of the implanted hairs grew and called me personally and offered another surgery free. The second session was only 2400 and concentrated mostly on the areas around my hairline that were extremely thin. I'm about only 4.5 months out and may seem early to some but have not seen the results I was looking for to thicken up this area. At the same point in the first surgery I could see noticeable small fine hairs and could even see good growth on the crown area (which I'm told takes longer to show). I would guesstimate that again I am only seeing roughly 40-50% of the hairs transplanted growing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at this point hoping that it may be tougher to see the new growth because of the previous transplanted hairs around it. Dr Wong did say that for my second procedure he was going to go conservative considering the results we got from the mega-session and that the hairs being so close could cause the poor growth. In any case Dr Wong also said that if this second procedure didn't yield the results we wanted that he would also do another surgery. Dr Wong offering the surgery's for free definitely helped but unfortunately I live on the East Coast of the US and just the travel and lodging along with food cost me a little over $1000 dollars not to mention the recovery needed from the surgery--and if I have to have another surgery (which looks very possible) then I'm looking at another $1000 plus and more recovery time. I will admit this recovery was much less painful/time consuming than the first initial mega-session but all this still has to be factored in as they are all necessary due to the lack of results from the initial surgery. In any case I continue to think/look long term and hope you also do the same. Best of luck in getting the final results you are looking for


    I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate exp with HT and it is nice to hear that Dr. Wong stands behind his words..however, i have a couple of questions for you.


    I can understand you going for a second procedure with Dr. Wong after your first did not turn out well!!! however, if your second does not turn out well, why would you want to risk a third one with the same doctor..personally, i would not let the doctor touch my head again after a failed transplant..you run the risk of loosing valuable donor...if the doctor messed up in the first place, what made ytou think that he would give you the desired result in repeat procedures!!!!

  11. Thats a good point HT questions. I have asked this question to my childhood physician in my home country and my current physician in america...childhood physician is adamant that i should not do it at all. Infact, he was really pissed off when i told him i had started to take propecia..he had not even heard about it but as soon as i told him that it blocks DHT, he said immediately not to take it as it would cause ED issues ..THe GP in america is fine with Propecia but tells me to proceed with caution with respect to HT's..he says that he has seen a lot of people who have been buthered with dolls hairline..i suspect that he has seen a lot of old style transplants..


    As far as FUE is concerned, i have the same thoughts as you..I notice that a lot of doctors recommended on this forum are not comfortable doing FUE and hence try to avoid doing these...i think it is cost effective for them to do FUT and dont want to deal with FUE...I highly recommend you to look beyond the recommended doctors and keep your eyes open..guys like Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Umar and Dr. Keser are doing awesome work and seem to be confident of their work..i am going to be consulting Dr. Bisanga soon and will keep you posted...Are there any doctors you are considering?

  12. Hi


    i think you have had an awesome result for a small number of grafts..Your pre-op balding area was pretty big IMO...so congrats for that..are you on meds...i think you should go for another one..do you have pictures of ur hairline?you could cover your crown, soften the hairline a bit and be done with it..


    Good luck

  13. Hi john


    I am sure all of us understand how stressed you might be feeling esp. after going through two procedures and not being totally satisfied...but as hair there suggested, a lot of this is subjective and depends on the eyes of an individual..i am in no way suggesting that you are incorrect in your assessment....i know you wanted somebody to come and take a look at your hairline. I am considering a HT and would love to see a patient who had undergone the procedure twice..I live in Maryland and thinkg should not be a big deal to come and meet you..that way, you will also get another third party unbiased opinion!!!Let me know if you are fine with that and i will PM you..

  14. yes dude..go for it...i personally think that with a HT, smaller you keep the hair, better it will look...have you considered FUE into your bigger scar. Didnt you have the second surgery with Dr. Feller? I am a little surprised that he created a second scar instead of excising the first one..


    Maybe you can talk to him and see if he can FUE your scars....He has a good reputation for FUE and even though he is expensive, maybe he can give you a break and give a discount or something since you already have done a procedure with him...Good luck and keep us posted..

  15. Tomcat - Could not agree more with you brother..I work in the financial services industry as an auditor and exactly know what you are talking about...I appreciate the fact that you are trying to educate people with your experiences..


    To all others who think people accept their good results and move on without posting on the blogs, who knows what they do..however, i find it hard to imagine that they dont send their pictures to atleast the clinics who operated on them for evaluation..the onus is then on the clinics to share all results good or bad..The onus on us is to do as much research as possible and not select a doctor just because he or she is recommended by an organization...

  16. Hi John


    i remember reading through your post and your 2nd hair transplant with Dr. Feller....It appears that you dont think the hairline looks natural..However, It looks like you still have a decent amount of hair. Have you considered buzzing your hair short...that might negate the effect of an unnatural hairline...that way, you dont even have to worry about the scar that much and you could also get a FUE into the scar...


    I have seen some pictures of shaved head with a scar and the scar will show..you can look at Bills pictures and you will see how it looks...but end of the day, you gotta feel comfortable..if you think you will be better off and will have peace of mind, then go for it...people will like you for your confidence and not worry about a little scar on the back of your head,...if somebody asks you, he can give a heroic story like you were in the army or something and fighting for your country.chicks will love you for that...good luck

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