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Al - Moderator

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Everything posted by Al - Moderator

  1. It's a little bit low, but to be fair, it's not fully 2000 in the hairline as they did scatter some grafts throughout the midscalp, so you may be fine. You'll need more grafts there eventually as you're thinning there, but you didn't really use up a whole lot in the hairline.
  2. I'm seriously considering of using some arm hairs to recreate my temple points and will probably try that if the Dr agrees to do it.
  3. I will definitely follow this one. I never had an instagram account and never cared to have one, but I just signed up so I could follow this case. This guy is almost identical to myself if I didn't have any beard and chest grafts done... extremely huge area to cover, very thin donor area with multiple scars from previous HTs, very little hair still growing on top from the previous HTs due to the greatly expanded area over the years as well as the extreme thinning, and using only body hair to fully repair as much as possible. This case is probably as near as I've ever seen to my own. I really want to see how this turns out.
  4. I think there was a short video on this a long time ago. I think it was from Hasson and Wong. I wonder if I can find it. EDIT: OK. Here is the one I was thinking of. The video on this page shows you how to improve scalp laxity. https://hassonandwong.com/scalp-laxity-exercises/
  5. Some Drs like the untrimmed "beefier" grafts. They are less prone to damage when handling them and implanting them. Thinly trimmed grafts are very fragile and can damage more easily. However, trimmed grafts can be more easily dense packed. I personally think larger graft sizes generally have a better long term survival rate, but that's my personal opinion. I don't know of any actual statistics or studies on it. In any case, what matters most is the Drs end results.
  6. How old are you? I think you should probably stay on meds for a while and see what happens. You have minimal hair loss right now. I personally would not go for a hair transplant if I were you. However, if you were going to do it I don't think you'd need more than 1000 grafts. I don't have an issue with FUT, but I would probably go with FUE for such a small procedure. If you're doing minimal work then there's no reason to create a linear scar.
  7. They should have used a larger donor area to spread the extractions out, so it would be less noticeable. You are probably getting some shock loss. Some of it will grow back in. It's hard to know how bad it is without seeing pictures right after the surgery. Are you willing to post any pictures of the hairline where they placed the grafts?
  8. No. Yes. That's actually a good idea because then you're not looking in the mirror all the time trying to see if you are growing any new hair. Hopefully you get a nice surprise when you start growing it out later. Yes you can do that. The length of your hair doesn't matter.
  9. I don't know anything about it, but just from reading what you wrote I'm wondering.... if it works differently than finasteride then would you get better results by using both.
  10. Great write-up. Thanks for posting. Dr Haber doesn't get many reviews on here, so I'll definitely be following this one to see how well it turns out. I found that it's a good idea to bring a bunch of granola bars or something similar on the trip to leave in the hotel. This way you know you'll have something to eat. After the procedure you probably won't want to do much, so it's a good idea to have something you can eat that evening and the next morning that doesn't need to be refrigerated or heated.
  11. Yes! Exactly that. Shaving your head was not something you wanted to be doing back then. Once it became an acceptable style I had too many scars to be able to do it.... not that I would have anyway as it's just not for me. I saw the entire top of my head shaved down whenever I went for the hair system cleaning and refittings and I felt like I looked so old. It was just not for me. That was before the hair transplants. I think black and dark skinned guys can usually look pretty good shaved, but lighter skin guys have a much harder time pulling off a good look unless they are much older. Yeah if you get excessive about it I agree, but I never agreed with it being confident if you accept yourself as you are. If everyone accepted themselves as they are then we'd all be still crawling around on the floor like babies. Babies learn to sit up, crawl, walk, etc because they see others doing those things and believe it's possible and try until they can. They don't just lay on the floor and accept the way they are. This is with everything in life. You will never improve if you don't believe you can. Sure I guess there's a point with some things when you just say "Oh well. This is how it is". But again I personally never saw that as being confident. I always felt that's the point where you just give up on it. I get what you're saying. For me personally I don't ever wear a hat to cover up all my scars, so I always felt personally that I was doing my best not to let it control me and not cover it up or hide.... although I sure do want to hide when I feel people staring at my head or when they make comments.
  12. Great discussion. I think everyone has different ideas about hair loss and shaving depending on their own experiences, where they are in their life, and what they want in life. For example if you are losing hair at a young age and always wanted to be in a boy band or K-pop band, then you are going to want lots of hair. But if you see yourself more as a tough guy bad a** then you may be fine shaving your head and rocking some beard hair with a few tattoos. It really all depends on how you see yourself and what your goals are. Someone striving to be the owner of a multi billion dollar company may not care about their hair as much as someone trying to be a movie star.
  13. I have seen a couple of cases of very bad shock loss that was outside the region worked on. I did a quick search for one I'm thinking of in particular, but I couldn't find it. In any case, you will probably be fine in a few months. The hard part is getting through the next couple of months without constantly looking in the mirror to check on it 50 times a day.
  14. Yes I agree. The hairline height looks to be just where it should be.
  15. It should continue to thicken up and mature over the next few months.
  16. Wow. That price is not bad at all.... and you get a 4 night vacation with it 🙂
  17. I'm glad you were able to get 1000 grafts more than were planned. That will definitely make a difference.
  18. You've gotten a tremendous amount of improvement since you started... and with the fibers it looks just about completely full. Thanks for the update.
  19. This obviously held up well. This guy had the past 7 years with hair instead of 7 years of being bald. Do you have any photos at roughly the 1 year mark? It would be really nice to see the 1 year vs 7 year results.
  20. I wouldn't worry about it at this stage. It looks like one side started shedding a bit earlier than the other. That's not so unusual. Growth doesn't always come in at the same speed either, so look out for that in a few months. You could be one of the very lucky ones who ends up not shedding too much especially on that one side. That could be a sign that you will start growing very early there. I had one procedure where I hardly shed any of the grafts in a certain section. They just started growing from day one and never shed. Then again you could end up shedding late on that side which may end up making that side take longer to get growth going. There's no way to tell at this stage. You just have to play the waiting game and see what happens.
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