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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. I think the angle and shot of the pic shown might be a bit deceiving and is negating some of his hair loss' oomph. Again, I think his hair is far from horrible but clearly *could* use work if he wanted it, which he clearly does. FWIW, I think a doc will quote BitingMyNails a 1.5kish graft count.
  2. The few people who know I'm going in for an HT are all quite skeptical, and the one question they ask ad infinitum is "What is the success rate?".....I have been under the impression that as a patient w/ no prior procedures or scalp abnormalities that my likelyhood of a successful HT is high enough where I can confidently say that is high enough where I don't have to worry about it. TBH, when people have aksed me I have been saying "virtually assured". I guess success is a somewhat ambiguous term. But, a "lower yield", that while not perfect, that doesnt actually make an appreciable aesthetic impact is a moderately low risk that most would accept.
  3. Hairline looks ok to me; of course, when you go consult w/ a doc he will work with you to give you the best idea of what type of hairline plan you should work towards that best compliments your face while also considering it's "appropriateness". As for how many grafts you might be looking at, ballpark....~2000 was my initial reaction. Also, dense packing afaik also is often the best way to achieve the illusion of fullness and naturallness -- pretty much no one is going to actually get "full" restoration even with "dense packing" (i.e. your actual, true density/haircount will not be what it once was). It is all about the illusion of fullness while best utilizing the finite donorRegardless of your exact # of grafts in this first procedure -- be it 1500, 2500, 3500 -- I'd be shocked if you didn't have plenty in the tank for additional procedure(s). For your crown, I think it is a sound to use propecia/rogain 5% foam/nizoral shampoo and see how you respond before committing...you can get marvelous results w/ the aforementioned, particularly on the crown.
  4. Ah, BitingMyNails, for any diffusion you may have, I would heartily endorse looking into dermmatc/toppik if you haven't already!
  5. Ya, I'm a Knick fan, unfortunately. Even more unfortunate that I have to watch total jokers like Starbury who have perfectly intact manes shave to a cueball; and disgraces like Isiah be 40yearold, perfect NW1s.
  6. Ya, without seeing his top he looks to be a great candidate to receive a tremendous HT, imo, that will shore up virtually all of his follicular woes. His hair is far from horrible, or even bad given his age, but if you are a "safe" candidate for an HT and you want one and can get one more power to you.
  7. *shudder* Indeed, winning that anti-lottery would be unreal horrible.....but, I guess it is just an immutable thing that there will be cases like that; and if you go to an elite doc you have the fewest balls in the "lotto machine".... Also it was said that there are cases where there isn't just "low yield", but virtually NO yield.....I would hope something like that goes far beyond 1 in ___hundred and is more like 1 in 100k.
  8. Good god, that scarring is an abomination! Advertising in Men's Health -- figures.
  9. From what I understand the scarring of an individual is dependannt on the tecniques used by the actual doctors, how safe/bold the patient is in the few months after his HT regarding putting strain on the area, and, finally, innate physiological charachteristics that can't be controlled. The first two, perhaps the most important, can be controlled. I also can't imagine how depressed, and livid, I'd be if I got some megasession; the grafts didn't grow; and I basically just squandered half of the most precious substance on earth -- my donor.
  10. Though I always liked his notion of "thrownness", I chugged drano as opposed to reading Heidegger. Back to Hasselhoff and another future inductee of uber-hair fame, Spinuup!
  11. I don't know about sperm count actually being lowered (anecdotal evidence aside); however, a side-effect very well can manifest in the form of (lowered) semen volume. Btw, you must be very familiar with goverment to find inspiration for your will-be family business of "donations".
  12. Guilty as charged; of course it was only later on in my scholastic life that I began to start realizing my great, follicular manifesto; rooted, of course, in the quasi-Nietzchian concept of uber-hair; a text, of course, filtered through the lens of Leibnizian ontology; which, of course, carries a degree of irony given Leibniz himself was cue-ball NW7 before he finished puberty.
  13. Oh yes, Nietzsche, indeed! And this fortunate fellow may very well be able to transcend us commen men and attain the status of uber-hair that you speak of; a position most notably reserved for folk such as the good Mr. Hasselhoff.
  14. Bottom line is you are going to be golden -- you actually already are. Keep on doing what you are doing, research like you seem to be and you'll be uber-golden. As for FUE, which again I think could be something very well suited for you, is, in the right hands for the right people a great thing; not many doctors (competently) perform this, and with the current state of things proven FUE procedures can't be nearly as robust as a FUT, which, for you, may very well not be a factor; however, it is less invasive, which makes recovery and the whole experience more "mild" (which isn't to say that FUT is traumatizing, far from it), and the scarring is as such where you could cut your hair much shorter w/o obv signs. FUE is also more expensive, mainly having to do with the "man-power" required to perform it. Personally, I was really keen on doing FUE myself, however, twas not meant to be...at least not now.
  15. O' you blessed, blessed man.... If you are going to stop the propecia, seriously consider rogaine foam 5% -- and 1 or 2% nizoral shampoo -- which, fortunately for you works best on the crown. You mentioned two doctors who are among the best of the best also, so you are obviously really on the right track. If you consult w/ either of them, you will receive great, honest advice and analysis. Have you looked into FUE, btw? You sound like you could be a steller HT candidate, as well; my first thought was: FUE the front, get on the rogaine 5% and nizoral and see what kind of results you get from those treatments.
  16. Looks solid, I assume you're healing has ended up going well? Your best days are far and away yet to come....but fast approaching! Looking forward to seeing your end results, I think they will be very impressive.
  17. Sounds like you may very well have MPB (male pattern baldness), which is hereditary -- even if your dad and mom happen to have nice, thick manes. I would recommend finding a dermatologist or a hair-transplant doctor *with a good reputation* and looking into the *proven* methods to combat hair loss -- Propecia, Rogaine (5% foam is considered the ideal), Nizoral 1% or 2% shampoo. If you are interested more in hair loss or hair transplants I would recommend reading and posting any questions in one of the other forums (e.g. Questions an Answers, Open Topics).
  18. , I assume this is a dupe account, and not *that* bad of one....if it isn't a dupe....wow haha....
  19. You really have come a long way. Any idea how much you got left in the (donar) tank?
  20. You haven't received a terribly large # of grafts, particularly in your latest HT; especially when attacking the crown, it takes a lot to make a dent from what I have seen. Not having any idea of your level of hair loss your graft count may or may not be appropriate to your expectations. I would definitely recommend posting as many pre-op post-op pics that you can; the proof really is in the pudding, and you would indeed get some very accurate feedback from the forum. As for the whole going to MHR thing....I do agree that the bottom line is how good a doctor is; frankly, if Dr. Feller/Hasson/Shapiro/etc. worked at MHR, I would be going to *MHR to work with them. However, like you mentioned, you were not able to find any feedback -- positive or negative -- on your specific doctor. A bit of a gamble, imo, but you seem to be knowledgeable about what you went into this time so your chances of being satisfied are relatively good. Here is to hoping you can provide the first positive feedback on Dr. Scott Boden!
  21. Being on propecia for but 2 weeks, afaik, shouldn't have any appreciable effect on your rate of hair loss (it generally takes many a month, and, as an aside, is geared towards non-frontal hair); anything that did happen to occur during this time period I would chalk up to just "varience".
  22. Odd. I could completely understand why someone wouldn't want to get into revealing a horrific experience more than they have to (I can also understand why many people would take some comfort in exposing and revealing any malpracticing for their own releif and also for the benefit of others). However, I agree w/ what Bill said -- I don't think it's proper..and also think it's very "odd"...to spontaneously appear and make very serious, pointed allegations and then back peddle and go totally mum -- situation just seems "odd".... Especially after receiving various types of support to support the position that he was taking.
  23. The facts stem from the very vivid account of this doctor that Squirrel has detailed. I have but reason to beleive him. This is a hypothetical doctor, of course, since Squirrel has not disclosed his name; and, when I refer to "him" as a "butcher" (which may be an understatement or an overstatement, who knows) it is simply in line with what facts have been presented by Squirrel and are in relation to the experience that he has presented. Were Squirrel to actually out the name of a doctor, while refusing to provide credible proof of his accusations, I would, of course, reserve judgement on this very specific doctor; but, this doctor is in a theoretical state of being where all that exists is Squirrel's word and ______. And, as I stated, all I have said resides on the veracity of Squirrel's account and is for his reassurance and benefit *if* he is telling the truth; if he *isn't* then it doesn't actually matter one way or the other and it's moot since he would have none of the aforementioned "credible proof". Either way, it is really up to Squirrel at this point and we all wish him the best.
  24. I would think that this butcher is on a pure, albeit lame, bluff; and, any lawsuit he foolishly decided to pursue (which would shock me, assuming what Squirrel says is true), would be swiftly met with a counter-suit that could potentially destroy whatever rep or standing or power this butcher has. Of course, Squirrel can decide he doesn't want to take any chances -- however minute -- in fear of this butcher; though, if we took this course of action as a precedant, and it became a standard, it really just empowers butchers who already have too much power with even more while weakening patients' de facto/legal rights significantly.
  25. It seems to me that propecia is the most potent treatment, though it does nothing for the frontal region; rogaine, however, while generally weaker, seems to give a "lucky few" remarkable results in the frontal areas despite this not being conclusively proved or targeted during trials. I have a friend who also underwent a *remarkable* transformation in his front from starting rogaine.
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