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El Nino

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Posts posted by El Nino

  1. producing dense, natural looking hairlines that would be appropriate for a guy that is 28 years old.


    If this is what you want then the man for the job is Dr. Rahal. I have had two HTs with him and I would highly recommend.


    Dr. Rahal is a very ethical Surgeon and wouldn't transplant more grafts than what he thought was safe. He is known for being aggressive because he aims to create results which are more than an illusion of density and are less see through in harsh lighting. He aims for actual density. But he only does this with suitable candidates (age, above average donor supply) and not everyone.


    So you will see quite a few results from Dr. Rahal where he has given someone Rock Star hair. And this seems to wind a few of the cautious members up....

  2. MGZ,


    I am the guy who's HT "sold you" on Dr. Rahal AND the one who's looks "much, much worse" after....confused?....let me explain.


    Take a look at this pic of me aged 28 before any surgery.




    You will see I still had some NATIVE hair in my crown which was skilfully transplanted around by Dr. Rahal which meant I still had it when my HT grew in. But I knew getting a HT wouldn't stop the rest of my hair falling out naturally, this included the NATIVE hair still present in my crown.


    So I started taking a drug called Finasteride aka Propecia/Proscar. Then when my HT grew in and finally matured (this took about 15 months, crowns take longer) I was very happy.


    But then this last Christmas I had a brainwave that I would stop taking Finasteride. The reason for this was that I thought it was causing my weight to yo yo up and down all the time by messing with my hormones. But then a few months later.............I noticed that the hair in my crown was thinner! So I lost some hair in my crown, was it transplanted hair or native hair? I would say it was the native hair which you can see in the pic above. The reason for this was..........errrrrrrrm my brainwave.


    The reason my crown also looked a bit thin in my "good pics". Take a look at this pic of me aged 28 before any surgery.




    You will see that Dr. Rahal didn't attempt to try and fill in all of my crown. An area approx 15cm2 was left at the bottom. The reason for this was that I would have needed more than 2800 grafts to get a good result. And transplanting more than that AND going into my lower crown would have been too aggressive considering I was only aged 28.


    So I knew there was a good chance I would need another HT in the future. So I am now nearly aged 32 and I am three months out from my second HT of 2597 grafts. Which is just starting to grow in and I will update soon. Yes I have now had 5400 grafts into my crown, but I am fortunate to have above average donor supply.


    Anyway, that is enough about me. The title of this thread is "I'm down to Hasson or Rahal (looking for lots of advice)". I would be very surprised if either would touch your crown considering you are only aged 24 and not on Finasteride. I suspect your expectations of a HT would also be too high.


    So my advice is get on Finasteride and stay on it and don't have any brainwaves about stopping. And don't think about any sexual side effects at all........especially just before you are about to get on the job.


    Then when you are aged 28............

  3. I'm now 8 weeks post op and just had my first hair cut since my second procedure. I got it buzzed down to a number 3 all over which might be a little short for the scar at this point in time, but I don't care. It looks ok but I think there is a little shock loss around it.


    I can't wait for the regrowth on top cos it really sucks looking worse for 3 months after the op. I've had lots of ingrown hairs which are a good sign.













  4. :confused:Hi guys thanks for everybodys input. Just interested if anybody has had surgery at Ziering Medical uk (the hospital Group). I know they had a bad reputation on this forum but have they improved since Ziering has got involved. Are they worth looking at although they only do Fut. Are they now a more professional outfit.




    If I'm not mistaken Ziering performs the surgery in the US only and not in the UK. I wouldn't touch The Hospital Group with a bargepole.


    The only Surgeon worth considering in the UK is Dr. Farjo in Manchester who only does FUT.


    You say you are a NW5 which means you will need a lot of grafts for a good result in my opinion. Of course this depends on your expectations and you might be happy with a result with less grafts.


    I agree with spex that you would be better off with FUT and not FUE. Many people including myself can buzz their back and sides down to number 2 or 3 even with a strip scar. Yes, maybe you could go shorter after FUE but I would bet you wouldn't get the same density on top as with FUT.


    But everyone is different and thinks in different ways. Good luck.

  5. Dr. Rahal's post op instructions are considered conservative compared to others.


    They say no touching of the recipient area for the first two weeks. Then you can take a light shower (as opposed to washing with a mug) and start to gently scrub the recipient area to break down the grafts. You can start your normal shower routine one month post op.


    They also include the use of Vitamin E oil and Saline solution.


    But I don't think this has anything to do with his great results, my reasons are stated in my first post.

  6. I just had a consultation in london the other week with harley street hair clinic.


    i am 22 years old and have a high hairline now which is really bothering my day to day life and looking to get a solution.


    I met a consultant there who stated that they would not operate at my age, not at least until i was 25, however i had a consultation with Vinci hair clinic who stated that they would be able to carry out a procedure of 2000 grafts in hairline to re-establish with dr rogers in uk. I do favout the hs hair clinic as they carry out follicular transfer as opposed to strip.


    Just wandering what the general consensus on early transplants are for its all very well telling people to wait untill its gets worse however i really dont think i could cope with my hairline getting any worse. I understand the implications of having a transplant early.


    Any thoughts or experiences would be appreciated.


    I am quite impressed that the Harley Street clinic turned you down because of your age, maybe they are a reputable clinic unlike most in the UK. I can't wait to see Rooney's end result.


    You say you have a high hairline? Is is natural or are you suffering from MPB? Are you on any hairloss medication? What is your family history of hairloss? Do you have any pictures to post?


    In my opinion 22 yo is a bit young for a HT, especially one to lower your hairline. But you will get a more accurate answer if we have the information above.

  7. Dr. Rahal says to use Minoxidil starting two weeks post op, this I believe helps with the speed of the growth.


    I also believe he gets close to 100% yield with most patients via strip. Which I believe is mostly thanks to his fantastic team of technicians.


    Dr. Rahal is also a humble and modest man and a very talented Surgeon. I knew this when I first started researching HTs, but it is good to see that he is now getting the recognition he deserves.

  8. El Nino, with all due respect, you don't need to do much research to come across Dr. Walter Unger. He is pretty much every HT surgeons' mentor, he has written pretty much all the books on the subject and he helped developed many of the techniques used today! As far as results go, I too couldn't find many results on the internet. My advice to anyone on this site, is that the coalition list is not the be all and end all of good HT surgeons. There are some of the best in the world on that list, but not all of the worlds' best doctors are on the list. Dr. Walter Unger should absolutely be on that list but its his choice not to be. By the way I am in no way connected to him, nor have I have has a surgery done with him. I am going through the process right now of finding a surgeon...


    No worries LSorvats.


    I just googled him and looked at his website which seemed ok. Nothing else really, good or bad.


    Personally for me this wouldn't be good enough but everyone is different. And yes there are great Surgeons not recommended on this site like Dr. Bisanga in Belgium.


    Good luck with your search, and if you do go to Dr. Unger please share your photos on this site so people can get an idea of what he's like.

  9. Thanks a lot for your input !!


    Since I'v already made the booking in the end of July, what should I do. Last time I met the Dermatologist, he advised me to go on Finasta - Finasteride - One tablet a week. I beleive I can break it into 4 parts and have one everyday.


    Since I have under 2 months left for the transplant, should I go ahead with the transplant or set myself on medication ? I don't think there will be any results due to medication within these two months.


    I really don't mind loosing the booking amount (not sure if they refund), if the wait on medication will do good for me in the long term.


    Please give me some suggestions



    It's up to you whether you go ahead with the transplant but it would be risky to do it without using meds as well. Finasteride comes in two forms, Propecia which is a 1mg tab everday or Proscar which is a 5mg tab which you then can cut into quarters or fifths and take everyday. Or you could start off every other day first and see if you get any side effects. You can use Minoxidil as well but if you go ahead with the HT I would wait until after you have done it before you start.


    If you do go ahead with the transplant of 2500 grafts I would recommend concentrating them on the upper part of the crown and not to try and fill it all in one go. Then see how it looks when it grows out and see if you have lost anymore hair. I had a similar sized bald spot and this was my approach, take a look at my pics.


    Hope this helps.

  10. Thanks all for the reply. Its day 9 today and the scabs are starting to fall (very little have fallen but at last they started to fall). I can still see hairs in places where scabs have fallen out. One thing is sure I've not lost any hair as I was afraid they were going to come out - follicle and all and ruin everything!


    @RCWest : Thanks!! If the new hair never shed than that'd be great But after reading other posts I'd still wait and see if the growth continues after 4-5 weeks.




    Try not to panic visor, we have a long wait ahead of us. I am five days in front of you btw.

  11. Interesting case. I don't think it's too much considering that you have so much more donor available.


    I'd say stick with the Fin this time. I've seen so many posters lately bemoaning the fact that they stopped Fin only to lose a butt-load of hair immediately thereafter.


    Good luck with your results.





    Thanks mate, good luck to you too.


    Yeah I know stopping the Fin wasn't the wisest move. But in a perverse sort of way I do want my hair do it's worst and then I could hopefully get it sorted by Dr. Rahal and stop chasing it. But I'm not complaining, I know lots of people have it much worse than I do.


    I would also like to say while I was at Dr. Rahal's clinic waiting for Mike a few days post op there was a young guy (20s) waiting for a consultation. I talked to him briefly before he went in to see Dr. Rahal, his front looked good so he must have had crown loss.


    He came out five minutes later and said "No, maybe in a few years".


    So I think it's fair to say Dr. Rahal wouldn't operate on any young guy with crown loss.

  12. ElNino, Well, no part of the scalp is really flat. The hairline has just as much curve. I think it has more to do with the sheer size of the crown.


    Of course the hairline isn't completely flat but I think it would be fair to say the crown is more rounded.


    And yes the crown is a lot bigger too and can open up in four directions where as the hairline can only recede backwards.

  13. I hope this works out well for you, but I just do not think it was prudent to transplant the crown on a man who was only 28, and then to go back a few years later and add MORE grafts to that area, wow. You look like you are thinning in the front where no grafts were placed, and yet you already spent 5,400 grafts in a 75cm2 area?


    I realize I'm going to catch some flak for this post and I'll be accused of bashing Dr. Rahal, but I just don't think this was appropriate planning.


    No worries TC17, everyone has an opinion and are welcome to express it.


    But a simple bit of math will show that the average density on my strip was 123 fu per cm2 (2597/21.1). This is good donor density.


    Also I haven't had two ear to ear strips taken out, the first was three quarter length and starts from above my right ear. The second one was the same length and goes into the old scar a bit and above my left ear.


    I have very good scalp laxity which means I am confident I still have enough donor to do the front in the future. At least another 4000 grafts via strip alone.


    It seems I am one of the lucky ones with good donor densiy, hair characteristics and scalp laxity.

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