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lost my swagger

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Posts posted by lost my swagger



    dakota-- above is a video of Dr. jones getting the procedure done to himself, it seems NO shockloss takes place, its a clean and easy process... have a look...


    **side note** i dont need to hear the "ohh, dr jones is doing it? he sucks at HTs. hes a hack".. from any of you guys cause frankly it has NO BEARING on his ability to preform this procedure and since i dont ever plan to go to dr jones for a HT, GOOD LUCK AND GOD SPEED DR JONES.

  2. How Many Grafts ? Consultation result with different Doctors


    The above titled thread created by me has suddenly disappeared from the list ????


    It had pictures and a detailed review of what the popular doctors recommended in this forum has advised me. I am amazed how could such a thread just disappear without even having some people commented on it ?



    uh OHHHH!!... tuja, your is soooo much trouble!!! Bill doesnt like it when guys jump to conclusions and assume he deleted threads... he turns into the HULK, i hope he does not pop some of his newly placed grafts over this!!!!!................just kidding Bill icon_biggrin.gif

  3. The ultimate question is *how* good this can be for some of us, and how aggressive we can then be w/ HTs, or, more importantly, the lack of future HT(s). Either way, I'd like to know something about the following:


    -- $ it will be costing per treatment, and how many treatments are optimal per year


    -- effects on maintenance as opposed to actual regrowth, and how potent it can be for either


    -- efficacy in line w/ fin, or can it work well on the "hairline", too


    -- is there any reason to think a mechanism like this can't maintain efficacy indefinitely



    BAM!! thanks thana, was that so hard people?? lol... thana all very good questions. if DR feller does not provided the answers to these for us publicly would you mind sharing what you learn from your visit with me?? it can be in a PM...no need to go public these guys dont care about it anyway so screw em!!........................................just kidding guysicon_wink.gif

  4. and yes i'm optimistic about it just like you are, only because the treatment mimics/attracts stem cells and anything that is in any way, shape and form related to stem cells - i'm down with it


    haha. this made me laugh because i feel the same way... if i hear stem cells and hairloss in the same sentence i feel all funny, like when i used to climb the rope in gym class.. icon_smile.gif



    here is the thing GQ, NOTHING, and i mean NOTHING available today can stop me from heading to a future that will consist of a thin pluggy front third, a bald top and crown and a jagged scar running from ear to ear... ive given up on transplants.. when i look at my donor then i look at what im gonna eventually lose its just not possible to pull enough grafts to make my hair look decent...


    MY ONLY HOPE IS FUTURE TREATMENTS. peroid.. so forgive me for being excited that MULTIPLE HT drs believe in this stuff enough that they are not only offering this to their patients but they cant wait to try it themselves...


    thickening existing follicles, getting some regrowth from vellus hair, or simply keeping the hairs you have growing healthy and strong... this is what this stuff is believed to be able to potentially do. frankly if it does ANY of this then its a MAJOR advancement, and well worth it..


    so ill put all my eggs in the PRP basket, andif that basket gets stolen ill start lookin for new eggs.. forget being let down. i dont give a shit... up to this point my hts have been a let down so im used to it.. i need hope.. i need science becase HTs are JUNK IMO(for what i personally want to accomplish).


    SERIOUS--- what i mean is YOU PERSONALLY cannot test the follica process, or the ICX process because they have to pass trials and stages and blah blah that will keep them from the general public for YEARS even if they did work well... THIS STUFF YOU, SERIOUS, can try right now.. its here right now any while its in the early stages of testing is something ANY of us can put to the test if we choose.

  5. rather than reacting to the first steps of experimentation with this technique. In other words, we have seen other promising treatments fail.



    while i get what your saying, and agree... i see STRONG differences in the progress of things like ICX, follica, ect, ect and this.... PRP is NOT a cure. and nobody is saying it is... what they ARE saying is that its a form of treatment that will maintain hair and thicken miniturized hairs.. WITHOUT SIDES..


    bogus promises and timelines are not being thrown out here, ITS HERE.. we do no have to wait for it to go through 45 different phases. ITS READY TO TRY... thats all im sayin...


    how long have we just had fin and minox PERIOD??? now we got something drs are investing in, something that shows potential, and nobody is curious... why?? you dont want to get your hopes up and be sad???? WERE ALREADY SAD!! WERE LOOSING OUR HAIR.. and its gonna take advancments and new treatment to come along it thats EVER not gonna be the case for most of us.... so im excited.. im hoping this is effective, and with drs WHO KNOW ALOT MORE ABOUT IT THAN ME believeing in this treament i think it will help fight hairloss.... and thats why im here

  6. To be fair to Dr Feller his work looks fabulous in certain lights, its just in bright or daylight conditions the HT stands out like a snowball in a coal bunker.


    not an uncommon conplaint with HTs at all.... hair characteristics are HUGE with HTs..


    that said in 3 to 4 months time you should have a pretty good idea what its gonna look like in sunlight and bright lights... all the best man i truly hope it thickens up for you......

  7. its beyond me that none of you seem interested in this.. were talking about potentially a NEW form of treatment against hairloss without sides, big name docs are climbing aboard and you guys got nothin??... no questions??, no excitment?.. NO QUESTIONS!?!.... i know alot of you LOOOVE your transplants and all but on a truly bald man transplants just dont cut it by themselves and you all know it.... here is something with the potential to work WITH tranplsnts OR WITHOUT, to help keep native hair, its safe, seeminly cheep(we will see if Dr. feller takes a different approach then his over priced FUE)... this is something that COULD revolutionize hairloss treatments and spawn new possiblities in coverage.. AND ITS HERE.. its not 5 years away people... seriously! whats the matter with you people icon_confused.gif...


    im done venting thanks icon_rolleyes.gif

  8. below is a quote from Dr. Feller on another thread



    Yes, for me, I believe it's time to start discussing PRP and offering it on a limited basis. Hopefully it won't become over-hyped as tends to happen too much on the internet.


    PRP for hair is NEW and therefore EXPERIMENTAL. But unlike most experimental treatements, this one is completely safe because the "product" comes from your own body. The worst that I can see happening is that nothing will happen.


    When I told other doctors that I believed in this treatment for hairloss they rightfully asked me where the data was. They were prudent and right to ask that question as there is precious little of it; but I believe that is only because it's application to hairloss is brand new.


    PRP is not the first EFFECTIVE treatment to suffer from lack of initial data. Finasteride, Minoxidil, and even hair transplantation had no data when they first started to be used as hairloss remedies. It took about 40 years for hair transplantation to be taken seriously and about 5 or more years for Finasteride and Minoxidil to be examened and re-invented into Propecia and Rogaine- the first FDA approved hairloss treatments.


    The FACT is that PRP WORKS in REALITY to regenerate injured or aged tissue. It seems to have a positive effect on any tissue it comes into contact with, and when one examines the properties of blood platelelts it doesn't take long to see why it's use in treating hairloss is valid.


    I plan to offer this treatment to my pateints because I believe this will benefit them much in the same way that Finasteride benefits patients, but without the possible side-effects. This will also give me the opportunity to collect REAL world data on its effects as a treatment that provides COSMETICALLY SIGNIFICANT results.


    I am writing an informational booklet on PRP to help educate my patients and want to thank Joe Greco, PhD for bringing this concept to the hair world and for educating me on PRP basics, and to Dr. Jerry Cooley for being forward looking and industrious enough to include it in his own practice these past few years and sharing his success with us.


    I encourage all HT doctors to offer this treatment to their patients.


    Feller Medical, PC

    Great Neck, NY




    what i find exciting are the comments about half way down, when Dr. Feller discusses his believes that this treatment may stall or reverse(regenerate) the miniturazation process like what finasteride has been shown to do, except without side effects since its YOUR OWN plasma at work....


    Dr. Feller--- this is no doubt exciting news for me and others.. like you say "hopefully it won't become over-hyped".. i agree, to that i say that YOU can do your part to make sure this does not happen, simply by being as honest and upfront about this stuff as possible, just as you have always been with the limitations of FUE.


    ive got a little over 2,000 questions id like to ask you with regards to this new form of treatmenticon_wink.gif


    ill hold off with the hope that very soon you dive a little deeper into what can and cannot be done with this stuff...



    List of HT Drs using PRP(to my knowledge)


    Dr. Cooley

    Dr. Jones

    Dr. Feller


    ***Dr. lindsey seems to show SOME interest in PRP himself***


    if anyone knows more feel free to post.


    all i know is that an EFFECTIVE, SAFE, NEW form of treatment for helping fight hairloss is big news. and multiple Drs seem to think there is something to this....i hope they are right, becuause HTs blow icon_eek.gif

  9. Originally posted by spex:

    Great video LMS - Good find!


    As mentioned earlier on another forum Dr Feller intends to announce the incorporation of PRP within Feller Medical soon. I intend to start on it myself along with Dr Feller who is very keen himself to start it.


    More information will become available on it through Dr Feller soon. Watch this space. icon_cool.gif


    thats GREAT NEWS spex---- when do you hope to start your treatments??


    what kind of expectations do you have for this??


    any info at all would be a big help... thanks.

  10. typically wavy,or curly hair is able to create the illusion of density using fewer grafts... of course how thick or thin your hair shafts are will be key also.... as well as the contrast between your hair color and scalp...also as the length and style you wish to keep your hair.


    all of these things play a big role in deciding what kind of result you will be able to create

  11. http://www.aghaircomplex.com/ag-hair-complex-faq/



    what do you think???


    they say using lasers helped the treatment and that was a turn off as i think lasers are BS.. but at the end explain that they help only by opening up the pours which lasers may actually do. i dunno..... but they say WITHOUT LLLT it makes no difference....


    this is a pretty new treatment. and they are claiming some pretty big stuff.....


    BTW--- i dont believe this is A&Gs official website, but rather a user of the stuff so the website is not complete.....


    i dont know the cost...

  12. http://www.aghaircomplex.com/ag-hair-complex-faq/



    what do you think???


    they say using lasers helped the treatment and that was a turn off as i think lasers are BS.. but at the end explain that they help only by opening up the pours which lasers may actually do. i dunno..... but they say WITHOUT LLLT it makes no difference....


    this is a pretty new treatment. and they are claiming some pretty big stuff.....


    BTW--- i dont believe this is A&Gs official website, but rather a user of the stuff so the website is not complete.....


    i dont know the cost...

  13. glen something does not add up... if Dr. B really had a strong believe that cloning would be perfected in 5 short years why would he not suggest you get the ht, since your limited doner wouldnt matter???? atleast when ARMANI was spitting B.S. to all his young patients about how close we were to a cure he was using it as a sales pitch to make them feel more comfortable about loading 4000 grafts in their hairline.


    anyway i really want to HOPE Dr. B is right.. if not im screwed... HTs are junk

  14. Originally posted by shamil:

    hi there,


    i got 101% result go ahead without any hesitation he is ( Dr. Mahadevia) very good.



    best of luck





    how bout a pic?? you go from concern about density, show a pic that is of far apart placed grafts and a year later the doc is 100+ %??? something smells funny. how about some proof?



  15. yes. there are many risks with this procedure...the younger you are and the more native hair you have left to lose the risks climb.... there is not enough donor hair for you to get full coverage at a decent density should you turn NW6 or NW7....


    hair transplants are not perfect. and unless you likely overuse your donor you will not be able to create anything close to your natural(pre MPB) density.... as your hair loss progresses you WILL require more work...


    the sad FACT for someone like yourself is that, HT or not you will always be fighting your hairloss... im sorry if i sound negativ but what im saying is 100% true. HTs are a one way road and once you make the decision to have one your committed. good or bad result...... and as future hairloss sets in you will only be able to replace so much.....


    my advice is to research like crazy, dont be woooed by the glossy cherrypiced results you will find in the drs section... most the time meds have stabalized and native hair is HUGE in the success of those results....


    i had my 1st HT at 21. i did so very uninformed.... my future is compromised as a result... i have scarring that wont EVER go away(as of todays current options), and im relying on meds to hold the rest of my thinning top.. even after my HTs i still use concealer and creative styling just to make my hair look passable... this is my experience some have it the same or worse and some have it better.....




    stick around, ask questions, pist pics and LEARN what you are truly in for should you elect to have a HT at your age and your situation. be aware that you may come accross posters trying to sell you.... not everyone posts just to help... stick around long enough and your see the difference, hopefully..... this is just the tip of the iceburg, i promise. all the best......





    how long have you been on the meds?? they should be given ATLEAST 6 months.. and even if your not growing hair back the meds very well could be stalling or slowing your loss... you should not expect much more..


    have you tried to shave down?


    have you tried minox? i know it a lifetime thing but anyone who is really serious about holding on to their hair should look hard into it as its one of only a SMALL FEW things out that has been proven to work.

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