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lost my swagger

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Posts posted by lost my swagger

  1. my scar is without a doubt the WORST part of my procedure, its easily visible at a 5guard, and to cover it i use dermmatch and smash the hair above it down using spiking glue, that said my dr was a damn clown and i very much believe the better doctors doing this procedure give a far greater chance at a less visible scar, with THAT SAID, sprip scars are not an exact science and stretching is always possible, do NOT expect to be able to go ANY lower then a 3 guard, and even that might be pushing it in the sun IMO.

  2. hey mike, thank you for the reply, i hope my comments were not misunderstood... because i ALSO feel your hairline looks much improved, very solid work..you look great.. my comments were regarding the top and back as the dr covered a LARGE area with a small amount of grafts...


    i agree if you can keep what you have that will be great.... thank you for sharing with all of us..

  3. realistic documentation, your top looks to have not much improvement, but the hairline looks very good...


    you had ALOT of native hair the doc worked into. to me i dont see great omprovement outside your stronger hairline, do you feel you lost some native hair as a result of the surgery? or from what you can tell did it all return?

  4. look long enough you will find both good and bad about every single "top" doc out there... but the dr your asking about is highly rearded on here.



    people like to throw this line out alot when a top doc has a poor result..."nobody bats a thousand"... and just like that 'dr x' is off the hook and we all forgive and move on, and wait for more cherry picked results that we use to convince ourselves this procedure is a great idea for us. but only as long as he is a dr we all like.. its a cute process, really icon_rolleyes.gif

  5. why would Dr Umar answer questions if he knows you just plan to lock this thread? thats what he wants anyway... for this thread to fall out of the publics eye...


    locking this thread will do exactly that.. so any chance of Umar feeling pressure building until he all but HAS to address the questions YOU raised has now been lifted of his shoulders if he knows thic topic and taz's case will be locked....


    i dont feel locking THIS thread and this topic solves anything and i dont feel its best for the community..that said, your the boss Bill and i respect your position. that is all, ive spoke my mind

  6. Originally posted by wylie:

    Taz would be an excellent case study in his own right, as his initial posts had good photos and the timeline is over 24 months now. Has anyone sent him a private message, is his email still working? Posting pictures of his hair would be exactly what this thread is lacking.


    i very much agree with this post wylie, sadly i bet we have as much a chance of taz comming here and posting his end results and giving his opinion, as we do of Dr. Umar stepping up to the plate to address Bill's valid questions and the multiple cases umar did like taz's, and BIGGER... i highly doubt either will happen..


    instead what we DO GET is atticus travling out of his HLH bubble to step in and cheerlead and now "trans" who just HAPPEND TO STUMBLE IN and make his first post about sofarsogoods 1100 thin leg hair procedure and HOW AMAZING IT WAS... when its CLEAR taz's case is NOTING LIKE SOFARS... im sorry but sofar HAD A FULL HEAD OF HAIR GOING IN!!! open your eyes people....


    its clear to me where this thread is gonna end up... no update, no HONEST answers from UMAR, and perhaps a few more FIRST TIME POSTERS who just HAPPENED to stumble onto this thread in to slyly defend umar.....



    its always easy to tell when ive touched on somthing controvesial... these forums are to predicable... i know what i know... but you people are free to believe the hype..





    cut through all the extra activity some posters are trying to bring to this guys and just ask for HONEST ANSWERS FROM DR UMAR, for once.


    if not, atleast i know i tried to stand up for the test subjects like taz who IMO got the quallity of their lives GREATLY hindered by UMARS unproven claims


    some perspective--- cases like this were being preformed only about 700 days ago by UMAR.


    here is your dose of truth for the night guys. good night.

  7. 2 things...


    1. you look GREAT and the change is awesome congrats..


    2. i know you say you always wanted to TRY a mowhawk anyway. but do you really have many other options at this point?? it seems like the mowhawk look is being done because it gives your HT its best look, interms of fullness... if im wrong tell me, or perhaps an overhead view of the hair combed foward would prove otherwise. but i suspect your styling option is not only choice but also kinda forced by your limited options aswell... either way the improvement is great, and personally i like the style. im not questioning your HT because i believe this was a success, only why it truly is styled the way it is, and if you have any other options that look as good or APPEAR as thick


    BTW--- i style my hair quite similar but NOT be choice, more because i have to, i couldnot style it forard my grafts look terrible. my options are limited

  8. EDIT--- CUROIUS- i sent you a PM addressing your question... all i will say is that i believe that Bill and other 'valued members'(even if they dont always agree) of this forum know that i dont have any personal agenda against umar. rather my 'goal' if i have one, is to keep drs honest and keep a dirty industry accountable as best i can... my track record supports this statment. UMAR is what im addressing now but he is not the sole reason im here. far from it. my views and opinions are seldom held back. they are out in the oped for yourself and others to see.. believe me im quite open and quite honest. i dont hide.. my probably unhealthy obsession with THIS FORUM has allowed me to see alot, learn alot.. so i speak on that.

  9. im hoping that this does not become about atticus more than it becomes about the Dr. he takes bullets for on a daily basis.. just as NW4recession said MOST of the people who know about atticus and sofar feel that they do more harm then good for their dr... what bothers me so much is these two have an effect on new guys to the online forums, IMO, THIS GROUP is who they 'target' sadly their CONSTANT pushing probably has worked to steer newbies toward umar....


    what i DONT want here is for atticus to be successful in deflecting the attention off dr UMAR... Bill- has asked SIMPLE questions..


    ive seen Bill ask questions directly to drs on here and 99% are addressed by the dr... but NOT DR UMAR??? atticus however will have us believe its due to umars unrelenting, tireless, attempts to save the world.. for he is SUPERMAN!!!..... but lets face it....


    i will say out loud what everyone(except, dear atticus) knows... ONCE AGAIN, DR UMAR IS DUCKING AND DODGING THESE QUESTIONS, JUST AS HE DID WITH HIS OTHER UNSUCCESSFUL BHT THREADS, JUST PRAYING IT WILL GO AWAY...... well dr. sometimes when your past is bad enough you cant EVER fully hide from it, so how about be a man and OWN UP AND ADDRESS IT...bet you will feel better about yourself....


    hell you MIGHT even get that 50 pound clump of chest/leg/pubic hair 'off your back' .... (or wherever it is you unsuccessfully planted it)


    or you can keep hiding behind your EASILY noticed shills.... they do not work with our experienced posters tho... sorry.


    address Bills questions please... we all know your following this thread

  10. PGP and dakota--- come on guys dont you realize it would be FAR to helpful and appropriate of dr feller if he would weigh in on this subject?? apparently much to helpful... why would Dr. Feler want to do that guys?? its NOT LIKE HE IS JUST ABOUT TO START OFFERING THIS TREATMENT HIMSELF VERY VERY SOON OR ANYTHING......................wait a second?....................................hmmmmm..................

  11. atticus-- yes, i too will be QUITE suprised if Dr. Umar takes part in this discussion any further.. however, NOT for the reasons you seem to believe... i see dr. umars name frequently surfing this forum, in fact he was on for a good bit of time yesterday... and while i most certainly appreciate his taking a break from his "endless research" and his "one doc clinic" Dr. Umar failed to address ANY of the questions raised by Bill, Thana, and others... the "atmosphere is no longer a hostile one my friend... its NOW become one of simple questions being left un-addressed by your dr.


    atticus- you have 8 total posts on THIS forum... without looking i would bet every single one of them involves Dr. Umar..i would also bet that most, if not all are just as 'suppotive' as this one... and that is fine i have no problem with that... but i do think it needs to be pointed out that you seem to have ONE and only ONE common trend with your posts on this forum and others...just one..


    BTW--600 grafts is an VERY small number.. you must be VERY lucky have have VERY little hairloss.. im glad you had a wonderful experience tho... i would bet ABEDOGG, and HAIRJORDAN would greatly appreciate you posting some current pics as both of them are awaiting their own umar FUE result.


    you asked yourself "why didnt more bald guys HTs?" right?? then you go on to say that dr umar saved you yet i dont think there is ANYONE here who believes 600 grafts is anywhere near enough to make a cosmetic difference on a "bald guy"


    OBV you are not bald, so why compare your situation to that of a "bald guy"?...


    BTW-- dr. umar does not pay you, according to you.. i must say IMHO, i think he should.. youve more than earned it after all these years IMO.


    **EDIT*** HairDew-- sorry for throwing my post infront of yours we were both typing at the same time, however YOU managed to make the points i tried to make MUCH MORE CLEARLY with less words.. good post

  12. Bill, ill be more respectful... let me apologize first to Dr. umar for using profanity, but its important that he, and you know that if you cut through the profanity(which was never used as namecalling btw), i stand by everything i have said and am confident that i can support everything ive said.




    if Dr. umar is still preforming procedures of this magnitude lets hear it... if he is NOT lets hear why..



    Do you still perform BHT megasessions on virgin scalps? If so, what is the average hair growth yield in your experience? If not, what's changed? How many of these procedures would you say you've performed? How many would you consider successes? Do you have documentation and photos on all your success stories? If so, where are all the examples? What about the failures?


    all valid questions IMO raised here by Bill. infact his whole last post is a good one IMO. i think it would serve the community well if dr. Umar would take the time to address questions like these..

  13. The majority of the patients that get BHT at my office are hapless victims of various procedures that I don't see you complain about.


    yes Dr. and THESE repair cases should be the ONLY patients you even consider BHT of THIS magnitude on IMO... thats been my point the whole time.. the problem came when you started throwing thousands upon thousands of BHT grafts onto VIRGIN SCALPS, claiming it was a viable option for a NATURAL looking full head of hair... its not.. those virgin scalped NW 6-7 patients who believed your words got f**ked. period... i think you know better now, atleast i hope you do...


    about your faithful, overpowering follower, sofarsogood... thank you for correcting me.. it seems i was 500 thin leg hairs off. my bad...


    dr. i can assure you that my words and my remarks are NOT "fansasies". frankly, seeing you dodge the threads on HLH and now your attempts to lable my post as fantasy tells me all i need to know about how you run shop... personally not a big fan


    if your still testing 6,000 to 10,000+ BHT procedures on virgin scalps then god have mercy on you. this type of procedure is NOT THE SAME as a thousand beard hairs into a strip scar... or 1100 leg hairs into an ALREADY FULL HEAD OF HAIR.. while your 'repair' cases show improvements its still quite far from natural looking head of hair


    BTW, i have seen the same tired vids of the SAME 3 to 4 "feature patients for some time now... might wanna cosider an updated soon



    as for this video, http://www.youtube.com/user/DrSUmar .... i personally find it sickening, on many levels....reminds me of BOSLEY ads, or Alvi ARMANIs website... the sad thing is it actually works on many desprate guys. not on me. i know better


    hate to repeat myself but somebody has got to call out the BS. it IS that important... we dont need anymore guys getting their heads f**ked up with unnatural pubes/pithair/ chest and beard hair all over their heads... enough is enough..the BEST docs in the world have thier hands full just keeping close to a 90% FUE yield using HEAD hair.


    dr umar.. best of luck with your conventional FUE results.. here is to hoping those results speak much better for you than cases like this one

  14. plain and simple.. transplants on truly bald guys look their best when grown long and slicked back.. this style makes the hair appear to look most natural and creates the illusion of more coverage in their thin crown... if you have alot of native hair then you may have a couple other options but i would bet the vast majority of them will or do end up with the "comb back" look once they lose the rest of their native hair... and yes even after they get more procedures..they just cant replace ALL that was lost...dont believe me??? ask Bill.. hes come as close as anyodyicon_wink.gif

  15. loves-- this is ACELL. and believe it or not HT docs have been using this stuff already....through the efforts of a few guys , one poster in particular named 'KKwilliams' who used to post on HLH, ace has been introduced to the HT world... dr jones used and documented this for a scar repair case.. problem is he did NOT close the new wound but rather attempted to see if the acell would regenegate NEW scin, which it did i believe but while i def say improvments it did not heal perfectlyIMO... that said i more drs used and tested this stuff because i VERY MUCH believe in it.. i did ALOT of research on it and bspoke with bpeople behind the scense.. i believe that IF USED CORRECTLY to a well sutured fresh strip scar this will result in a NON scar.. at the very least it will result in skin tissue that is VERY FUE friendly, as opposed to the POOR yield we find when FUE is placed into scar tissue...


    id like an ACELL revival soon cause I KNOW the stuff is amazing ... ITS PROVEN.... now lest gut some guys who know how to use it correctly

  16. dr umar.. you want to help with this topic?? then provide your beliefs not only about THIS case but past cases like it. are you still doing procedures like this?? if not then why?.. u did the work didnt you??..... look this thread is about BHT DR... 2 years ago you were stretching the envelope and doing 10,000+ procedures claiming that BHT would allow for FULL RESTORATION on NW7s. i remember CLEAR..


    here is the BIG problem DR...your BHT claims got SERIOUS once you started acting on them and throwing chest/leg/beard/pubiic hair onto VIRGIN SCALPS!!! perhaps you really thought it was a viable option back then... regardless, of your intentions i feel for the guys who were your test subjects.. and there is NOTHING you can do that can correct the emotional trauma that these 'test subjects' have/are going through as a result of believeing what YOU told them about what BHT can do for them. i would bet you didnt tell them it had the potential to ruin their life tho....


    AND ANOTHER THING.. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE MANAGED TO ELIMINATE MOST OF THE DISASTER CASES FROM OUR VIEW, AND JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE LUXURY OF BEING ABLE TO HIDE BEHIND THE "THEY JUST STOPPED FOLLOWING UP WITH ME" EXCUSE DOES NOT CHANGE WHAT IS TRUE. i remebmer dr umar, when you were preforming BHT procedures on VIGIN SCALP guys that makes even this case look small. EVERY case i followed online blew up in your face and you fell under ALOT of criticizim and questions(questions you hide from until the thread eventually fell out of the public eye) all those cases ended the same way, and some of the threads were even removed at the PATIENTS request because of the intense emotional trauma he was under.. man ive been around and spoke with MORE THAN ENOUGH people behind the scenes to feel plenty confident in stating ALL of this...


    Dr. Umar im speaking DIRECTLY to you right now... you have done a nice job rebuilding your once shot reputation... i pray that you have become a better more effective DR through all of this. so atleast SOME good will have come, at the expense of the VIRGIN SCALPED guys who trusted your BHT on such a large scale...


    here is where you are 'in luck'... the VAST MAJORITY of this online community FORGETS, or they simply never see the whole story becuase forums are ongoing.... IMO this is your 'saving grace'.. almost as soon as i post this the thread will fall.. fall into the unseen and be forgotten eventually...


    but i can assure you that there are indeed guys like me who saw this whole story play out DR UMAR. and i can assure you the VIRGIN SCALPED guys u used to test your BHT beliefs on will NEVER FORGET THE WAY IT TURNED OUT. i wish you the best in your future MORE CONVENTIONAL FUE procedures.. your patients deserve great results.. same goes for ANY patient who chooses to have a HT....


    and one last thing while im on a role... the talk about SOFARSOGOOD's "successful" BHT, i find down right laughable.... sofar is a guy who has had 16 strip procedures(not an exaggearated number) in his past NONE OF WHICH CAME FROM DR UMAR... the guy had a FULL HEAD OF HAIR PRIOR TO HIS TINY BHT SESSION AND FRANKLY I QUESTION HIS NEED FOR ANY OF HIS PAST PROCEDURES IN THE FIRST PLACE. and so this sofar character who IMO is a PURE BREAD CHEERLEADER, gets like 600 thin ass leg hairs put into his hairline takes ONE snapshot of it im MORE THAN FAVORABLE conditions and lighting, and im supposed to believe that BHT IS A SUCCESS??? wow, some of you guys are just sooo damn easy to sell... do you people even realize how little can be done with 600 thick HEAD HAIRS??? let alone 600 thin ass legs hairs.. NOT GRAFTS PEOPLE.... HAIRS.... 600 leg hairs.........gimmie a break.

  17. hey B.. nice to see u and Bill worked some things out..... also very glad to see you and dr S took the time to Address a friend of mine 'john36' on the other forum...


    i really like john36, nice to see him poppin a little LIFE back into HLH.. wish he was allowed to do it here ....you BOTH should be allowed to post here IMO...


    but i just dont understand why john wants his story removed from this site... if anything thats counter- productive IMO...


    anyway... welcome back

  18. .... at the risk of touching more nerves and upsetting more people ill not post anymore on the subject after this...


    one last time id like to state i never brought into question dr umars REGULAR FUE results, or skill... only that me being a part of the online forums for a good while now ive seen PLENTY, ive read all the past threads, i followed BHT sessions like taz's for a good while..


    if the results werent terrible WAY more often then not(infact ive not seen one natural looking BHT result. not even the successful repairs) then we would all be seeing proof of it today




    severe repair cases or a patient dead set on surgury and will do ANYTHING to have hair even if its unnatural looking, AND hes out of head donor.. should MAYBE consider BHT like this....


    on a regular virgin scalp trying a procedure like this just doesnt work. it does not look good and id love to see accurate truthful pics of taz, so if you have seen them somewhere send me a link. or post here and we can ALL be the judge..


    i know umar is some of your guys DR. but you just cant defend THIS type of procedure,not now. not after how it turned out for the vast majority of them... ONE LAST TIME... this is not the procedure abe and hairJ had. AND IM NOT ATTEMPTING TO DRAW ANY COMPARISIONS BETWEEN THE TWO.


    one last thing before i part from this topic.. the whole "HE STOPPED POSTING BECAUSE HE IS SUPER DUPER HAPPY AND FORGOT ALL ABOUT US BECAUSE HES SO HAIRY NOW" excuse IS JUST DOWN RIGHT STUPID IN THIS CASE.. THE LAST TIME I SAW THAT CRAP WAS WHEN THE ARMANI CHEERLEADERS AND THEIR FAITHFUL LEADER PATS205 were using that garbage as an attempt to hide the FACTS. it was a cop out then and its a cop out in this case...


    can a happy patient leave the forums and stop posting?? yes they can, but its QUITE easy IMO to tell when thats the case and when it is CLEARLY NOT the case..... for instance when someone is undergoing a RISKY UNPROVEN PROCEDURE USING 5300 CHEST/LEG/head HAIRS IN AN ATTEMPT TO GAIN COVERAGE AND DENSITY ON TOP OF THEIR ENTIRE HEAD.. i remember reading a BHT thread of umars what was supposed to be 10,000 plus grafts from all over the body and head... gee guys, im sure hes probably super duper THRILLED too! and thats why we never saw his end result either...


    its awful difficult to argue against truth... thats why its so easy for me to write about this topic... im LOADED with it.icon_smile.gif


    we dont see NEW cases like this being posed anymore for OBV reasons people and it aint because those before them were super duper happy. you can bet the farm on that.

  19. abe-- no disrespect but i would bet the great BHT cases are all REPAIR cases... and i agree there are a coulpe that can be considered big successes but only given how bad off they were going in.... UMAR stretched the envelope on regular virgin scalp guys, just like taz, and you will be hard pressed to find ANY OF THEM... they are all in bad shape and more than likely seeking help... i know of one case that i learned about where the guy was so badly damaged he had to seek phycological help as well....


    please understand im not referring to YOUR case or regular FUE cases like yours, by dr. umar.. frankly i have not seen enough to judge one way or the other.. and believe me i do NOT think you will have the issues taz MORE THAN LIKELY has.... you recieved a different procedure all together.

  20. Originally posted by omar77:

    just wondering how it went?

    probably not good icon_rolleyes.gif



    probably right, considering taz was so helpfull early on. and then vanished..i remember this time period(mid '06) over on HLH, before i found this place... umars BHT threads were being deleted and his reputation was crap... then he hit the youtube vids HARD, backed away from the outlandish BHT claims and with some well placed, tho easy to spot 'cheerleaders' he was able to rebuilt his name and reputation..... he had to lay low for a good while tho. TRUST ME. and let people forget about the damage he caused to quite a few guys, while claiming a BHT/FUE combo would allow FULL RESORATION on any NW7.. i very much remember his old reputation, im getting old i guess. sadly guys like taz were test dummies MUCH LIKE THE GUYS ARMANI WAS SCREWIN BY CLAIMING FUE MEGASESSINS WERE A VIABLE OPTION.... both tried to stretch the envelope and both did more harm than good IMO


    this post is blunt, i know. but quite true.. icon_redface.gif

  21. Originally posted by hairthere:

    lms, my concern is that this procedure does not regrow hair, it thickens native hair. i am skeptical if that will give a significant cosmetic change. however, before jumping to any conclusions i am going to meet with dr. feller to discuss and will gladly share all.


    yeah, i hear ya hairthere, all the more reason we need alot more info on this stuff... from all that ive read this stuff wont do much, if anything for somone who is slick bald.... from wat i understand diffuse thinners(which i am) stand to gain the most from this treatment.. IF is thicken the hairs i do have have in my balding areas and makes them more healthy that is HUGE STILL..obv this is not a miracle cure or anything but could be a big help for guys like myself none the less.. for some reason i feel like this stuff MIGHT improve the quallity of some of my hairs(mainly in my crown) that are like 2 steps from being non-existant.. that in and of it self is as good as regroth to me if it can thicken those guys up and maybe keep them around for a while longer.....


    we just need to get some answers soon IMO...


    dakota---its a valid question your asking.. i have many myself.... something tells me tho, that shockloss might not be a problem much, if at all. but im def not the one to answer...I DO KNOW A FEW PEOPLE WHO COULD THO!!!!!!!!!!!icon_wink.gif

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