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Posts posted by NW

  1. Arfy,


    Nice post, truley helpful, I have a question? From what I gather Propecia has helped you quite a bit (me too!), and I am aware you have hired Dr Bernstien to help correct the past work. Do you think in the future you may have additional harvetstable areas Via FUE ?, or are you just going to do the best with Dr. Bernstien and leave things alone ?


    I am curious if you or Dr. Bernstien may have an opinion on FUE for guys that have had a few surgeries?


    Thanks !


  2. I will comment only on Burt Reynolds because I did see him on T.V. and he mentioned it was all his "own" hair, and he may have been joking but he added "for $3,000 dollars it better be good".


    This honestly was the very 1st HT that showed me the potential of a skilled surgeon, I have no pics but have seen him since and yes he does not wear a hairpeice to this day. I actually am not really much of a fan of him, moreso the job Dr. Stough did. If you see a current show or pic, there is no doubt to the improvement, his younger days and the hairpieces did not really look too good.



  3. SouthCarolina,


    Dont be shy, everyone is more than welcome to post on this site, If Pat Boone had a good result I agree share the Dr's name, especially if indeed it is a compliment, I have mentioned Burt Reynolds had nice work from Dr B.Stough, check out his hair, its naturally grey and looks like a nice FU procedure.



  4. Hi Webster,


    I did both a small Vertex area and frontal fill all in one session of 2400 FU's, although I only considered the Vertex due to my advancing age icon_smile.gif 41 and was a nw3 with very slight thinning in vertex..& with a good top crown, I had quite a bit more hair than the example you posted.


    If you are a good candidate, the goal like the man pictured is very do-able. I feel anyone with crown thinning should consider Propecia, but you know all about that.


    I would not personally do a HT if a I were nw5 or worse and under 40, or even over 40 if I did not have excellent donor.


    Good luck


  5. Dr Feller,


    I have to admit this phase 1 of 3 really looks goofy (temporarily speaking), But I imagine you prefer the bare scalp in the follow-up procedures. The work itself looks very nice.


    I would agree with the previous post that "if" I could, I would go 1/2 and 1/2 too.


    But again very nice work in terms of phase 1.



  6. Great point.

    Dense packing is definately not for everyone -


    The evaluation of the patients balding future is so critical and often underevaluated, sometimes I feel really young guys are playing roulette by demanding and searching out agressive HT's.


    Example #1

    A 45 year male nwa3-nw4a large donor area good crown and med to dense donor.




    Example #2

    27 year old nw5, rapidly shrinking donor area.




    Example #1

    The older guy has a much more certain future and therefore may get away with a bit denser packing.


    Example #2

    Go very consevative on the hairline and coverage grafting only - or dont get a HT at all.




    This above simple basis alone may be paramount to avoiding a failure.


    The "ethical" docs will not cave in and operate in any agressive manner to the likes of Example #2, and keep expectations in line with reality.


    Dr. Bernstien has some valid reasoning on his consevative approach, often he does young men a favor, I have heard several under 30 yr olds say Propecia only was his recommendation (cant blame him).



  7. Totally funny,


    Outside of the post-op hair issue talked about here.


    Re: Golf


    Golfers feels golf is a vigorous active sport


    Non-golfers, consider it a hobby not worthy of TV coverage.


    Sorry to take up value space, but the Golf issue rages on !!.


    I will re-quote Arfy here


    God help us !!!



  8. MK


    A 1 hair micrograft is:


    A single hair micro-graft is cut away from its growing brothers of say a 2 or 3 hair cluster, when you dont use a microscope you must leave excess tissue around the base of this hair. So..you have to use a bigger incisions hole, which means less tight packing of hair.


    1 hair Folliculler unit is:


    A single hair that through looking under a higher power microscope..has always grown by itself...this guy never needs to be cut away from other hairs sharing the clump...or he has always exsisted as a "Loner" a "healthy & studly loner". Because of the use of high power microscpoes..Dr.s can see so well that they can trim the base more precisely and smaller, hence smaller incisions = tighter packing of hair...like mother nature did so well.


    Some sub-par Dr's will try in vain to convince you..a 1 hair micro is the same as a 1 hair naturally growing folliculer unit.


    Dont Buy the cheap talk



  9. Heya wizard,


    Excellent questions!, Some prominent FU physicians do at times put 2 fu's in line with one another in the crown area including Dr Shapiro. I personally had some put way back on my "top-scalp" area during my 1st procedure....and admitadley I am happy with the placement and results.


    But looking back, I feel I still would have chosen 2 all FU procedures. My 2nd procedure was all FU's only.


    Do not let any Dr. do mini-grafting or double FU's anywhere near the front 1/3 of your scalp, the Dr's on this site would not do that anyway, but again I would still pick 2 all FU procedures if given the choice, you will get nice density if they place them tight and you are open to a 2nd follow-up HT ( assuming you are a good canidate). See "Wassup" and "Futzyhead" photo's both top quality work. If the office is lacking microscopes---pass em up.


    Good Luck !!


  10. Walter Unger ??




    Please this is not personal...K..?




    Would you pay $80,000 for a used VW Bug, when you know it buys a new Porsche ??


    I do wish you luck my friend, cause I am sure you are truley nice guy.



  11. OK,


    So, if you get 17% better yield with FU's, why chose a loupe cutting method ?? FU's allow for tighter packing as well.BUT.. Every guy makes his own choice..I would not select micros, minis, or varigrafts...but whatever you feel you are wanting..Good Luck !!

  12. ww,


    Are you sure you understand






    micro/minis ????


    all 1-4 hair grafts are not created equal, Microscopic FU's are cut in "natural" hair groupings..as God made them. Micro or Mini grafting may be 1-4 hair groupings but they are sliced with no regard to how they actually grow on your scalp. The slicing technique for the mini/micro method is possible for any 10 year

    old to achieve....dont be fooled by Bosley or MHR.


    Maybe this message is unnecessary ?, but I am not certain based on your post's. Jototronic had some previously performed Mini/micro's..hence that is why he is excited about FU's instead of his older style work, in the old days that was about all they had (micro's and mini's). BTW "Varigrafting" is the Old way of cutting grafts...or..the Micro/mini technology of the 80's and 90's....trust me, I have had both.



    If You dont see the microscope..you are getting the old style transplants


    Tryin to help...



    [This message was edited by NW on November 17, 2002 at 06:55 PM.]

  13. WW,


    I am not surprised that people are confused, because I agree. I saw a


    "MHR INFOMMERCIAL" - Specifically stating - "We use all follicular units"


    I think anyone should beware of this confussion and ask to see the microscopes they will be using...either these large mega-marketing companies are finally updating...or they are using old deceptive style tricks for confusing people.


    The infommercial confused me, and I know every

    aspect of a HT...Is there new marketing trickery or has MHR really updated ?


    Any MHR people care to comment ???



  14. Heya beat goes on,


    Recipient area numbness is normal, the more trauma from the HT the longer the numbness will last, dont worry it will pass (providing this is not your 10th transplant).


    I had reciepient area numbness from my 1st HT for 2 1/2 months, I had larger grafts on top/scalp and it was the last area to "un-thaw".


    My last HT (2nd) was all very very small incisions and the recipient area never really even felt numb after surgery day, the donor scar is still a bit numb at 2 months.


    Relax !!

    Good Luck



  15. rna,


    Having had 2 HT's myself, plan on some shock loss "if" you graft in areas of exsisting natural hair. Minigrafting causes more shock than FU's, due to the larger incisions you transect more native hair. Most will suggest FU's and a careful/experienced Physician to avoid native hair while grafting. BTW my shock loss, did grow back with the new grafts.


    Call Dr Woods (like Arfy said), you are one of the few that are close to him, he claims no shock loss at all !!


    Report back, and Good Luck !!



    Dont go to a unknown Dr, or plastic surgeon who does hair on the side !! icon_rolleyes.gif

  16. Hi Tom,


    In addition to the info you asked about re: scar stretch, if this is your 1st HT, you will most likely notice a very big difference in how the scar actually "feels" soon, at about 6-7 weeks any "tightness" I had experienced after my HT, went away, at 2 months there is just a bit of numbness still, but feeling very much back to normal. Just thought you may be curious on this.



  17. Tricomin,


    I use Tricomin off & on, it acts a little like a thickening shampoo, but after awhile (for me) it drys out my hair so I rotate shampoo's.


    I do NOT think it really does anything for hair growth/regrowth, but I feel no shampoo does. For insurance though, I have heard copper peptide does promote a hair friendly environment...just dont set your hopes very high on "new hair" etc..


    I have never been a fan of topical solutions or special shampoo's, they are not much other than marketing hype. (my own opinion)


    If shampoo could solve MPB or any hair loss, I imagine it would be a best seller.



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