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Posts posted by NW

  1. PDM,


    I use 1/2 mg of Propecia daily, for me it has been as effective as 1mg daily. I am 42 and feel my "advanced" age..lol, only warrants a smaller dose.


    This is only regarding myself, for younger guys I say go 1 mg daily and check with your Doc.



  2. Spencer


    Talks about the twins in his book, the castrated twin had no hairloss while his uncastrated twin was bald.


    Once testosterone was injected into the castrated twin he too started to bald like his brother.


    The uncastrated twin chose sex over hair..(just kidding !! )


    The article is discussed in "The bald truth" and BTW a new version is due out this spring.



  3. Hey you have great scalp/skin color..you are not light skin tone like myself or several others, actually you look pretty cool as is. Do the Bruce Willis goatie or play around a bit...and be lucky you have decent skin tone and head shape.


    Life definately goes beyond hair, but do try propecia/mixox combo, it has helped alot of young guys out.


    Cheers !


  4. This guy you quote had a bad experience, I have talked with him via-email and it is "his" opinion that it is impossible to get a nice HT...in fact he is so anti-HT that he does not believe I am happy with my results.


    I do believe he was ruined and can see why his view is so bad, however I have witnessed very nice HT work and disagree with all of his perspective's...a girl getting implants can look great or poor, depending on the Docs ability to achieve a natural look, I think there are a few parallels to HT....can go both ways.



  5. East Coast,


    I would not go lower by very much if any, but will add..if you were to have a hairline follow-up HT of say 1500 grafts, you may have a bit more frontal hair to grow over the forehead area. This would look as though you had more hair in the front without sacrificing too much donor and keeping a somewhat conservative frontal hairline for later in life.


    Your issue is far less severe than a hairline that is improperly grafted too low.



  6. Bverotti


    You have a nicely placed HT and the Fu's look pretty natural, it must feel good to get a front hairline back again. Are you going to do a follow-up for added density, or just leave things as they are ?


    Either way very nice improvement !, especially considering you have dark hair.


    All the best



  7. Arfy,


    I fully agree w/you on this issue, I feel BDD is not an excuse that any sub-par Physician should be utilizing as a ploy for shoddy work.


    We should expect and receive the highest standard of care in ALL situations, sure some patients are a bit more picky than others, but no Dr without the advice from a professional Phyciatric Physician should EVEN consider this a scapegoat clause for less than acceptable results. For this variety of doctor, perhaps becoming a lawyer is a better idea than continuing in the medical field.


    I feel we have come to a very acceptable level of hair transplant results, lets just say no to the shoddy practices....and hey ! maybe we can help the airline industry recover, by traveling to the Docs that produce quality.


    Grrrrrrr !!!


  8. ts808,


    Thanks for sharing, definately a conservative hairline that has nice new healthy grafts can be grown out and will offer very nice forehead and temple coverage anyways. I am so glad I went conservative, I owe that to Arfy's advice and a few others..after 2 ht's I now really believe him, hell just having decent hair at 41 is pretty nice...no need to have a boys hairline.


    ts808 hopefully you have real strong donor to keep things in place.


    Merry Xmas to all !!!!!!


  9. Male model,


    I too, have had hair transplants am 41 yrs old, and I am very happy with the results. Arfy makes great points, most of what I would agree with is


    Go Conservative, and all FU.....2 keys to longer term happiness..


    Niether of my 2 HT's were planted low or abnormally forward, thanks to the advice I rec'd on this site,


    A healthy HT that results in a NW 3 is very nice hair and grows out real well, I am appx a NW2+ to NW3 "after" the HT's...and the frontal hair is all single FU's lightly feathered naturally backwards. A healthy all FU nw3 that grows well will look outstanding through later years.


    Had I went to a teenage hairline I would feel like an actor out of "Planet of the Apes", I am a proponant of a nice conservatively placed HT if done right. I am anti HT if too agressive or pluggy. Pat the site host is a great example of a nicely placed hairline, looks great now and will look great for years to come, Dr Shapiro nailed his hairline design rather perfectly !!


    Be careful guys, good choices = good results. Poor choices = a life of hell.

  10. Male Model NW2,


    Do you use steroids to make up for a slight build, or were you diagnosed with an abnormaly low T-level ?? You sound young for a low t-level.


    Every Dr I have heard speak of MPB has said steroids accelerate the MPB process ? #1 enemy.


    Are you succefully able to take finastiride and steroids without hairloss ??


    A guy on Spences website had the same question.


    Thanks !


  11. Hairseeker,


    Yes, shock can happen in areas not planted, WWH is correct in saying they cant predict exactly where or how much may occur.


    I had HT in the front 1/3 on my 1st procedure, however my vertex thinned out, and I did not get any vertex grafts in my 1st procedure??, the hair grew back and everything was fine later, but I did freak !


    My 2nd HT no shock loss at all, no wearing baseball caps etc..this last time around.


    Happy growin'


  12. Arpma,


    I saw your earlier photo and responded via this posting site, briefly w/you. I would get a 2nd Dr's opinion on your previous HT work. Respectfully speaking, you probably rec'd a small amount of mini-grafts and did not get the reults you wanted. 400-600 mini-grafts just does not have the effects of say 1,500-2,000 Fu's.


    I know money can be an issue, but if you can, I would see someone like a Dr. Bernstien who has a very high percentage of HT correction patients, Your hair looks very easily fixable by a quality HT Doc.


    Good Luck


  13. Hair system issues,


    You have the swimming, the wind, wearing a motorcycle helmet..aggresive sports such as basketball...and yes, then there is the screaming wild women clawing at your hair...(O.K. part wishful thinking !!).


    At the point of considering wearing a system, I say no thanks and go natural. Respectfully this is only my personal opinion.


    NW icon_biggrin.gif

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